崔利剛,任海利,鄧 潔,張亞軍
崔利剛1*,任海利1,鄧 潔2,張亞軍3
(1.重慶交通大學 經(jīng)濟與管理學院 重慶 400074;2.重慶理工大學 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)學院 重慶 400050;3. 貴州財經(jīng)大學 工商管理學院,貴陽 550025)
面對繁多的商品品類和多變的采配流程,B2C (Business to Consumers) 電商物流運營的主要挑戰(zhàn)之一即是合理刻畫顧客小批量、不確定性的需求以實現(xiàn)采配流程的平穩(wěn)高效運行。本文針對B2C電商企業(yè)多品補貨需求的不確定性,將商品需求假設(shè)為三角模糊變量。同時,考慮基于歷史數(shù)據(jù)的模糊變量確定存在隨機可能性判斷,本文運用模糊期望值理論,構(gòu)建以成本最小化為目標的多品采配(Joint replenishment and delivery,JRD)協(xié)同模型。模型采用粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)進行求解。數(shù)值實驗驗證了PSO相比于遺傳算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)求解JRD的有效性和適用性。
B2C電商多品采配協(xié)同問題的難點在于確定共同補貨周期、補貨頻率的同時確定配送周期。經(jīng)典JRP(Joint replenishment problem,JRP)模型嘗試解決確定性條件下的多品聯(lián)合補貨問題[2, 3]。而現(xiàn)實中,B2C電商多品之間的補貨過程并不是完全獨立的,對同一供應商多種商品的采-配的協(xié)同要求很高。同時,多品類商品的不確定性需求會對采-配協(xié)同造成直接影響。經(jīng)典JRP模型假設(shè)建立在理想條件下,不適用于解決需求高度不確定性的B2C電商的多品類交易過程。
當前JRP問題研究大多假設(shè)需求確定或需求隨機,而現(xiàn)實顧客需求性信息難以準確獲得,為估計客戶需求,需要借助多個領(lǐng)域?qū)<业慕?jīng)驗進行綜合判斷。JRP模型的求解方法主要有啟發(fā)式方法和進化算法[13]。盡管啟發(fā)式算法對求解特定JRP模型具有一定的優(yōu)勢[14],但進化算法以其易于理解、方便操作和求解高效的特點得到了很多學者的重視[3, 15]。李成嚴等[2]運用GA解決多產(chǎn)品聯(lián)合補充問題。王林等[16]設(shè)計改進差分進化求解模糊規(guī)劃聯(lián)合補貨模型。而粒子群算法(Particle swarm Optimization,PSO)以其較高的求解效率和魯棒性,在諸多優(yōu)化領(lǐng)域得到了驗證[17, 18],但在JRP問題求解上還有待探索。
綜合以上,鑒于模糊隨機化方法兼顧客戶不確定性需求的模糊化處理和模糊決策空間選擇的隨機化問題。本文通過假設(shè)B2C電商商品模糊需求,構(gòu)建聯(lián)合采購配送(Joint replenishment problem and delivery, JRD)協(xié)同模型,以實現(xiàn)訂購成本、持有成本以及運輸成本的最小化,并根據(jù)模型結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計PSO算法進行求解。
PSO算法是模仿集群行為的一種仿生算法,它源于鳥類的捕食行為,依靠群體優(yōu)化來搜尋全體最優(yōu)[19]。從算法設(shè)計上來講,PSO算法簡單,沒有選擇、交叉、變異等操作,搜索速度快。同時PSO 具備全局搜索與局部搜索的能力,有效避免早熟現(xiàn)象。對于JRD問題模型的實數(shù)編碼,可減少參數(shù)調(diào)整,PSO算法能更快更精確的獲得全局最優(yōu)解?;谀:S機需求JRD模型的PSO算法設(shè)計流程如下:
表1 JRD模型部分數(shù)據(jù)
表2 商品的模糊需求量
表3 商品的模糊需求量
表4 商品的模糊需求量
表5 商品的模糊需求量
表6 和為固定值,不同問題求解結(jié)果
表7 和為固定值,不同問題求解結(jié)果
表8 和為固定值,不同問題求解結(jié)果
表9 ,和為固定值,不同種群規(guī)模問題求解結(jié)果
圖2 不同種群規(guī)模最優(yōu)值進化過程
圖3 不同迭代次數(shù)下PSO進化過程
Figure 3 The evolutionary processes of PSO under different maximum iteration settings
以上實驗表明,通過探索 PSO在求解JRD模型的最優(yōu)參數(shù)組合,為下文PSO求解決模糊隨機需求JRD模型提供最佳參數(shù)組合支持。
表10 PSO算法計算結(jié)果
表11 PSO與GA比較結(jié)果
圖4 GA和PSO進化過程
Figure 4 The evolutionary processes comparison between GA and PSO
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A particle swarm algorithm for a novel B2C multi-item replenishment and delivery coordination model with fuzzy random demands
CUI Ligang1*, REN Haili1, DENG Jie2, ZHANG Yajun3
(1. School of Economics and Management, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China; 2. Intellectual Property Institution of Chongqing, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing, 400050, China; 3. School of Business Administration, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang 550025, China)
The rapid development and extraordinary achievements of e-commerce in China in recent years have attracted worldwide attention. As more and more companies embrace e-commerce, the fierce competition between e-commerce companies and traditional companies or even e-commerce companies erupted in an unprecedented situation. In all e-commerce models, business-to-consumer (B2C) is characterized by providing high-quality goods and services, reflecting greater development potential and stronger competitive strength than its rivals. However, in the face of a wide range of commodity categories and various operations of replenishment-delivery processes, B2C e-commerce logistics operations are under tremendous pressure to solve the problem of how to reasonably characterize the needs of customers in small quantities and uncertain demands to achieve stable and efficient operation of replenishment-delivery processes.
By assuming the fuzzy demands of customers, this paper studies the multi-product joint replenishment and delivery (JRD) coordination problem of B2C e-commerce enterprises.
First of all, in order to better assess and predict customer demand for uncertainty, we define commodity demand as a triangular fuzzy variable based on subjective judgments of different experts.
Secondly, considering that the fuzzy interval is obtained based on empirical knowledge data and the fuzzy variables may be judged by different experts when using fuzzy variables, this paper uses fuzzy expected value theory to construct a fuzzy random JRD model to minimize the total cost of the system change.
Thirdly, considering that the JRD model is essentially an NP-hard problem, this paper designs a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to solve the model. For the PSO algorithm, this paper designs a real and integer mixed encoding scheme to represent the basic processing cycle, the replenishment-delivery frequencies of multi-items.
Fourthly, through the numerical experiment for the parameter sensitivity analysis, the optimal parameter combination for the PSO algorithm for subsequent experiments is found.
Finally, PSO and genetic algorithm (GA) based on the optimal parameter combination were compared and solved. The numerical calculation results show that PSO gives better performance in searching efficiency and effectiveness than GA, but the searching stability is slightly weaker.
Based on the above analysis, our research found that:
(1) Fuzzy random expectation value theory is a suitable and reasonable method to deal with the uncertainty demand and coordinate the cognitive disparities of different experts’ knowledge in judging customer demands;
(2) Compared with GA, PSO algorithm has certain advantages in solving JRD problems, but there is still room for improvement, especially in solving stability.
In future research, we will focus on solving two types of the model under this theme. One is to continue to expand the existing JRD model by considering the waiting costs of customers’ fuzzy random. The other one is to continue to improve the performance of PSO to solve different JRDs.
B2C; Joint replenishment and delivery; Fuzzy demands; Particle swarm optimization
Supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China (71602015), the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of the Chinese Ministry of Education (16YJC630014), the Fundamental and Frontier Research Project of Chongqing ( cstc2016jcyjA0530 ), the Project of Guizhou Provincial Education Department (Qian-Jiao-He KY Code [2018]159) and the Innovative scientific research program for postgraduates of Chongqing (CYS17216)
中文編輯:杜 ??;英文編輯:Boping Yan