今天,我拉著行李箱,邁著輕快的腳步,奔向列車,開始北京之旅。My mother is taking photos of me. I am so happy that we can record this wonderful travel. We arrive at Beijing in time. I can’t wait to start the traveling.
這可不是一條普通的道路哦,它是北京城的“中軸線”。There are many attractions on this line, such as Tian’anmen Square, the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, the Bird’s Nest and so on. 這條“中軸線”,就像北京城的脊梁。
我和媽媽來(lái)到什剎海。湖邊風(fēng)景如畫,美不勝收。It’s cloudy today, but I still enjoy around the lake. My mother and I walk together. 風(fēng)吹湖面,碧波蕩漾;樹木茂密,掩映天空;荷花盛開,別樣紅艷。
去北京怎么能不去故宮呢?故宮就是古裝劇里的紫禁城。There are more than 70 palaces and 9,000 rooms in the Forbidden City. 故宮是中國(guó)古代宮廷建筑之精華,我站在巍峨的故宮腳下,感嘆它的宏偉壯麗。
This wall of Prince Kung’ s Mansion is hollow. He Shen hid all his money and treasures inside the wall. Surprisingly, different shapes of the windows suggest different treasures in it.
Next, we visit Temple of Heaven. 天壇公園是世界上現(xiàn)存最大,保存最完好的古代祭天建筑。明清兩代皇帝均在此祭天。即使皇帝不能親自祭拜,也要派遣大臣替他行禮。
The old trees in Temple of Heaven live for 200 to 300 years. 這棵古樹挺拔粗壯,形象奇特。我抱了抱這棵參天大樹,瞧,它有的地方都被摸得光禿禿了。
Then we are going to climb the Great Wall. In the bus, the guide tells us a lot of stories about the Great Wall.
長(zhǎng)城是中華民族的象征,在外太空都能看到長(zhǎng)城的輪廓。We can’ t see the end of the Great Wall. It is just like a long Chinese dragon lying in the mountains. 不到長(zhǎng)城非好漢,登上長(zhǎng)城,我心里樂開了花。
The shape of the Bird’s Nest looks like a cradle(搖籃). It symbolizes human hope for the future. The Water Cube is a rectangular building. It looks like a large piece of blue ice. 夜晚,燈光下的“鳥巢”和“水立方”美輪美奐,營(yíng)造出一個(gè)夢(mèng)幻般的美麗世界。