7月16日,一個(gè)集全國(guó)各地良渚玉器之大成的展覽在北京故宮博物院舉行, 將持續(xù)至10月20日。這個(gè)名為“良渚與古代中國(guó)——玉器顯示的五千年文明”的特展,是良渚文化展覽史上,以玉器為主的良渚文化的集大成展,也是目前良渚玉器規(guī)模最大的展覽。
Liangzhu Jade Exhibition at Palace Museum in Beijing
Liangzhu and Ancient China: 5,000-Year Civilization in Jade Artifacts , an exhibition, started on July 16 at the Palace Museum in Beijing and will last till October. It is the first time that so many Liangzhu jade artifacts on display at one place.
The 255 jade pieces on display, loaned from 15 museums in nine provinces and cities across the country, are all related to the Liangzhu Culture, some unearthed in ancient Liangzhu, some unearthed somewhere else in China.
The exhibition creates a comprehensive picture of Chinas earliest ritual society based on ritualized jade artifacts. It is the biggest exhibition of jade artifacts from Liangzhu in the history of China.
The 119 jade pieces from Liangzhu highlight the majesty and elegance of the king and the queen of Liangzhu, who were respectively buried in Tomb 12 at Fanshan Site and in Tomb 11 at Yaoshan Site. The 119 pieces were all unearthed from these two tombs. Never before were these particular jade pieces exhibited together at one exhibition.
The ancient Liangzhu City was a center of power and faith. Jade artifacts, vessels that carried the power and faith, played a central role in the state. The culture and spirit as reflected in these jade objects are very much alive today in China. The symbolism carried in these jade objects is injecting something new into cultural development of today.
The unearthed grave goods number more than 10,000 pieces. Over 7,000 of them are jade pieces unearthed from high-graded cemeteries. These jade objects can be classified into distinct categories such as Cong, Yue, Bi, Huang, three-pronged objects, cockscomb-shaped objects, awl-shaped objects, semi-circular pendants, cylindrical pieces, bracelets, textile tools, and small objects in the shape of birds, turtles, fish and cicadas.
King of Jade Cong
Cong originated in the Liangzhu Culture. The same Cong pieces were also made in subsequent Shang and Zhou dynasties. It was a ritual object owned and used by top-class nobles for communicating with deities and nature. The Cong has a square outer section and a circular hole in the center. The four corners are ornamented with a sacred human and animal face motif. This particular Cong represents the worldview and faith of the Liangzhu people in prehistoric times. The jade Cong on display at the exhibition, excavated from Tomb 12 at the Fanshan Site, is a piece owned and used by the supreme leader of Liangzhu. It is by far the biggest and heaviest and best decorated Cong, hence the King of Jade Cong.
King of Jade Yue
Yue is a ritual object that evolved from axe. Equipped with a handle, it becomes a scepter, a symbol of military power in the Liangzhu Civilization. The King of Jade Yue was excavated from Tomb 12 at the Fanshan Site. The Yue is the only one of its kind decorated with a sacred human and animal face motif and a bird motif.
Jade Bi with a Bird on Altar Motif
Bi is a flat circular disk with a circular hole in the center, underscoring wealth in the possession of nobles. Most Bi unearthed in Liangzhu are without any decorations. Only a very small number of them are adorned with a delicately carved bird on altar motif. This Bi is an extremely rare specimen of jade artifacts of the Liangzhu Culture.
Lacquer Kettle decorated with Inlaid Jade
Excavated from Tomb 12 at the Fanshan Site, the kettle is paneled with tiny jade grains all over. Around the middle of the kettle is decorated with over 140 jade grains. These grains are as tiny as one or two millimeters in size, showing how artisans knew to recycle jade leftovers and scraps and make the biggest use of precious jade material.
Three-Pronged Jade Object
Disinterred from Tomb 7 at the Yaoshan Site, this jade artifact was placed by the head of the dead buried there. A long jade tube was found on this three-pronged jade piece. It is conjectured that the jade tube was connected with the three-pronged piece to form a unified headgear and that the wearer personated a deity.
Jade Bird
The jade bird is an ornamental jewelry composed of jade pieces stringed-together through slender strings as tiny holes are found on the backside of the bird. Some jade birds are adorned with engraved eyes of deity. This jade bird was unearthed from the Fanshan Site. It goes with a jade tube and jade beads to form a piece of jewelry for the neck or the wrist.
Jade Culture
Artisans of the Liangzhu Culture undoubtedly possessed amazingly high techniques to process jade material and manufacture jade artifacts in different shapes and ornaments. They could five lines within a width of one millimeter and the five lines dont touch each other in such a narrow space.
The image of deity carved on jade objects represents a unified faith of the Liangzhu people. Some top-graded ritual jade objects are decorated with complete images of a sacred human and animal face motif. The motif was probably the insignia worshipped by the Liangzhu people. Jade objects identified who one was and what one was in the society. For example, jade Cong represents power of faith. Jade Yue axe symbolizes military power. Jade Bi stands for material wealth. Jade artifacts exhumed from tombs of nobles and tombs of commoners show a sharp difference in both quantity and quality.
The royal cemetery at the Fanshan Site is a perfect example of the ritualized jade system. Unearthed from Tomb 12 is a large quantity of jade objects. The glittering jades suggest that the person buried there could have been a supreme ruler of Liangzhu.
This strictly ritualized jade system suggests social differentiation and hierarchy. It is through this strictly ritualized jade system that the top class of Liangzhu ruled the state and enjoyed the absolute say on religion, state power, military power and finance.
The production and use and distribution of jade artifacts were in the direct control of the supreme ruler of Liangzhu. Regional leaders received jade objects from the supreme ruler and gained recognition and power. In exchange, they supported the state government situated in the city and accepted the administrative orders from the state ruler.
Moreover, the jade artifacts of Liangzhu were inherited by other regional cultures and subsequent dynasties through the whole ancient history of China. As Liangzhu Civilization declined and dissipated, people moved to other parts of China and jade artifacts spread. Jade artifacts are the most precious gift from Liangzhu to the whole country.