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SPOC Blended Teaching Mode Reform Based on Chaoxing Xuexitong Patlform

2019-12-25 01:50:08賴婧婷
課程教育研究 2019年48期

【Abstract】The mobile phones are adopted in the college classes in the era of mobile internet. In this paper, a small?鄄scale online teaching SPOC resource library was built based on app platform of Chaoxing Xuexitong, the reform of blended learning model for the course of Real Estate Property Management has been discussed from three perspectives, that is, pre?鄄class design, class design and after?鄄class design.

【Key words】Chaoxing Xuexitong; SPOC; blended Learning Model

【中圖分類號】G642 【文獻標識碼】A 【文章編號】2095-3089(2019)48-0042-02

In the era of mobile Internet, all kinds types of online classrooms and teaching Apps are threatening the traditional teaching. However, unlike MOOC, SPOC(Small Private Online Course) is a small?鄄scale online course specially designed for specific groups, and it is more suitable to online and offline blended learning. In this paper, with Chaoxing Xuexitong App as the technical carrier, and SPOC blended learning mode as concept, the teaching reformed is performed for the course of Real Estate Property Management.


Brief Information about Chaoxing Xuexitong App

Chaoxing Xuexitong is a professional online learning courses platform specially designed for mobile terminals, including smart phones and computers. Recently date has reviewed that more than 3 millions of e?鄄books, 1.8 millions of academic videos, 1.23 millions of PPT and 30 million teaching resources have been upload on chaoxing platform.

Basic functions: (1) student users can search and download of electronic resources, review of library information, taking college courses, group discussion, review the address book of the college; (2)Teacher users can create their own courses on Chaoxing Xuexitong. They can publish attendance book, assignment and tests online; upload course PPT, course materials and videos; perform multiple classroom interactions and other teaching activities.

Features of Chaoxing Xuexitong:(1)Friendly user interface and easy to grasp. Teachers and students can get familiar with it easily. (2) The app interconnects and interlinks the three terminals, that is, the student mobile phones, the teacher computer and the classroom screen. (3)The large data of teaching process. Teachers can analyze the effectiveness of teaching based on the data.

Research Objects

1.From MOOC to SPOC

Professor Armando Fox pointed out that MOOC has limited influence on the actual teaching of colleges and universities; he proposed the SPOC(Small Private Online Course), which is a more refined online teaching mode with smaller scale. The number of students in class is generally limited to dozens of students or hundreds of students. Only students who meet certain conditions can be included in SPOC, so SPOC has certain privacy. It can give full play to the advantages of MOOC, and overcome the shortcomings of MOOC and disadvantages of traditional teaching. Therefore, Rolf Hoffman also believes that “SPOC = Classroom + MOOC”.

·Assignments and tests. Teachers can design assignments and tests on the Chaoxing platform based on the content of the course. For example, in the second chapter of “Property Right of Real Estate Property”, the teacher assigned a multiple?鄄choice question on the Chaoxing Xuexitong: “who is the property owner of the underground parking garage in the community?” 66.7% of students chose answer A “developer”; The statistics of all the results will be automatically generated after the last student answers the question, and the teacher will be able to check the statistics immediately.

·Design of practical training. The training content of the fourth chapter “Real Estate Property Surveying and Mapping” is:“measure the inside area of a commercial residential building located in? Nanning City and produce its floor plan with CAD software”. 89% of the students were able to specify the process and enumerate the knowledge points. The average score of the students was 82.2.

3.After?鄄class statistics

With the high out?鄄put data of Chaoxing Xuexitong, teachers will improve their educational pattern for students. Educators can promote the skills of their teaching, select the popular activists in classroom.

In our course Real Estate Property Management, 58.18% of students receive 60-80 degree in their overall results, which it is a overall and whole teaching process evaluation. According to the survey results, 89% of students like Chaoxing Xuexitong; 93.3% of students hope to continue to accept the online and offline blended learning; moreover, 86.7% of students believe that the content of online teaching helps them to learn more knowledge.


Although Chaoxing Xuexitong is a very easy and effective learning platform App, in practice, we found that teachers' acceptance of this software is not ideal, and some of them still adopt the traditional teaching mode.

Chaoxing Xuexitong App is highly accepted by both teachers and students, especially popular among students. Chaoxing Xuexitong is also very suitable as a network platform for building SPOC blended teaching Mode. Students?蒺 learning enthusiasm and concentration have been highly improved, and the effect of deep learning has been completed. It helps improved the boring Teaching mode in traditional classroom. Chaoxing Xuexitong should further perfect its function, make a more concise operation interface, and promote the platform among universities and colleges.


In the era of mobile Internet, we have made a teaching reform on the course of “Real Estate Property Management” by introducing the concept of SPOC blended learning.

Small?鄄scale SPOC online courses can be integrated with traditional college classes; the blended learning incorporates the openness and sharing characteristics of MOOC and also retains the teaching guidance and the interaction of students and groups in traditional teaching. Every operation that students make in Chaoxing Xuexitong will eventually become part of the big data of Chaoxing Xuexitong. Based on these data, teachers can better grasp the learning situation, thus improving the teaching mode and forming a benign closed loop. This loop can improve educators teaching skill, which lead to a higher student enthusiasm for courses and a deeper learning. We explore the teaching methods for the younger generation of students and we hope to improve the teaching quality and further promote students?蒺 enthusiasm and efficiency.


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