姜濛 云紅
摘 要 對立統(tǒng)一的辯證思維是貫穿中醫(yī)典籍的重要概念,不僅體現(xiàn)在陰陽、寒熱、虛實、表里等中醫(yī)理念,也體現(xiàn)在其語言所運用的對偶修辭特色。本文通過對比《傷寒論》兩種不同譯本中對偶修辭格的英譯,分析探討了適用對偶修辭的英譯方法。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),為了保留對偶修辭格句式勻稱、工整的表達效果,英譯時可以選擇同樣整體、流暢的句型,適用的英譯方法包括:(1)保留對偶辭格;(2)用連詞銜接;(3)并列串對。
關鍵詞 對偶 句式整體 并列串對
中圖分類號:H315.9 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文獻標識碼:A? DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2020.01.012
Abstract Dialectical thinking, as an important concept deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medical classics, is not only manifested on such TCM concepts as Yin-Yang, Xu-Shi, but also reflected by its language feature of various figures of speech. This paper based on the comparison of two wildly-accepted English versions of On Cold Damage analyzed appropriate translation methods for antithesis, proposing three suggestions to maintain rhetorical effect of antithesis in Chinese-English translation. It is found that in order to keep the symmetrical and neat expression effect of dual figures of speech, the same overall and smooth sentence pattern can be selected in English translation. The applicable English translation methods include: (1) retaining dual figures of speech; (2) linking with conjunctions; (3) juxtaposing and stringing.
Keywords antithesis; use of conjunctions; parallel sentences
0 引言
《傷寒論》成書于眾多古醫(yī)籍的基礎之上,總結了臨床外感熱病的治療規(guī)律,同時也繼承了古醫(yī)籍善用、巧用豐富的修辭藝術來“活”化語言,明澈醫(yī)理的特點。其中,對偶修辭格作為中醫(yī)典籍語言的一大特色,運用非常廣泛。古醫(yī)籍中的對偶句式結構靈活,并未對聲韻、格律等作嚴格的要求,具有 “不勞經(jīng)營,率然對爾”的特點,[1]這一點在《傷寒論》中也多有體現(xiàn)。對偶本是古漢語修辭手法之一,多用于詩詞創(chuàng)作中,究其來源,與漢民族傳統(tǒng)辨證思維密切相關。[2]對立統(tǒng)一的辯證思維孕育了中醫(yī)“八綱辨證”的診斷方法與思維,也深深地影響了中國傳統(tǒng)文化的形成與發(fā)展。因此對偶觀的體現(xiàn)在古醫(yī)籍中比比皆是。
1 《傷寒論》對比譯本簡介
李照國教授的《黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng)》譯本于2005年出版后在國內(nèi)廣受好評,其《傷寒論》譯本于2017年相繼出版,英譯系統(tǒng)完整,注重概念術語和藥方的準確解讀和釋義。另外,古醫(yī)籍的早期外譯活動偏重內(nèi)容與信息的交流與傳播,傾向于歸化的翻譯策略。而李教授在多年學習、研究并翻譯中醫(yī)典籍的過程中,提出了“尊重國情,保持特色” [4]的翻譯原則,更加注重保留語言文化的“原汁原味”,值得學習與借鑒。
2 《傷寒論》對偶修辭格之英譯對比
2.1 《傷寒論》與對偶修辭格
英語中也有對偶修辭——antithesis,然而,嚴格來說,antithesis 強調(diào)的是事物之間的opposition or strong contrast,只等同于中文對偶辭格的“反對”,兩者的含義與功能不完全相同,無法通過英譯來進行完全等同的轉化,這也為對偶辭格的英譯增加了難度。然而另一方面,古醫(yī)籍中對偶要求較寬,一般只著重在意義相對,在結構和詞性等方面要求都不太嚴格。[6]因此,英譯《傷寒論》對偶辭格時,在保證準確性的基礎上,為了保留對偶修辭格句式勻稱、工整的表達效果,可以靈活選擇同樣整齊、流暢的句型。
2.2 對偶辭格英譯之對比
李:In yangming disease, if [the patient is] unable to eat, it is called wind stroke; [if the patient is] able to eat, [it is] called cold attack. [7]
羅:Greater Yang syndrome: If the patient has good intake of food, it is called “the Greater Yang syndrome caused by Wind.” If there is anorexia, it is called “the Greater Yang syndrome caused by Cold.” [8]
分析:本例中,李本保留了對偶辭格,上下句皆用“if條件句+it is called”的整齊句型,結構勻稱,信息流暢,譯文也比較通俗易懂。羅譯與李本相似,只是在術語及短語的英譯上有所不同。類似的示例有:
李:If the pulse is in excess, purgation is appropriate; if the pulse is floating and weak, diaphoresis is appropriate. [7]
羅:A drastic, Decoction of Greater Chenqi, can be adopted in a case with excessive pulse. A diaphoretic, Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi, can be given in a case with a floating and deficient pulse. [8]
李:The disease with [the symptoms of] fever and aversion to cold originates from yang [aspect] while the disease without [the symptoms of] fever and aversion to cold originates from yin [aspect]. [The disease] originating from yang [aspect will be] healed in seven days while the disease originating from yin [aspect will be] healed in six days because the number of seven [pertains to] yang [while] the number of six [pertains to] yin. [7]
羅:The syndrome with fever and chill comes from Yang and takes seven days to heal; that with chill but no fever comes from Yin and takes six days to heal. Seven is a Yang (odd) number and six is a Yin (even) number. [8]
分析:本例上下句在字數(shù)與結構上并非完全一致。這里 “惡寒”意為自覺怕冷,李本將其理解為aversion to cold,比chill更加準確。chill多意為“由發(fā)熱引起的寒冷或寒戰(zhàn)”。就對偶句式來說,李本句型整齊,英譯用“while”一詞將兩種對比情況進行連接,并增譯了原文暗含之意,如the symptoms of。羅本則選擇用分號連接,后句用that代替syndrome語言更加簡潔。
李:The patient with high fever but still in need of [putting on] more clothes indicates that heat is in the skin [while] cold is in the marrow. [If there is] cold in the body but [the patient] does not want to put on more clothes, [it indicates that] cold is in the skin [while] heat is in the marrow. [7]
羅:If the patient has a high fever but wishes to have more clothes on, it indicates “ Cold in the marrow, but Heat in the skin;” if the patient feels a chill but wishes to remove clothing, it is “ Heat in the marrow, but Cold on the skin.” [8]
分析:本例中,羅本將“不欲近衣”理解為反譯為肯定形式remove clothing并不完全準確。就對偶形式而言,羅本用“if + it indicates”的句式分別銜接“ 熱在皮膚,寒在骨髓Cold in the marrow, but Heat in the skin”與“寒在皮膚,熱在骨髓Heat in the marrow, but Cold on the skin”邏輯清晰,簡潔明了。李本上句以patient為主語,下句選擇if +there be句型,用“while”來銜接分句中“熱在皮膚,寒在骨髓”語對,對比而言句式不夠整齊、簡潔。
李:Floating of yang [indicates] spontaneous fever [while] weakness of yin [indicates] spontaneous sweating. [7]
羅:Floating at the surface signifies Heat, weak in depth signifies spontaneous perspiration. [8]
分析:《難經(jīng)》曰:“從關至尺,是尺內(nèi),陰之所治也;從關至魚際,是寸口內(nèi),陽之所治也。故分寸為尺,分尺為寸。故陰得尺內(nèi)一寸,陽得寸內(nèi)九分。[9]《傷寒論》第3條言及“脈陰陽俱緊者,名為傷寒”,第6條提到了風溫, “風溫為病,脈陰陽俱浮”,[10]因而“”陽浮而陰弱”意指寸脈浮而尺脈弱。這里原文省略了脈,譯文并沒有進行補充。從對偶句式來看,此處上下句在內(nèi)容上并非嚴格反對,無明顯轉折關系,連接詞可選“or””或“while”一詞表示對比。
李:In taiyang disease, the pulse is floating, moving and rapid. Floating pulse indicates invasion of pathogenic wind into superficies, rapid pulse indicates heat, moving pulse indicates pain and rapid pulse also indicates deficiency. [7]
羅:Initial Yang syndrome: Pulse floating, moving and speedy. Floating indicates the Wind syndrome. Speediness is the sign of Heat. Moving reflects pain. Speediness also indicates Deficiency. [8]
李:[If] the pulse is floating, there must be chest bind; [if] the pulse is tight, there must be sore-throat; [if] the pulse is taut, there must be intercostals spasm; [if] the pulse is thin and rapid, headache will not stop; [if] the pulse is sunken and tight, there must be nausea; [if] the pulse is sunken and slippery, there must be diarrhea mixed with heat; [if] the pulse is floating and slippery, there must be bloody stool. [7]
羅:When a floating pulse is observed, there must be a Blocked-up Chest. In case the pulse is tense, there will be a sore throat; whereas a tight pulse always indicates an acute intercostal pain due to tightness of the chest. A slender and speedy pulse is a manifestation of headache. Nausea is reflected by a deep-tense pulse. Diarrhea with intermingled Heat makes the pulse deep-slippery. A floating and slippery pulse foretells stercorrhagia. [8]