David Greene (Host): Weve got quite a story for you to listen to about a certain board game—Monopoly. It can be pretty addictive once you start playing it, right? Well, it turns out finding the true origins of the game is even more addictive. Its consumed author and journalist Mary Pilon, who has a new book out called “The Monopolists.”She describes the history of the game as weve known it. It was the Great Depression. A salesman named Charles Darrow was out of work, desperate to support his family. And in his dark, damp basement, he toiled and tinkered with a board game, inventing what would become an American icon.
Mary Pilon: I think that Darrows story, from a publicity standpoint, is a beautiful story. Who doesnt want to believe that they can go into their basement in one of the nations darkest hours and create something that will change, you know, their own fate and make everybody rich and make you beloved? I mean, I think thats a great story. I cant even tell you how many times in the last few years people say, oh, right, youre doing a book about Monopoly. It was invented in the Great Depression, right? I mean, this thing has stuck like nobodys business. And I actually think the true storys more interesting.
Greene: The true story of Monopoly begins long before Charles Darrow rolled the dice—a few decades, actually—with a woman named Lizzie Magie, who lived in Washington, D.C. and patented something called The Landlords Game, which was, in some great irony, an argument against the concentration of wealth. Her game, though, had an incredible resemblance to modern-day Monopoly.
Pilon: So Lizzie Magie was a pretty astonishing woman. She was an outspoken feminist. She had acted. Shed done some performing. She had written some poetry. And she was a game designer. And at the time that she patented her game, it was before women had the right to vote. And I was very surprised. I thought, you know, female game designers—theyre getting more traction today. But its still unusual. And at the time she put her patent application in, fewer than 1 percent of patents in the United States came from women.
Greene: But Lizzie was a rare case. She got the patent, and her game began to spread around the country, including to the Quakers of Atlantic City, N.J., who added all the Atlantic City street names—Atlantic Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, Park Place. It was through a Quaker friend that Charles Darrow got his hands on the game board and sold it as his own to Parker Brothers. The company, like much of America, went with the tale of this down-onhis-luck Depression-era salesman.
Pilon: I think theres something about us psychologically that just makes us really wired to loving the Darrow story.
Greene: Well Mary, tell me about this very important lawsuit. It was an economics professor from California named Ralph Anspach who spent years in a legal battle with Parker Brothers over Monopoly.
Pilon: Sure. So in the early 1970s, Ralph Anspach, who was a professor at San Francisco State University—he was living in Berkeley. He had two young boys. And he had played Monopoly, of course, and thought that the world needed a more philosophically pleasing version of the game. He felt like Monopoly the game was teaching people things that were bad in real life. And at the time, the OPEC oil cartels were really big news. There was a lot of cynicism because of Watergate. So he creates this game called Anti-Monopoly. And it isnt long before he hears from Parker Brothers lawyers, who said, you know, you need to stop making this game.
Greene: You cant do that.
Pilon: Yeah. You cant make Anti-Monopoly. And that kicks off a legal battle that ends up going on for 10 years. And in the course of that argument, which is, you know, whether Monopoly and Anti-Monopoly could be confused—and theyd rip apart trademark law and copyright law and all these other things as it winds through the court system. Ralph finds out about Lizzie, and he gets all these documents. He starts traveling around the country, interviewing the Quakers and some of the early players. He starts finding these pre-Parker Brothers boards. And he becomes a detective, trying to unravel the true story of Monopoly—and some of his fate hinging on that story and that the game had this whole life before Parker Brothers entered the picture.
Greene: What has kept Monopoly so popular for so many years?
Pilon: Monopoly, specifically—I think now its so wrapped up in nostalgia for people. I mean, one of my favorite debates to have is with game designers who say, you know, the game stinks and heres why. And I think they bring up valid points, but I feel like thats, like, critiquing the Model T for not being a good car. Its like, well, it was good for what it was, but it was also created a century ago. And I think that we could appreciate it for what it was.
But, like, I love Settlers of Catan. Like, we can have multiple games. Thats OK. And I think that when you talk to people about Monopoly, they love talking about their memories associated with it. And for me, Im the same way. I mean, when I think Monopoly, I think of my family playing at the holidays. And so I think now people have projected so much of their own memories and moments onto it that that will keep it going for a long time because its just this multi-generational thing that everybody can share.
Greene: Mary, thank you so much for coming in and talking about Monopoly and the book. We really appreciate it.
Pilon: Thanks so much for having me.
(Soundbite of Song, “Under the Boardwalk”)