丁炳揚 金孝鋒
摘 要:菱科(Trapaceae)僅菱屬(Trapa L.)1屬,該屬是典型的水生多型植物,中國乃至全球以往的分類處理分歧很大?;谖墨I(xiàn)查閱、野外采集、標(biāo)本鑒定和栽培觀察,對菱屬植物分類的主要形態(tài)性狀作了系統(tǒng)評價。果體大小和果冠變異穩(wěn)定,可以用于屬內(nèi)種的劃分,果喙大小和角的數(shù)目則可以用于種下變種的劃分。在此基礎(chǔ)上,對中國菱屬作了分類處理,承認(rèn)了細(xì)果野菱(T. incisa)和歐菱(T. natans)2個種,并將歐菱劃分為6個變種,對其中4個變種作了新的組合。將10個種名和12個變種名處理為異名,并對5個名稱(Trapa amurensis,T. bispinosa,T. dimorphocarpa,T. japonica,T. manchurica)作了后選模式標(biāo)定。
Trapaceae,with a single genus Trapa L.,is morphologically sufficiently similar to Lythraceae and Onagraceae but is considered as a distinct family based on morpholo-gical,embryological anatomical and? palynological studies,as well as its numerical and cytological taxonomy (Manasl,1954; Ram,1956; Trela-Swicka,1965; Kadono & Schneider,1986; Kadono,1987; Oginuma et al.,1996). The molecular evidence and precise observations on ovary,fruit and seed suggested that Trapaceae was merged in Lythraceae with Punicaceae and Sonneratiaceae (APG III,2009; Graham & Graham,2014; APG IV,2016). Trapa,containing more than 150 scientific names belonging to approximately 30 species,is distributed in temperate to subtropical regions of Europe,Asia and Africa (Chen et al.,2007). East Asia is the diversity hotspot of Trapa,and 15 species and several intraspecific taxa were reported in China,especially in middle and lower catchment of Yangtzi River (Wan,2000). Many taxa of Trapa are widly cultivated for their fruits,which contain abundant starch,and this genus is one of the important,aquatic and economic plants.
Trapa was established in species Platarum,with only one species,Trapa natans L. (Linnaeus,1753). Later,some new species or varieties were described by Carl Linnaeus (1782),Loureiro (1790),F(xiàn)lerov (1925),Nakai (1942),Vassiljev (1947) and Nakano (1964),and some of these new species or varieties were also distributed in China.
In China,F(xiàn)orbes & Hemsley (1903) recognized only one species,Trapa natans,in the enumeration of the plants in China. In Symbolae Sinicae,Trapa maximowiczii Korsh. with two varieties were recorded (Handel-Mazzetti,1933). In Lineamenta Florae Manshuricae,three species of Trapa,T. bispinosa Roxb.,T. maximowiczii Korsh. and T. natans,were recorded. Li & Chang (1977) recognized seven species and a form in North-east China,including a new species Trapa arcuata S. H. Li & Y. L. Chang. Yan (1983) recognized eleven speices in China,while Diao (1990a) recognized thirteen species,three varieties and one form,including one new species. Diao (1990b) described another new species Trapa dimorphocarpa. Wan (1984) proposed a taxonomic revision on Chinese Trapa,and thirteen species,four varieties and one form were recognized. Later,Wan (1991,2000) described two new varieties and a combination:Trapa quadrispinosa Roxb. var. yongxiuensis W. H. Wan,T. pseudoincisa var. nanchangensis W.H. Wan and T. macropoda var. bispinosa (Roxb.) W.H. Wan. Xiong (1985) treated Trapa quadrispinosa,T. bispinosa,T. taiwanensis and T. acornis as the varieties of T. bicornis,and T. japonica var. magnicorona Z. T. Xiong,T. japonica var. longicollum Z. T. Xiong,T. pseudoincisa var. aspinfa Z. T. Xiong,T. pseudoincisa var. complana Z. T. Xiong were described as new varieties. Guan & Lang (1987) described a new variety,Trapa litwinowii var. chihuensis S. F. Guan & Q. Lang. In FRPS,Wan (2000) recognized fifteen species and eleven varieties of Trapa,while another treatment contained only two species in Flora of China (Chen et al.,2007).
Species delimitation of Trapa is debated till now. In Flora of Europe,Tutin & Heywood (1968) only considered one polymorphic species,Trapa natans,and merged thirteen species in it. Vassiljev (1949) recognized ca. 70 species worldwide,while ca. 30 species were recognized by some taxonomists (Li & Chang,1977; Yan,1983; Kak & Durani,1988; Wu,1991). Cook (1990) gave an uncertain viewpoint:the genus Trapa containing one single polymorphic species or ca. 20 species.
How many species are there in the genus Trapa? One or more? One of the authors (Ding) joined to edit the Trapaceae of Flora of China and accepted only two species:Trapa incisa Siebold & Zucc. and T. natans,in China,but six varieties of T. natans were herein recognized for reflection of the species differentiation as well as daily application for agricultural cultivation and usage,species protection,etc.
The current revision is based on our previous stu-dies: (1) The observation of the pollen micromorphology of nine Trapa species,with a preliminary study on the pollination biology (Ding et al.,1991,1996); (2) Taxonomy of Trapa in Flora of Zhejiang (Fang & Ding,1993); (3) Variation pattern of the Trapa fruits in Tangsun Lake (Jin & Ding,1995); (4) Chromosome numbers of 23 population belonging nine species (Huang et al.,1996); (5) Seedling morpholohy of ten Trapa species (Ding et al.,1999); (6) Morphological variation and taxonomic significance (Hu et al.,2001;Wang et al.,2006); (7) Relationship among Trapa species detected by RAPD markers (Jiang & Ding,2004). The aims of this present taxonomic revision were to:(1) Answer the above-mentioned question “How many species of Trapa in China?”,based on a comprehensive result with all evidences of morphology,palynology,chromosome numbers and DNA markers; (2) Clarify the infra-specific taxa of T. natans and their identifying characters,and supply the differentiation pattern of morphological characters for further usage.
1 Morphological Characters
The diagnostic characters used to identify species or infra-species of Trapa in China are as follows:horn numbers of fruits,horn shape and position,fruit shape and size,shape and size of fruit crowns,beak height,bulge number,leaf shape and size,indumentum (Li & Chang,1977; Yan,1983; Wan,2000). Other characters,such as annual floating herbs,phyllotaxis,flower solitary,4-merous,ovary partly inferior,drupe etc.,show the stability among species and varieties and are not used for identification.
Field works were carried out in East,Central,South,Southwest,North and Northeast China,and 41 populations from fifteen provinces were collected. The data used for variation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were mainly obtained from these populations,and its taxonomic implications were also evaluated (Jin & Ding,1995; Hu et al.,2001; Wang et al.,2006). Ten species from 33 populations were cultivated,and the developmental progress,seedling morphology,pollination experiments and morphological variation were carefully observed (Ding et al.,1996,1999).
Herein,the principal diagnostic characters used to identify species and varieties of Trapa are listed in the key.
Key to the species and varieties
1. Plants small and thin,leaves less than 3 cm both in length and width; flowers pink; fruit bodies less than 1.2 cm high and less than 1.5 cm broad 1. Trapa incisa
1. Plants stout,leaves often over 4 cm in length and width; flowers whitish or sometimes pink at beginning flowering; fruit bodies more than 1.2 cm high and 1.5 cm broad2
2. Fruits(horns excluded) more than 1.5 cm × 2 cm × 1 cm (height × width × thickness); crowns larger,more than 6 mm in diam.; flowers white; native or cultivated3
2. Fruit (horns excluded) 1.2-1.5 cm × 1.5 -2 cm × 0.8-1 cm; crowns smaller,3-5 mm in diam.; flowers white or sometimes pink at beginning flowering; native6
3. Fruit beaks well-developed,more than 3 mm high,reflexed at apex; fruits 4-horned or 2-horned4
3. Fruit beaks inconspicuous,plane or sightly protuberant,not reflexed at apex; fruits 4-horned,2-horned or 0-horned 5
4. Fruits 4-horned; 2 lower horns (pseudohorns) sharp and barbellate,or obtuse.2a. Trapa natans var. natans
4. Fruits 2-horned; 2 lower horns degenerative,or bulged2b. Trapa natans var. magnicorona
5. Fruits 4-horned,or without horns (degenerate to 4-bulged),slightly side-flat,thichness vs width > 0.52c. Trapa natans var. komarovii
5. Fruits 2-horned,conspicuously side-flat,thichness vs width < 0.52d. Trapa natans var. bispinosa
6. Fruits conspicuously 4-horned; 2 lower horns sharp or obtuse 2e. Trapa natans var. quadricaudata
6. Fruits 2-horned; lower horns degenerative to bulged2f. Trapa natans var. complana
2 Taxonomic Treatment
Based on literature survey,field work,specimen examination and cultivation observations,taxonomic revision of Trapa from China were proposed and two species,T. incisa and T. natans were recognized. For the infra-species of T. natans,another five varieties were recognized as well.
Trapa L.,Sp. Pl. 1:120. 1753. Type:T. natans L.
Herbs annual,aquatic. Stem submerged,branched or unbranched,internodes elongate. Leaves dimorphic; submerged leaves opposite,sessile,simple,linear,caducous; floating leaves alternate but aggregated,petiolate; leaf blades rhombic to reniform,petioles inflated at the middle; stipules linear,deciduous. Flowers solitary in upper leaf axils,4-merous. Sepals 4,usually persistent as horns of fruit. Petals 4,white or pink,deciduous. Stamens 4,antesepalous. Ovary semi-inferior at anthesis,subsequently becoming inferior in fruit. Fruits 2-or 4-horned,rarely 0-horned,rhombic or triangular-rhombic,exocarp succulent,endocarp stony; crowns conspicuous,tetragonal or rounded,rarely dome-shape,or crownless and inconspicuous,apex conspicuously beaked,or beakless. Seed 1; cotyledons unequal,one large starchy,and the other small,scale-like; endosperm absent.
Two species:Trapa incisa and T. natans,and T. natans were divided into six varieties in China,mainly distributed in middle and lower catchment of the Yangtzi River.
1. Trapa incisa Siebold & Zucc.,in Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Knigl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 4(2):134. 1845. ≡ T. bispinosa Roxb. var. incisa (Siebold & Zucc.) Franch. & Sav.,Enum. Pl. Jap. 1:171. 1875. ≡ T. natans L. var. incisa (Siebold & Zucc.) Makino,Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 11:283. 1897. Type:JAPAN, without precise locality,P. F. Siebold s. n. (lectotype:M,designated by S. Akiyama et al. in 2016:20).
Herbs annual,floating. Stem slender,1-2.5 mm in diam. Leaves dimorphic:Floating leaves alternate,crowned at tops of stems or branches,rosette; leaf blades triangular-ovate,1.5-2.5 cm × 2-3 cm,incised-dentate at upper margin and entire at lower margin,broadly cuneate at base; petioles slender,slightly inflated at middle. Submerged leaves small,caducous. Flowers pink,solitary in leaf axils; pedicel 1-2 cm long. Sepals 4; petals 4,disk entire; stamens 4,filaments slender,anthers introrse,versatile; ovary partly inferior,style subulate,stigma capitates. Fruits triangular-rhombic,1-1.2 cm tall; pedicels ca. 2.5 cm long; 4-horned,2 upper horns slightly obliquely horizontal,barbellate,2 lower horns downward,barbellate; beaks ca. 3 mm long,crownless. Fl. May-Sept. and fr. Jun.-Oct.
Additional collections studied. China. Anhui:Anqing,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Chaohu Lake,B. Y. Ding et al. 6221 (HZU); Dangtu,Dangtu Exped. 1011 (NAS?。? Jingxian,H. Zhang 843 (NAS); Shucheng,East China Exped. 4065 (PE); Wuhu,H. Migo s.n. (NAS). Fujian:Fuzhou,M. S. Li 1100 (IBSC); Nanjing,S. M. Hwang 190047 (IBSC). Guangdong:Dinghu,G. L. Shi 13412 (IBSC,WUK); Huizhou,W. Chen 9685 (IBSC). Guizhou:Jingping,C. Y. Wang 770012 (JXU). Hebei:Anxin,Baiyangdian,Z. Y. Cao 54 (PE). Heilongjiang:Songjiang,G. Z. Wang et al. 1282 (IFP). Henan:Mt. Funiushan,Henan For. Bur. Exped. 514 (PE). Hubei:Jingshan,anonymous 225 (JXU). Hunan:Qianyang,anonymous 491 (PE). Jiangsu:Gaoyou,East China Exped. 2608 (NAS); Liyang,C. C. Chang 1673 (NAS); Suining,anonymous 20297 (NAS); Suzhou,H. Migo s.n. (NAS?。? Jiangxi:Jian,B. Y. Ding & T. Huang 6400 (HZU); Linchuan,Y. Tsiang 9794 (NAS,IBSC); Nanchang,W. H. Wan 770005 (JXU),H. Migo s.n. (NAS),X. X. Yang 10780 (IBSC). Jilin:Fuyu,Y. L. Chang & S. D. Zhao 2751 (IFP); Chunhua,Z. Y. Wang et al. 2108 (IFP). Liaoning:Shenyang,G. Q. Guan s.n. (SYAU); Kaiyuan,P. Y. Fu & Y. L. Chang 3061 (IFP),3071 (IFP). Shaanxi:Nanzheng,K. T. Fu 5486 (PE). Shanghai:Liuhe,H. Migo s.n. (NAS). Yunnan:Dali,C. W. Wang 63487 (KUN,NAS). Zhejiang:Deqing,T. N. Liou 7942 (PE); Hangzhou,B. Y. Ding & Q. M. Zhang 1816 (HZU),2120 (HZU),B. Y. Ding 2001 (HZU),2287 (HZU); Jinhua,B. Y. Ding 3983 (HZU); Jinyun,B. Y. Ding 4877 (HZU); Pujiang,B. Y. Ding & W. S. Yao 4449 (HZU); Shaoxing,B. Y. Ding & Q. M. Zhang 1798 (HZU),1806 (HZU),2176 (HZU),B. Y. Ding & M. Z. Shi 6201 (HZU); Tiantai,Zhejiang Bot. Exped. 28406 (HZU); Yinxian,B. Y. Ding & M. Z. Shi 6211 (HZU); Yiwu,W. H.? Huang 8358 (HZU).
Distribution. from south to north region of East China,also in Myanmar,Indonesia,Japan,Korea,Loas,East Russia,Thailand and Vietnam.
Note. The name,Trapa maximowiczii,was misused in this entity by some Chinese scholars (Yan,1983; Wan,1984,2000; Yu,1994). Trapa incisa is a distinct species,with smaller leaves,flowers and fruits. The floating leaves of Trapa incisa are rhombic,incised-dentate on upper margin,flowers pink,fruit 4-horned,with 2 upper horns barbellate,and beak conspicuous.
2. Trapa natans L.,in Sp. Pl. 1:120. 1753. Type:ITALY,Mantua,2 Sept.1902,A. Fiori et al. 471
A. Matural habit; B. Floating leaf; C. Fruit.
Fig. 1 Trapa incisa Siebold & Zucc. (Drawn by JIN Xiaofeng)
(neotype K!; isoneotype BM,designated by Verdcourt in 1986:448).
Herbs annual,floating. Stem 3.5-7 mm in diam. Leaves dimorphic:Floating leaves alternate,crowned at tops of stems or branches,rosette; leaf blades triangular-rhombic,rhombic to reniform,2-6 cm × 2.5-8 cm,incised-dentate or/and thinly dentate at upper margin and entire at lower margin,broadly cuneate at base; petioles 5-18 cm long,inflated at middle,brown-pubescent. Submerged leaves small,caducous. Flowers white,sometimes pink at beginning flowering,solitary in leaf axils,1-2 cm in diam. Sepals 4; petals 4,disk entire; stamens 4,filaments slender,anthers introrse,versatile; ovary partly inferior,thickened at base. Fruits rhombic,1.8-2.8 cm tall,2.5-4.5 cm wide; 4- or 2-horned,rarely 0-horned; beaks conspicuous or inconspicuous,crowned or crownless. Fl. Jul.-Oct. and fr. Aug.-Nov.
2a. Trapa natans L. var. natans
Synonym:Trapa amurensis Flerov,in Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada R. S. F. S. R. 24:34. 1925. Type:RUSSIA,Bakharev at the site of Bura river,22 Jul. 1891,Korshinsky s.n. [lectotype:LE (barcode 01026022),here designated!].
Trapa manchurica Flerov,Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F.S.R. 24:37. 1925. Type:CHINA,Manschuria [North-east China],near city Harbin,bank Songari river,8 Jul. 1903,Litwinov s.n. (lectotype:LE,here designated?。? syn. nov.
Trapa potaninii V.N. Vassil. in Komarov,F(xiàn)l. URSS 15:693. 1949. Type:CHINA,China boreali-occidentalis. Inter Ta-tsien-lu et Li-fan-du in valle fl. Tungho supra pagum Huang-ni-pu,22 Jul. 1905,G. N. Potanin s.n. (holotype:LE!).
Trapa sibirica Flerov var. saissanica Flerov,Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F.S.R. 24:33. 1925. ≡ T. saissanica (Flerov) Vassiljev,Nov. Sist. Vys. Rast. 2:429. 1965. Type:RUSSIA,Tomsk province,Mariinsk,beside Lake Cherishtukol,near tent,lower Skoblin,2 Jul. 1908,Drobov Exped. 57 (holotype:LE!; isotypes:LE?。? syn. nov.
Trapa natans,with mid-sized leaves,flowers and fruits,is widely distributed in the northern Hemisphere and various in morphology. T. natans has compressed rounded leaves,incised-dentate and thinly dentate at margin in luxuriantly growing status,flowers white,fruits 4-horned and barbellate at apex,crowns and beaks conspicuous,fresh exocarps green.
Additional collections studied. China. Beijing:Haiding,anonymous 325 (PE). Hebei:Chengde,T. N. Liou 5084 (IBSC); Xushui,Baiyangdian,Hebei Agr. Univ. Exped. 44214 (PE). Heilongjiang:Acheng,S. D. Zhao & Y. L. Chang 2773 (IFP); Dailing,G. D. Cui 4 (NEFI),D. M. Wang et al. 6 (NEFI); Harbin,C. Z. Zheng 6337 (HZU),Y. L. Chang & S. D. Zhao 2763 (IFP),2767 (IFP),B. Skovclyr 1202 (IFP); Qiqihaer,C. S. Wang 947 (IBSC),Y. B. Chang 6030 (NEFI); Yichun,T. N. Liou 3483 (PE,IBSC). Hubei:Jingmen,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Yangxin,H. Migo s.n. (NAS). Jiangsu:Baoying Lake,East China Exped. 2511 (PE,NAS,IBSC); Hongze Lake,P. L. Yang 56 (NAS); Jiangpu,anonymous 8472 (NAS); Nanjing,C. L. Tso 1368 (PE); Qidong,anonymous 15372 (NAS); Yixing,J. Shen 569 (NAS). Jiangxi:Linchuan,Y. Tsiang 9792 (NAS,IBSC). Jilin:Antu,T. N. Liou 3658 (IBSC); Chunhua,C. S. Wang et al. 2408 (IFP); Fuyu,Y. L. Chang & S. D. Zhao 2729 (IFP),2731 (IFP),2733 (IFP),2736 (IFP). Liaoning:Beizhen,Y. L. Chang et al. 2785 (IFP); Jinxian,Y. L. Chang et al. 2794 (IFP); Shenyang,Y. L. Chang & X. D. Cui 2709 (IFP); Xinjin,Z. S. Qin & C. F. Fang 154 (IFP); Zhangwu,C. Wang 2737 (IBSC). Shaanxi:Meixian,C. H. Wang 154 (WUK,PE); Yangxian,T. N. Liou & P. C. Tsoong 3938 (PE). Shandong:Weishan Lake,T. Y. Cheo et al. 6915 (NAS). Xinjiang,Ehebuerjin,H. Yu s.n. (HZU).
Distribution. China (Hebei,Heilongjiang,Hubei,Jiangsu,Jiangxi,Jilin,Liaoning,Shaanxi,Shandong and Xinjiang),Japan,Korea,Russia and Europe,Africa.
Note. Li & Chang (1977),Yu (1994) recognized Trapa manchurica as a distinct species,which has larger fruits (width vs. height = 0.5-1). From protologue,Trapa manchurica had the fruits relatively larger and beaks more conspicuous than those of T. natans. Fruit morphology of Trapa manchurica and T. amurensis are in variance range of T. natans,and the former two species were consequently reduced to
T. natans. Trapa potaninii was distinguished in two lower horns obtuse,not acute and barbellate,which
A. Matural habit; B. Fruit.
Fig. 2 Trapa natans L. var. natans (Drawn by JIN Xiaofeng)
was variable in different growing periods under cultivation,as well as T. natans var. quadricaudata.
2b. Trapa natans L. var. magnicorona (Z.T. Xiong) B. Y. Ding & X. F. Jin,comb. nov.
Basionym:Trapa japonica Flerov var. magnicorona Z.T. Xiong,in J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3:161. 1985. Type:CHINA,Hubei,Yangxin,1982,Z. T. Xiong 316 (holotype:WH!).
Synonym:Trapa japonica Flerov var. longicollum Z.T. Xiong,in J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3:161. 1985. Type:CHINA,Hubei,Xiaogan,1982,Z. T. Xiong 443 (holotype:WH?。? syn. nov.
Trapa litwinowii V.N. Vassil. in Komarov,F(xiàn)l. URSS 15:694. 1949. Type:RUSSIA,Vallis fl. Ussuri inter Dsoadsa et Kinda,18 Aug. 1855,C. Maximowicz s.n. (holotype:LE?。?
Trapa litwinowii V.N. Vassil. var. chihuensis S. F. Guan et Q. Lang,Bull. Bot. Res. (Harbin) 7(1):77. 1987. Type:CHINA,Jiangxi,Chihu Lake,20 Sept. 1984,Y. D. Chen,S. F. Guan & Q. Lang 779 (holotype:PE?。?
This variety is similar to Trapa natans var. natans in having the fruits with conspicuous beaks,crowns large and reflexed,but differs in having the fruits laterally compressed,with two lower horns degenerated.
Additional collections studied. China. Heilongjiang:Harbin,C. Z. Zheng 6332 (HZU),Y. L. Chang & S. D. Zhao 2766 (IFP); Qiqihaer,Z. S. Qin & C. F. Fang 101 (IFP); Songjiang,D. C. Zhao et al. 1310 (IFP),Y. L. Chou 1310 (IBSC). Hubei:Wuchang,Tangsun Lake,B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6261 (HZU). Jiangxi:Yongxiu,W. H. Wan s.n. (JXU). Jilin:Fuyu,S. D. Zhao & Y. L. Chang 2734 (IFP),2742 (IFP?。琘. L. Chang & S. D. Zhao 2758 (IFP),2759 (IFP),S. D. Zhao & Y. L. Chang 2735 (IFP).
Distribution. China (Heilongjiang,Henan,Hubei,Jiangxi,Jilin,Liaoning),Japan,Korea and Russia.
Note. Trapa japonica var. magnicorona,T. japonica var. longicollum,T. litwinowii var. chihuensis and T. macropoda var. bispinosa,which had the fruits with conspicuous beaks and crowns (Xiong,1985; Guan & Lang,1987; Wan,1991). These four varieties are synonymized here,as well as T. octotuberculata.
2c. Trapa natans L. var. komarovii (Skvortzov) B. Y. Ding & X. F. Jin,comb. nov.
Basionym:Trapa amurensis Flerov var. komarovii Skvortzov,in Bull. Jard. Bot. Princip. 26:630. 1927. ≡ T. manshurica Flerov f. komarovii (Skvortzov) S.H. Li & Y.L. Chang,in Fl. Pl. Herb. Chin. Bor. Or. 6:137. 1977. Type:CHINA,near Harbin and Taolaizao Station,collector and number unknown.
Synonym:Trapa acornis Nakano,in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 77:165. 1964. ≡ T. bicornis Osbeck var. acornis (Nakano) Z.T. Xiong,in J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3:160. 1985. Type:CHINA,near Shanghai,Nakano s.n. (holotype:Nakano Herbarium); syn. nov.
Trapa quadrispinosa Roxb.,Hort. Bengal. 11. 1814. ≡ T. bicornis Osbeck var. quadrispinosa (Roxb.) Z.T. Xiong,in J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3:160. 1985. Type:KASHMIR,Dal Lake,2 Aug. 1917,R. R. Stewart 3315/2 (lectotype:K,designated by Vassiljev in 1960); syn. nov.
Trapa quadrispinosa Roxb. var. yongxiuensis W. H. Wan,in J. Jiangxi Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 15(2):75. 1991. Type:CHINA,Jiangxi,Yongxiu,Jiangyi,W. H. Wan 780008 (holotype:JXU!); syn. nov.
This variety has 4-horned fruits,but differs from Trapa natans var. natans in having fruits inconspi-cuously beaked and crowned. The fruit body,horn shape and length,and exocarp color of T. natans var. komarovii are various and unstable,especially in cultivated individuals. This variety is wildly distributed in China,as well as India,and many cultivated types occur now.
Additional collections studied. China. Anhui:Quanjiao,East China Exped. 3506 (PE); Wuhu,B. Y. Ding et al. 6217 (HZU). Fujian:without precise locality,S. T. Dunn 2726 (IBSC). Hainan:Lingshui,Z. S. Diao s.n. (YZU). Hebei:Anxin,Baiyangdian,B. Y. Ding 6340 (HZU). Hubei:Jingmen,H. Migo s.n. (IBSC); Wuchang,Tangsun Lake,B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6246 (HZU). Hunan:Jiangpu,Z. S. Diao 2022 (YZU). Jiangsu:Hongze,B. Y. Ding & X. D. Lu 6440 (HZU),
B. Y. Ding et al. 6232 (HZU); Jiangning,anonymous 6591 (NAS); Nanjing,J. J. Gong 801 (NAS); Wuxi,Y. W. Law 3029 (NAS). Jiangxi:Nanchang,W. H. Wan 79006 (JXU); Yongxiu,W. H. Wan 780008
A. Trapa natans var. quadricaudata; B. T. natans var. complana; C. T. natnas var. magnicorona; D,H. T. natans var. komarovii; E,F(xiàn),G. T. natans var. bispinosa.
Fig. 3 Fruit shape of five varieties of Trapa natans L. (Drawn by JIN Xiaofeng)
(JXU). Jilin:Fuyu,Y. L. Chang & S. D. Zhao 2756 (IFP); Xinmin,Y. C. Zhu & C. Q. Lin 1170 (IFP). Shanghai:Songjiang,H. Migo s.n. (NAS). Yunnan:without precise locality,E. E. Maire 2879 (IBSC). Zhejiang:Deqing,anonymous 2161 (HZU); Dongyang,W. H. Huang 8356 (HZU); Hangzhou,B. Y. Ding & Q. M. Zhang 1699,1700 (HZU),B. Y. Ding 2032 (HZU); Huzhou,Zhejiang Bot. Exped. 29732 (NAS),29734 (NAS),B. Y. Ding & Q. M. Zhang 2141 (HZU); Jiaxing,Nanhu Lake,Y. Y. Fang & B. Y. Ding 2289 (HZU),B. Y. Ding & J. Xia 6434 (HZU),6435 (HZU),B. Y. Ding & X. H. Yao 6274 (HZU),W. H. Wan 79003 (JXU),791004 (JXU),Zhejiang Bot. Exped. 29701 (HZU,NAS),29704 (NAS); Jinyun,B. Y. Ding & Q. M. Zhang 1832 (HZU),B. Y. Ding 1999 (HZU),2000 (HZU); Lanxi,B. Y. Ding 6276 (HZU),6277 (HZU); Pinghu,W. H. Wan s.n. (JXU); Pujiang,B. Y. Ding & W. S. Yao 4432 (HZU),4433 (HZU); Shaoxing,Donghu Lake,B. Y. Ding 2179 (HZU),2181 (HZU),2191 (HZU),Q. M. Zhang & B. Y. Ding 1748 (HZU),B. Y. Ding & M. Z. Shi 6204,6205 (HZU); Xiaoshan,C. Z. Zheng & B. Y. Ding 3368 (HZU); Yiwu,B. Y. Ding 4493 (HZU); Yongkang,B. Y. Ding 2250 (HZU); Yuhang,B. Y. Ding & S. J. Sheng s.n. (HZU),B. Y. Ding & K. F. Dong 6433 (HZU).
Distribution. China (Anhui,F(xiàn)ujian,Hainan,Hebei,Hubei,Hunan,Jiangsu,Jiangxi,Jilin,Liao-ning,Shanghai,Yunnan,Zhejiang),Japan,Thailand,F(xiàn)ar Eastern Region of Russia and India (Northeast).
Note. Trapa acornis Nakano,with 0-horned fruits,was described as a new species. Based on the cultivation,the fruits of T. acornis are 4-bulged,sometimes with four obtuse horns,which had the similar fruit body to T. natans var. komarovii. It only occurs in cultivated individuals which distributed in Nanhu Lake of Jiaxing,Zhejiang Province and adjacent regions,and 0-horned fruits are maintained under breeding. T. quadrispinosa var. yongxiuensis W.H. Wan (1991) had the fruits with four short horns,which is reduced to synonym here. Diao (1990a) established a new species,T. uncinata Diao,but he did not give Latin diagnosis and designate the type.
2d. Trapa natans L. var. bispinosa (Roxb.) Makino,Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 11:283. 1897.
Basionym:Trapa bispinosa Roxb.,in Hort. Bengal. 11. 1814. ≡ T. bicornis L. f. var. bispinosa (Roxb.) Nakano,in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 77:165. 1964. ≡ T. bicornis Osbeck var. bispinosa (Roxb.) Z. T. Xiong,in J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3:160. 1985. Type:CHINA,without precise locality,anonymous 6339b [lectotype:K (barcode 001123627),here designated].
Synonym:Trapa arcuata S.H. Li et Y.L. Chang,in Fl. Pl. Herb. Chin. Bor.-Or. 6:291. 1977. Type:CHINA,Heilongjiang,Echeng,12 Sept. 1974,S. D. Zhao & Y. L. Chang 2775 (holotype:IFP!).
Trapa bicornis Osbeck,in Dagb. Ostind. Resa 191. 1757. ≡ T. bicornis L. f.,in Suppl. Pl. 128. 1782. ≡ T. chinensis Lour.,in Fl. Cochinch. 1:86. 1790. Type:UNITED KINGDOM,without precise locality,anonymous s.n. (holotype:Linn; isotype:Linn); syn. nov.
Trapa cochinchinensis in Lour.,in Fl. Cochinch. 1:86. 1790. ≡ T. bicornis Osbeck var. cochinchinensis (Lour.) Glück. ex Steenis,in Fl. Malesia. 4(1):43. 1949. Type:VIETNAM,without precise locality,1 Jul. 1890,B. Balansa 4926 (holotype:G); syn. nov.
Trapa dimorphocarpa Diao,in J. SW Agric. Univ. 12(1):70. 1990. Type:CHINA,F(xiàn)ujian,Putian,Jun. 1985,L. Su 1989 (lectotype:YZU!,here designated). CHINA,F(xiàn)ujian,F(xiàn)uzhou,3 Nov. 1984,Z. S. Diao 1989 (syntype:YZU?。? Putian,2 May 1985,F(xiàn)ujian Agri. College 1911 (syntype:YZU!),Jun. 1985,L. Su 1989 (syntype:YZU!).
Trapa japonica Flerov,in Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F.S.R. 24:39. 1925. Type:JAPAN,Iokohama,Aug. 1862,C. Maximowicz s.n. (lectotype:LE,here designated).
Trapa jeholensis Nakai,in J. Jap. Bot. 18:427. 1942. Type:CHINA,Jehe,21 Aug. 1933,T. Nakai et al. s. n. (holotype:TI?。?
Trapa taiwanensis Nakai,in J. Jap. Bot. 18:424. 1942. ≡ T. bicornis Osbeck var. taiwanensis (Nakai) Z.T. Xiong,in J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3:160. 1985. Type:CHINA,Taiwan,Mato,Nov. 1915,Y. Simada s. n. (holotype:TI?。? syn. nov.
The vatiety differs from the typical entity in having fruits laterally compressed,2-horned (with 2 lower horns degenerated),both beaks and crowns inconspicuous.
Additional collections studied. China. Anhui:Anqing,Q. S. Xu 6418 (HZU); Dangtu,Dangtu Exped. 1010 (NAS); Hefei,Z. S. Diao 2024 (YZU); Quanjiao,East China Exped. 3508 (NAS). Beijing:the Summer Palace,W. P. Wang 346 (PE). Chongqing:Baxian,Z. S. Diao s. n. (YZU). Fujian:Fuzhou,H. H. Chung 3068 (PE). Guangdong:Dinghu,G. Q. Ding & G. L. Shi 972 (IBSC,WUK,NAS),G. L. Shi 2509 (IBSC); Guangzhou,W. Y. Chun 8347 (PE,NAS),8281 (IBSC),S. Q. Chen 8130 (IBSC),8419 (IBSC),C. Huang 0082 (IFP); Wenyuan,S. K. Lau 24412 (PE,NAS,IBSC),24995 (IBSC,IBK). Guangxi:Guilin,anonymous 23028 (IBK). Heilongjiang:Acheng,S. D. Zhao & Y.L. Chang 2772,2774 (IFP); Harbin,C. Z. Zheng et al. 6333 (HZU),Y. L. Chang & S. D. Zhao 2764 (IFP),2765 (IFP),S. D. Zhao et al. 2768 (IFP),G. Z. Wang 1202 (PE,IBSC); Hulin,G. Z. Wang & Z. H. Zhang 3091 (IFP); Wusuli River,anonymous 1001 (IFP). Hebei:Anxin,Baiyangdian,B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6339 (HZU),S. Z. Yan 7911 (IBSC); Chengde,Y. L. Chang 2784 (IFP),T. N. Liou 5082 (IBSC). Henan:Mt. Funiushan,Hennan For. Bur. Exped. 279 (PE); Mt. Jigongshan,anonymous 1417 (WNU). Hongkong:without precise locality,W. Y. Chun 8347 (IBK). Hubei:Jiangling,Changhu Lake,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Jingmen,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Jingshan,anonymous 212 (JXU); Shashi,Jingzhou,B. Y. Ding et al. 6254 (HZU),6256 (HZU); Wuchang,Donghu Lake,X. Z. Sun 1990 (WH),Z. H. Qian 2684 (WH),anonymous 2 (JXU),B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6262 (HZU). Jiangsu:Baoying,anonymous 15970 (NAS); Caojing,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Hongze,B. Y. Ding et al. 6231 (HZU),6233 (HZU),6234 (HZU),6235 (HZU); Nanjing,B. Q. Chen s. n. (NAS); Suzhou,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Xuyi,anonymous 21294 (NAS). Jiangxi:Nanchang,W. H. Wan 770001 (JXU),H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Xinjian,W. H. Wan 79002 (JXU); Yongfeng,X. X. Yang 830960 (IBSC); Yongxiu,W. H. Wan s.n. (JXU),T. Huang 6287 (HZU),B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6268 (HZU). Jilin:Antu,Y. L. Chou 3658 (PE); Fuyu,S. D. Zhao & Y. L. Chang 2732 (IFP),2739 (IFP),2754 (IFP); Tumen,C. Z. Zheng et al. 6331 (HZU). Liaoning:Jinxian,Y. L. Chang et al. 2793 (IFP); Shenyang,G. Q. Guan s.n. (SYAU),Y. L. Chang & X. D. Cui 2799 (IFP),Yuguo,Y. L. Chang & X. D. Cui 2711 (IFP),2713 (IFP); Xinmin,Y. L. Chang & X. D. Xiang 2717 (IFP),S. H. Li 1507 (IFP),1511 (IFP),Y. C. Zhu 1153 (IFP),1162 (IFP),C. F. Fang 3079 (IFP); Zhangwu,C. Wang et al. 2737 (IFP). Shaanxi:Shenmu,North Shaanxi Exped. 232 (WNU). Shandong; Weishan,Weishan Lake,B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6345 (HZU). Sichuan:Qionglai,Z. P. Huang 2167 (WUK). Taiwan:Taihoku,T. Suzuki ST19283 (IBSC). Yunnan:Dali,B. Y. Ding et al. 6247 (HZU); Kunming,B. Y. Qiu 57133 (KUN,NAS). Zhejiang:Deqing,B. Y. Ding 6439 (HZU); Hangzhou,B. Y. Ding 2002 (HZU); Huangyan,B. Y. Ding 4711 (HZU); Huzhou,B. Y. Ding 2123 (HZU),6437 (HZU),Zhejiang Bot. Exped. 29760 (PE),Q. M. Zhang & B. Y. Ding 2141 (HZU); Putuo,Zhujiajian,S. J. Sheng 1579 (HZU); Shao-xing, B. Y. Ding 2181 (HZU),2192 (HZU); Xiaoshan,K. F. Dong 6443 (HZU); Yuhang,B. Y. Ding 4909 (HZU).
Distribution. Wild-distributed in China,North,East,Central and South China wild cultivated,also in Japan,Korea,Russia,Indonesia,Malaysia,Phillippines,Vietnam,Laos.
Note. This vatiety is various,especially in cultivation,in fruit size,horn length and shape,exocarp color. Consequently,Trapa bicornis,T. taiwanensis,T. cochinchinensis and T. arcuata were described as new species by different scholars. Trapa bicornis and T. taiwanensis are cultivated species,with two upper horns down-curving,but T. taiwanensis had fruit exocarp green to greenish black,four sepals ciliate. Trapa bispinosa had the fruits smaller than T. bicornis and T. taiwanensis,occurring wild or cultivated,whereas T. arcuata only in wild water. Yu (1994) reduced T. arcuata to the synonymy of T. japonica,and we hereby reduced both T. arcuata and T. japonica to synonyms. Based on the submerged leaf shape,Diao (1990b) described Trapa dimorphocarpa as a new species,but he failed to designate the holotype. Wan (2000) reduced it as synonym,which is here accepted. Herein we used the earliest name of the variety rank.
This variety is both in wild water or cultivation. Two cultivated groups were recognized:Trapa bicornis group and T. bispinosa group.
2e. Trapa natans L. var. quadricaudata (Glück.) B. Y. Ding & X. F. Jin,comb. nov.
Basionym:Trapa incisa Siebold & Zucc. var. quadricaudata Glück in Handel-Mazzatti,Symb. Sin. 7(2):605. 1929. Type:CHINA,Sichuan,Ningyüen,27 Oct. 1915,H. Hand.-Mazz. 1922 (holotype:WU).
Synonym:Trapa maximowiczii Korsh.,Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 12:336. 1892. Type:RUSSIA,without precise locality,Birula s.n. (holotype:LE!; photo:P?。? syn. nov.
Trapa natans L. var. pumila Nakano,Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 77:166. 1964. Type:VIETNAM,without precise locality,Dec. 1891,B. Balansa 7421 (holotype:Nakanos Herbarium; isotype:K?。? syn. nov.
Compared with Trapa natans,var. quadricaudata has relatively smaller fruits and leaves. Leaves of T. natans var. quadricaudata are rhombic,but compressed rounded,incised-dentate and thinly dentate at margin in luxuriantly growing status. Flowers are white,rarely pink in early flowering status. Fruits are frequently bulged; crowns are small,beaks conspicuous,four horns acute and barbellate,sometimes with two lower horns degenerated,and fresh exocarps green or red.
Additional collections studied. China. Anhui:Chuzhou,anonymous 195 (NAS); Jinzhai,anonymous 0661 (NAS); Quanjiao,East China Exped. 3507 (NAS); Shucheng,East China Exped. 4413 (PE,NAS); Wuhu,B. Y. Ding et al. 6216 (HZU),6220 (HZU); Xuancheng,anonymous 585 (NAS); Yixian,B. Y. Ding & T. Huang 6374 (HZU),6376 (HZU); Yuexi,anonymous 2095 (NAS). Fujian:without precise locality,H. H. Chung 3068 (NAS),4579 (PE). Guizhou:Liping,S. M. Chang 3066 (JXU); Tianzhu,G. X. Ren 770076 (JXU); Weining,S. M. Chang 2322 (IBSC),Y. Tsiang 9165 (PE). Hebei:Changping,X. Y. Liu & Z. S. Zhang s.n. (PE); Fangshan,F(xiàn)angshan Exped. 663 (PE). Henan:Xuchang,K. S. Hao 3271 (PE),3288 (PE); Mt. Funiushan,Henan For. Bur. Exped. 285 (PE). Hubei: Shashi,B. Y. Ding et al. 6250 (HZU); Wuchang,Tangsun Lake,B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6263 (HZU). Hunan:Hanshou,W. X. Wang 14 (WH); Hengyang,B. Y. Ding & T. Huang 6390 (HZU); Xiangyin,B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6266 (HZU). Jiangsu:Baoying,Baima Lake,S. L. Liu et al. 156 (NAS); Changshu,T. Y. Cheo 2178 (NAS); Dongtai,F(xiàn). X. Liu 7372 (NAS); Kunshan,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Nanjing,Xuanwu Lake,S. L. Chen 24 (NAS); Suzhou,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Wujiang,F(xiàn). X. Liu 1555 (NAS); Wuxi,Y. H. Law 3029 (NAS); Zhenjiang,East China Exped. 2934 (NAS). Jiangxi:Guixi,M. X. Nie et al. 3848 (WUK); Guangde,Guangde Bot. Exped. 3163 (NAS); Jian,B. Y. Ding & T. Huang 6401 (HZU); Jiujiang,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Nanchang,W. H. Wan 770003 (JXU); Tangshan,W. H. Wan s.n. (JXU). Shanghai:Hongqiao,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Minhang,H. Migo s.n. (NAS),C. H. Tao 328 (NAS). Sichuan:Huihai,T. T. Yu 1578 (PE,IBSC); Leibo,Z. S. Diao 2504 (YZU); Xichang,S. Y. Chen 10005 (NAS). Yunnan:Dali,B. Y. Ding et al. 6248 (HZU); Erhai,Z. S. Diao 2637 (YZU),B. Y. Qiu 61150 (KUN); Fohai,C. W. Wang 74239 (KUN,PE),77210 (KUN,PE); Jianchuan,Jianhu Lake,B. Y. Qiu 61192 (KUN); Xiaguan,Erhai Lake,B. Y. Qiu 60802 (KUN,IBK),60823 (KUN,IBK),60882 (KUN,IBK); Xishuangbanna,K. M. Feng 20493 (KUN); Yongning,Z. S. Diao 2577 (YZU). Zhejiang:Hangzhou,B. Y. Ding 2197 (HZU),2288 (HZU),4184 (HZU),S. Y. Chang 1587 (NAS); Kaihua,L. Hong 1533 (HZU); Lishui,Mt. Nanmingshan,Y. H. He 5981 (HZU),B. Y. Ding 6280 (HZU); Ningbo,B. Y. Ding et al. 5786 (HZU); Shaoxing,M. Z. Shi & R. Y. Hu 6237 (HZU),6238 (HZU),B. Y. Ding 2190 (HZU); Yinxian,M. Z. Shi & R. Y. Hu 6237 (HZU),B. Y. Ding & K. F. Dong 6429 (HZU),B. Y. Ding & M. Z. Shi 6210 (HZU); Putuo,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Tiantai,Y. Y. Ho 28230 (NAS),Zhejiang Bot. Exped. 28406 (NAS); Wenzhou,B. Y. Ding 4763 (HZU); Wuxing,F(xiàn). X. Liu 1656 (NAS); Yiwu,B. Y. Ding & W. S. Yao 4503 (HZU); Zhuji,B. Y. Ding & W. S. Yao 4507 (HZU).
Distribution. China (Anhui,F(xiàn)ujian,Guizhou,Henan,Hubei,Hunan,Jiangsu,Jiangxi,Shanghai,Sichuan,Yunnan,Zhejiang),Japan and Vietnam.
Note. The phototype of Trapa maximowiczii in P was checked by the authors. Although the fruits showed immature,leaf size and shape indicated it should be reduced to synonym. Trapa mammillifera was distinguished in its 4-bulged fruits,which was an unstable morphological character. In China,the name Trapa incisa in this entity were misused,but Trapa incisa was the species with small fruits and incise-dentate leaves (Nakano,1964; Xiong,1985; Kadono,1987).
2f. Trapa natans L. var. complana (Z.T. Xiong) B.Y. Ding & X.F. Jin,comb. nov.
Basionym:Trapa pseudoincisa Nakai var. complana Z.T. Xiong,in J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3:163. 1985. Type:CHINA,Hubei,Wuchang,1982,Z. T. Xiong 431 (holotype:WH?。?
Synonym:Trapa komarovii V.N. Vassil. in Komarov,F(xiàn)l. URSS 15:693. 1949. Type:RUSSIA,Oriens Extremus,Regio Austro-Ussuriensis,prope urb. Voroschilov-Ussur,9 Aug. 1930,V. L. Komarov s.n. (holotype:LE?。?/p>
Trapa pseudoincisa Nakai,in J. Jap. Bot. 18:436. 1942. Type:CHINA,Manshur,Jehe,Chengte,21 Aug. 1933,T. Nakai et al. s.n. (holotype:TI?。?
Trapa pseudoincisa var. aspinta Z.T. Xiong,in J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3:162. 1985. Type:CHINA,Hubei,Wuchang,1982,Z. T. Xiong 076 (holotype:WH?。? syn. nov.
Trapa pseudoincisa var. nanchangensis W.H. Wan,in J. Jiangxi Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 15(2):75. 1991. Type:CHINA,Jiangxi,Nanchang,Tangshan,W. H. Wan 780012 (holotype:JXU?。? syn. nov.
This variety differs from the typical one in having the fruits lateral compressed,without lower horns,or being degenerated to bulges. Sometimes 2 upper horns were degenerated in later Autumn.
Additional collections studied. China. Anhui:Anqing,H. Migo s.n. (NAS); Chaohu Lake,B. Y. Ding et al. 6222 (HZU); Dangtu,Dangtu Exped. 1020 (NAS); Wuhu,B. Y. Ding et al. 6218 (HZU),6219 (HZU). Hebei:Chengde,Y. L. Chang 2783 (IFP). Heilongjiang:Qiqihaer,P. Y. Fu 315 (IFP); Yilan,Y. L. Chang 1847 (IFP,IBSC,IBK). Hubei:Wuchang,Donghu Lake,anonymous 79005 (JXU). Hunan:without precise locality,L. J. Lee 499 (IBSC). Jiangsu:Zhenjiang,H. Migo s.n. (NAS). Jiangxi:Nanchang,W. H. Wan s.n. (JXU); Yongxiu,B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6268 (HZU). Jilin:Antu,Y. L. Chou 3658 (IFP); Chunhua,C. S. Wang et al. 2739 (IFP),2408 (NAS). Liaoning:Andong,Y. Z. Dong 25 (IFP,NAS); Haicheng,C. F. Fang 116 (IFP); Kaiyuan,P. Y. Fu 3061 (IFP); Shenyang,C. Z. Zheng et al. 6301 (HZU),G. Q. Guan s.n. (SYAU); Tieling,Y. C. Zhu & C. F. Fang 536 (IFP,IBK); Xinmin,C. Z. Zheng et al. 6309 (HZU),6310 (HZU). Shaanxi:Ankang,K. T. Fu 11814 (WUK),P. Y. Li 1228 (WUK); Nanzheng,K. T. Fu 5486 (WUK,IBK); Yangxian,J. X. Yang 1379 (WUK),1648 (WUK); Yulin,T. P. Wang 18241 (NAS). Shandong:Weishan,Weishan Lake,B. Y. Ding & R. Y. Hu 6346 (HZU). Shanghai:Wusong,H. Migo s.n. (NAS). Zhejiang:Hangzhou,West Lake,W. H. Wan 781003 (JXU); Yinxian,M. Z. Shi & R. Y. Hu 6236 (HZU).
Distribution. China (Anhui,Heilongjiang,Hubei,Hunan,Jiangsu,Jiangxi,Jilin,Liaoning,Shaanxi,Shandong,Shanghai,Zhejiang),Japan,Korae and Far Eastern Region of Russia.
Note. Based on the specimens with the fruits being 2 compressed and upper-curved horned,or with degenerated upper horns,Xiong (1985) respectively described two new varieties:Trapa pseudoincisa var. complana and T. pseudoincisa var. aspinta. Wan (1991) described Trapa pseudoincisa var. nanchangensis mainly based on the shape of the fruits. These varieties were considered as the various types,and thus reduced to synonyms here.
Acknowledgements We are gratitude to Prof. FANG Yunyi and Prof. ZHANG Chaofang for their encouragements and supports. We thank Prof. ZHENG Chaozong and Prof. CHEN Jiakuan for their guidance of the experiment designation,to Prof. RAVEN Peter H.,Prof. AVERYANOV Leonid V.,Dr. Hiroshi Ikeda and Miss. LU Yifei for their providing literature,Prof. WEI Zhi and to Prof.? WANG Wen-tsai for his help on nomemclature. Thanks also to the curators of the above-mentioned herbaria for their permission on collection examination.
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(責(zé)任編輯 蔣巧媛)