古斯塔夫·安布羅西尼/Gustavo Ambrosini
黃華青 譯/Translated by HUANG Huaqing
1 平滑的扶手/Smooth
2 扶手與風景/Landscape
There are multiple meanings we can give to a railing or a balustrade. It is, for instance, perceivable as a smooth edge dividing what we feel inside from the exterior; it is a powerful observation tool for people leaning toward landscape's sceneries; it marks the direct contact with the ground or level we stand on; it is an emotional threshold between people's bodies and public domain (sometimes bearing mass mediatised communication stereotypes). These are just few examples, as the list should of course be much longer. But they conveniently show how it is a matter of view and at the same time of sense of body.
With regard to the view, it is helpful to recall the analysis of Giovanni Bellini's painting Holy Allegory made by the famous landscape architect and academic Geoffrey Jellicoe. In his book Studies in Landscape Design, Jellicoe quotes it as one of the most remarkable examples in which the four essential elements of Renaissance painting are combined: geometry, human figure,movement, and environment[1]. He points out the crucial role assumed by the railing in drawing a strong relationship between foreground and middle distance, interlocking "the sublime world of order (the foreground) with that of disorder (the background)". The dialectics on foreground/background relations is a common trait of Renaissance art, able to give order to the inner meaning of the experience by setting up a connection with external appearances: the contrast between figure and campo acts as a medium to underline the aesthetic values of the picturesque[2].
In relation to the sense of body, a powerful image should be provided by the water stairway in the Alhambra gardens of Granada. From the top of the hill, a long staircase sunken inside the mass of vegetation runs down to Generalife villa and water gardens, carrying flowing water inside the hollow handrail. The landscape historian John Dixon Hunt reports how "its delicate paving, the handrails on either sides, scalloped for the running water and the intimacy of the pathway" provide a unique place of closeness and quietness, quite distant from monumental running water "chains" of Italian Renaissance villas[3]. The experience of ascending the stair is purely sensational: in the usually torrid climate, the hand finds a surprising refreshment,momentarily relieving from the heat; in the meantime, this experience sharpens the perception of Alhambra builders' mastery in the manipulation of water resources.
But is it possible to catch a single architectural element and discuss about it separately? On one side, we should avoid to fall into the trap of the infinite search for a thorough and complete taxonomy and historic representation; On the other side, the risk would be to transmit a distort shortcut of architecture as simple aggregation process, sort of paste and copy collage.
In this sense, a wide tableau has been drawn by the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale directed by Rem Koolhaas named Elements of Architecture.The intention to focus on the scale of detail and fragmentation is let to point out "anywhere,anytime" elements such as the floor, the wall, the ceiling, the roof, the door, the window, the fa?ade,the balcony, the corridor, the fireplace, the toilet,the stair, the escalator, the elevator, the ramp."Only by looking at the elements of architecture under a microscope can we recognise the cultural preferences, forgotten symbolism, technological advances, mutations triggered by intensifying global exchange, climatic adaptations, political calculations, regulatory requirements, new digital regimes, and, somewhere in the mix, the ideas of the architect that constitute the practice of architecture today"[4]. Without attempting to reconcile"complexities and contradictions", the exhibition provided a tumultuous and non-linear corpus of knowledge, illustrating technical in-depth views as well as spatial suggestions. These elements appear as recurring spaces – not just technical elements but places.
3 融入地面/Ground
4 諸多扶手/Mass media action (1-4攝影/Photos: G. Ambrosini)
5 喬凡尼·貝里尼的繪畫《圣喻》/Giovanni Bellini,Holy Allegory (圖片來源/Source: 維基共享/Wikimedia Commons)
6 格拉納達阿爾罕布拉宮庭院的水臺階/Alhambra, water stairway (圖片來源/Source: Superchilum - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
The overall biennale exhibition in Venice offers a lot of references to body engagement with architectural elements. The sections mostly involved with the topic of railing are "Balcony" – "laboratory where sometimes explosive mixtures of public and private, inside and outside, are tested"[5]– and"Stair". In the latter, a wide reference is paid to the work of Friedrich Mielke, a German researcher who developed a staircase science, called "scalalogie".Technical and perceptive items are strictly interrelated: "With profiles, the grasping is meant literally. If a person is not a producer of profiles,such as a plasterer, a stonemason or a wood turner,he can cultivate his grasping abilities by following contours with his fingers. As he fells the forms, his understanding for curves and edges, for exact and stilted semicircles, for ellipses and ovals, for shallow and steep rails and for all other details, will grow"[6].
Therefore, a deep view on the topic of railing in architecture should be a stimulating experiment,helpful for pointing out specificities that can be usefully assumed, together with many others,to enrich the architect's toolkit. In particular, an overall look through realisations should offer a better understanding about the way that functional element, created to protect people from the void,provide a threshold among architecture and our body. It's a topic dealing with an idea of aesthetic engaged with view, of course, but also with body matters. Moreover, the relationship among such a detail and the overall architectural concept offers some keys to discuss about the relationship fragment/unity in architecture.
7 第14屆威尼斯建筑國際雙年展展出的《建筑元素》/Elements of Architecture - 14th International Architecture Exhibition, la Biennale di Venezia, Marsilio(攝影/Photo: G.Ambrosini)
8 巴塞羅那古埃爾公園/Parque Güell, Barcelona(攝影/Photo: G.Ambrosini)
9 維堡圖書館/Vyborg, Library (圖片來源/Source: Ninara CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)
10 包豪斯普雷勒公寓/Bauhaus Prellerhaus, Dessau(圖片來源/Source: Spyrosdrakopoulos CC BY-SA 4.0 Wikimedia Commons)
11 扶手的體驗、類型、物理特征分析示意圖/Railing experience, typology,physical features analysis representation(繪圖/Drawing: G. Ambrosini)
It is fruitful to refer to narratives overcoming the predominance of the visual realm in architectural culture. Many studies by architect and critic Juhani Pallasmaa, for instance, deal with the importance of taking into account the sensory and sensual qualities of architecture, against a reductive hegemony of vision. The possibility to develop a broader attitude roots on the idea of interaction of the senses as a simultaneous process, according to the definition of the phenomenological dimension in human experience of architecture in Merleau-Ponty's theories. Pallasmaa points out how the focus on the visual paradigm as prevailing condition was a recurrent trait in modernist narrative: the power of the "eye" frequently appeared in the writings of Le Corbusier, Gropius, Lazlo Moholy-Nagy and others. However, he refers to Le Corbusier as "a great artistic talent with a moulding hand, and a tremendous sense of materiality, plasticity and gravity, all of which prevented his architecture from turning into sensory reductivism"[7].
Many works of some Masters of 20 century still offer powerful images to the comprehension of body engagement in architecture (trough railings).
An undulating ceramic balustrade defines the edge of the main terrace of Parque Güell in Barcelona. Realised in 1914, it is considered one of the masterworks by Antoni Gaudí. The long sinuous sign is a barrier against the void as well as a continuous bench bringing life to the focal point of the park: the curves of the bench mould a series of enclaves, alternatively creating more intimate spaces and open ones, giving form to multiple reciprocal positions of people and multiple views towards the town and the park[8]. The ceramic surface, made by tile fragments set in colourful patterns or free arrangements, is a smooth and inviting skin to seat on. Here the railing is a carved and accommodating mass: it becomes pure body experience.
As a contrast, it is possible to cite the hanging balconies designed by Walter Gropius for the Prellerhaus in 1926, the atelier and dormitory wing of the Bauhaus building in Dessau. Seen from the exterior, each room is marked by a little jutting balcony, whose width is only one third of the large window. Just three thin metallic tubular elements provide a barrier against the void (nowadays insufficient according to safety rules). Net angles are avoided: the pipes form curved corners, the edge of the slab has a rounded profile. Everything converges in the attempt to dematerialise the barrier,searching for weightless sensation, as if to stick out the person to the exterior, almost suspended in the air. An icon of Modern balcony as limitless space.
Handrails and railings play a central role in defining the use of space in the library realised by Alvar Aalto in Viipuri (now Vyborg) in 1935. The building orthogonal system is distributed by a central core formed by stairs and administrative desk: this space acts as a joint generating a radial flow of movement. Visitors ascend to the entrance following a moulded large wood handrail, supported by slim metallic struts; which is shaped for an ergonomic hand grip and formed of a material warm to the touch, in some way inviting to lean towards the books as well. At the end the handrail draws a curve to highlight the point of entrance. The upper railing is conceived not as a simple balustrade but as a series of flat surfaces supporting books and providing a place to read in.
The exquisite design appears as the materialisation of the intent of "humanising architecture"[9], through a process including instinct and intuition: a "sensory realism", as defined by Pallasmaa, that "incorporates dislocations, skew confrontations, irregularities and poly-rhythms in order to arouse bodily, muscular and haptic experiences"[10].
The almost infinite shapes assumed by railing in architecture dissuades from trying to establish improbable taxonomies. Here another approach is suggested: to sketch an open methodology capable to support an interpretative frame dealing with the intrinsic features of railings, that's to say, a tool at the same time analytical and still modifiable according to design items.
The first step should be the identification of the different typologies of architectural elements needing a railing. It is proposed to order the different typologies according to the gradient of static/dynamic experience they provide to the users.In other words, from the more static experience(balcony) to major grades of dynamic experience:low (landscape viewpoint), moderate (footbridge),quick (stairs). The list is not an exhaustive one, more typologies can of course be identified.
The next step consists in defining a set of recurring physical features, based on the dialectic polarity between two extremes. For instance,transparent versus opaque; warm material versus cold material; unity railing/handrail versus difference railing/handrail; smooth edge versus sharp edge; organic pattern versus linear pattern.
If these elements are displayed in a grid like representation, it is possible to visualise and compare the forms of interrelation between the kind of experience that a single typology offers to the users, and the specific physical features.A caution must be used: such a grid is not to be considered as a rigid method, but as a tentative and partial tool, intended to stimulate a way of interpreting design approaches. A temporary tool helping to better focus on body items, in order to enrich the idea of architecture as a "physical and spatial encounter"[10].□