1 雜志簡介
2 撰 稿
2.1 總則
文稿應(yīng)具有實用性、科學(xué)性、創(chuàng)新性。文稿應(yīng)表達(dá)準(zhǔn)確、文字簡練、重點突出、結(jié)論可信。論著、綜述、講座類文章不宜超過5 000字;經(jīng)驗交流、病例報告不宜超過1 500字;專家述評、專題筆談、學(xué)術(shù)動態(tài)、醫(yī)學(xué)論文寫作類文稿視具體情況而定。
2.2 文題
2.3 作者和單位
2.4 摘要
2.5 關(guān)鍵詞
在中英文摘要下面標(biāo)引3~8個關(guān)鍵詞。盡量采用全國科學(xué)名詞審定委員會公布的醫(yī)學(xué)名詞術(shù)語,英文采用新版《醫(yī)學(xué)索引》(Index Medicus,IM)中的醫(yī)學(xué)主題詞表(MeSH)中的術(shù)語,如果醫(yī)學(xué)主題詞表中的術(shù)語不適合新出現(xiàn)的專業(yè)術(shù)語,則可直接采用新術(shù)語。關(guān)鍵詞間用“ ; ”分隔。
2.6 中圖分類號
2.7 基金項目
若論文為基金資助課題,請在首頁腳注基金項目名稱和編號。須中英文對照,英文內(nèi)容置于英文關(guān)鍵詞后,如This work was supported by…。
2.8 正文
2.8.1 引言 說明該研究領(lǐng)域的現(xiàn)狀、存在的問題和本研究的目的。文字必須言簡意賅,不能與正文中的其他內(nèi)容重復(fù)。合理引用最新或最經(jīng)典的參考文獻(xiàn),有效闡明論文的重要價值。
2.8.2 對象(材料)與方法 清楚地描述觀察或?qū)嶒瀸ο蟮倪x擇(患者或?qū)嶒瀯游?,包括對?,說明研究對象的年齡、性別和其他重要特征。介紹研究方法、儀器(在括號中注明廠家名稱和地址)和實驗步驟,應(yīng)提供足夠的細(xì)節(jié)以便他人重復(fù)而得到類似的結(jié)果(提供已建立方法的參考文獻(xiàn);提供已發(fā)表但尚不被熟知的方法的參考文獻(xiàn),并做簡要描述;詳述新的或進(jìn)行重大改良的方法,說明采用以上方法的理由,并評估其局限性)。準(zhǔn)確說明所用藥物和化學(xué)試劑的通用名稱、使用劑量和給藥途徑。臨床研究必須遵循《赫爾辛基宣言》的原則,對任何涉及人體的研究均應(yīng)注明得到受試者知情同意,并獲得倫理委員會的批準(zhǔn);任何動物實驗研究均應(yīng)聲明遵循《實驗動物保護(hù)條例》。臨床試驗應(yīng)報告所有主要研究要素,包括受試對象的納入和排除標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、隨機(jī)化方法、干預(yù)措施和盲法措施等。
2.8.3 統(tǒng)計學(xué) 詳細(xì)描述統(tǒng)計學(xué)方法(如成組設(shè)計資料的t檢驗、兩因素析因設(shè)計資料的方差分析、多個均數(shù)之間兩兩比較的q檢驗等),以使具有專業(yè)知識的讀者能夠通過原始數(shù)據(jù)檢驗所報告的結(jié)果。若可能,應(yīng)定量描述結(jié)果,并給出測量誤差的適當(dāng)指標(biāo)或不確定性(如可信區(qū)間)。
2.8.4 結(jié)果 綜合使用文字描述、表格、統(tǒng)計圖或典型照片對論文主題或引言中提到的問題依次分段敘述,可列小標(biāo)題。文字描述和圖表表達(dá)的內(nèi)容避免重復(fù),同時應(yīng)注意圖表表達(dá)符合統(tǒng)計學(xué)要求。仔細(xì)核對數(shù)據(jù),結(jié)果中病例數(shù)應(yīng)與入選時研究對象的例數(shù)相同,如有不一致,應(yīng)描述剔除或失訪的病例數(shù)和原因。不應(yīng)簡單羅列研究過程中所得到的各種原始材料和數(shù)據(jù),需描述經(jīng)過統(tǒng)計學(xué)分析的結(jié)果。如研究數(shù)據(jù)差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義,應(yīng)指明是否有臨床意義。
2.8.5 討論 著重強(qiáng)調(diào)本研究的主要發(fā)現(xiàn)和結(jié)果的重要性,與引言相呼應(yīng)。對得出的結(jié)果進(jìn)行分析,而非重復(fù)引言或結(jié)果部分的數(shù)據(jù)或其他資料。列出本研究的不足之處,包括設(shè)計中可能存在的偏差。在已完成的工作基礎(chǔ)上,提出新的研究課題或思路,指出今后進(jìn)一步研究的方向。
2.9 層次結(jié)構(gòu)
2.10 表和圖
2.10.1 表格 采用“三線表”。合理安排表格縱、橫標(biāo)目,應(yīng)正確、易懂、符合統(tǒng)計學(xué)要求。量的名稱或符號與單位符號采用“量(單位)”的形式,如time(min)。表格中注釋用的角碼符號采用以下形式,其順序為*、#、△、▲、☆、★、**、##、△△等,在表注中依先縱后橫的順序依次標(biāo)出。
2.10.2 圖 要求冠有圖題和相應(yīng)的說明,說明性文字置于圖下方注釋中。組合圖中的不同子圖,用A,B,C注明。坐標(biāo)圖高寬比例適當(dāng),標(biāo)目簡明,且必須標(biāo)注量的名稱或符號和單位符號,如Age(years)。照片圖要清晰,對比度好。黑白圖和彩色圖的分辨率不能<600 dpi。圖上的字母、數(shù)字和符號應(yīng)該清晰、均勻且大小適中(7~12磅),以便出版時易于辨認(rèn)。圖片為TIF或JPEG文件。病理照片應(yīng)標(biāo)明放大倍數(shù)與染色方法,所需顯示的部分置于照片中央或用箭頭標(biāo)示。對可辨認(rèn)的患者照片,應(yīng)征得患者的書面同意,并遮蓋其能被辨認(rèn)出系何人的部分。如圖、表引自他刊,應(yīng)注明出處,并附版權(quán)所有者同意使用該圖的書面材料。
2.11 名詞術(shù)語
2.12 計量單位
采用法定計量單位。具體參照中華醫(yī)學(xué)會雜志社編寫的《法定計量單位在醫(yī)學(xué)上的應(yīng)用》(2004年,第3版,人民軍醫(yī)出版社)一書。在一個組合單位符號的表示中只可以采用1條斜線的形式,如mg/kg,mmol/L等表示,但若有2個以上單位時,應(yīng)采用負(fù)數(shù)冪的形式表示,如“ng/(kg·min)”,不能用“ng/kg/min”表示,也不能寫為“ng/kg·min-1”。量和單位之間空1/4格。百分?jǐn)?shù)起止前后均應(yīng)加百分符號,如40%~60%。面積用長×寬表示,應(yīng)寫成2 cm×3 cm,不應(yīng)寫成2×3 cm2;體積用長×寬×高表示,應(yīng)寫成2 cm×3 cm×4 cm,不應(yīng)寫成2×3×4 cm3。血壓的計量單位使用mmHg,首次使用時應(yīng)注明mmHg或cmH2O與kPa的換算系數(shù)(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa,1 cmH2O=0.098 kPa)。避免使用不規(guī)范單位符號,如“rpm”應(yīng)寫為“轉(zhuǎn)/min”,濃度單位“M”應(yīng)寫成“mol/L”,避免濃度當(dāng)量“N”單位符號。
2.13 數(shù)字
凡是可以使用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字且很得體的地方,均應(yīng)使用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字。一系列數(shù)值的計量單位一致時,只在最末一個數(shù)值后標(biāo)明單位即可,如5、10、15、20 mol/L。單位相同的量值范圍,前一個量值單位可以省略,如3~6 kg。其他如60%~85%,4×109~7×109或(4~7)×109,(25±1)℃。以百分?jǐn)?shù)表示的均數(shù)±標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差寫法如(40.5±0.6)%。完整數(shù)字不移行。分?jǐn)?shù)則橫寫,如2/6,4/7。數(shù)值的修約應(yīng)為“4舍6入5看后,5后有數(shù)進(jìn)上去,5后為0看左數(shù),左數(shù)奇進(jìn)偶不進(jìn)”。
2.14 統(tǒng)計學(xué)符號
2.15 縮略語
2.16 參考文獻(xiàn)
應(yīng)選用親自閱讀的近5年內(nèi)公開發(fā)表的文獻(xiàn)。作者必須對照原文核查每一條參考文獻(xiàn)。采用順序編碼制,按文內(nèi)引用先后編序,其序號標(biāo)注于右上角方括號內(nèi)。同一處引用多篇文獻(xiàn)時,須將各篇文獻(xiàn)的序號在方括號內(nèi)全部列出,各序號間用“,”隔開,如遇連續(xù)序號,可標(biāo)注起止序號,連續(xù)兩篇文獻(xiàn)的序號,用“,”隔開,如[1,2]。文末按引文順序列出,務(wù)必注意文獻(xiàn)的準(zhǔn)確性。作者列出第1~3名,超過3名時,后加“等”或“etal.”。題名后標(biāo)注文獻(xiàn)類型(期刊,J;普通圖書,M;會議論文集,C;匯編,G;報紙, N;學(xué)位論文,D;報告,R;標(biāo)準(zhǔn),S;專利,P;數(shù)據(jù)庫,DB;計算機(jī)程序,CP;電子公告,EB)和載體類型(磁帶,MT;磁盤,DK;光盤,CD;聯(lián)機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò),OL)標(biāo)識代碼。外文期刊名稱用縮寫,采用美國國立圖書館Medline/PubMed數(shù)據(jù)庫的刊名縮寫形式。中文期刊用全名。中文文獻(xiàn)采用中英文雙語著錄。參考文獻(xiàn)如有“數(shù)字對象唯一標(biāo)識符(DOI)”編碼,應(yīng)著錄,列于末尾。
著錄格式:[序號]作者. 文題[J]. 刊名, 年, 卷(期): 起頁-止頁. DOI.
[1] Williamson JD, Supiano MA, Applegate WB,etal. Intensivevsstandard blood pressure control and cardiovascular disease outcomes in adults aged ≥75 years: a randomized clinical trial[J]. JAMA, 2016, 315(24): 2673-2682. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2016.7050.
[2] 謝朝云, 蒙桂鸞, 熊蕓, 等. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性發(fā)作患者復(fù)種菌感染相關(guān)因素分析[J]. 中華老年多器官疾病雜志, 2019, 18(7): 485-488. DOI: 10.11915/j.issn.1671-5403.2019.07.103.
Xie ZY, Meng GL, Xiong Y,etal. Relevant factors of multiple bacterial infections in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease[J]. Chin J Mult Organ Dis Elderly, 2019, 18(7): 485-488. DOI: 10.11915/j.issn.1671-5403.2019.07.103.
著錄格式:[序號]著者. 書名[M]. 版次. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年: 起頁-止頁.
[3] 陸再英, 鐘南山. 內(nèi)科學(xué)[M]. 第7版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 2008: 18-19.
Lu ZY, Zhong NS. Internal Medicine[M].7th ed. Beijing: People′s Medical Publishing House, 2008:18-19.
著錄格式:[序號]析出文獻(xiàn)著者. 析出文獻(xiàn)篇名[A]//專著編者. 書名[M]. 版次. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年: 起頁-止頁.
[4] Curtis DH,Drew JW.Infection after liver transplantation[A]//Ronald WB, Goran KK. Transplantation of the Liver[M]. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2005: 978-980.
著錄格式:主要責(zé)任者. 題名: 其他題名信息[文獻(xiàn)類型標(biāo)志/文獻(xiàn)載體標(biāo)志]. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年(更新或修改日期)[引用日期]. 獲取和訪問路徑示例:
[5] World Association of Medical Editors. Policy statement on authorship[EB/OL]. [2010-10-16]. http://www. wame.org/resources/policies#authorship.
2.17 志謝
3 投 稿
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TheChineseJournalofMultipleOrganDiseasesintheElderly(ZhonghuaLaonianDuoqiguanJibingZazhi) (ISSN 1671-5403) is launched in 2002 and published monthly by the Institute of Geriatric Cardiology(IGC), Chinese PLA General Hospital in Beijing, China.
ChineseJournalofMultipleOrganDiseasesintheElderly(theJournal) is a peer-reviewed medical journal for all physicians, researchers, and health-care workers from geriatric specialties. The journal contributes to the scientific advancement of geriatrics by disseminating high quality research with potential to advance knowledge for geriatrics. The journal welcomes manuscripts that are relevant to the care of older persons with cardiovascular diseases, especially those with concomitant diseases of other major organs orsystems, such as the lungs, kidneys, liver, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract or endocrinology,etc. The submissions related to the geriatrics, including basic, clinical and preventive medicine, are all acceptable.
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If reviewers express widely different opinions or disagree on the decision to accept, the article may be sent to a third reviewer. All manuscripts are discussed at a meeting of the editor-in-chief and standing members of the editorial board. This committee makes the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript.
Any study containing quantitative data and statistical inference should be reviewed by a consultant with formal statistical training and experience.
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Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the basis of scientific merit, significance, and suitability for publication devoted to clinical and laboratory studies of geriatrics. Authors should revise their manuscript to comply with the requirement on the reviewers′ comments and the style oftheJournal. If a revision of an original article is not received within 2 months from the last decision letter of an editor,theJournalwill assume that the authors have withdrawn the manuscript from further consideration. If the revision is not satisfactory to the editors and referees, the author may be asked to make a second revision. On publication, each report indicates the date that the original manuscript was received at the editorial office and the date that the manuscript was finally accepted. If a manuscript is not accepted, the author will receive a decision letter with the reviewers′ comments.
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3.3 Abstract
Abstract of original research articles should consist of about 250 words and be structured in 4 parts: 1) Objective; 2) Methods; 3) Results; and 4) Conclusion. Full papers submitted to other sections (e.g., Editorials, Reviews, Clinicopathological Conference, Education and Training,etc.) require a simple narrative abstract of 250 words or less summarizing the content of the paper. An abstract is not required for the type of case report. The abstract should be self-explanatory, without reference to the text. Abbreviations may be included, provided they are defined in the abstracts as well as the main text.
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Summarize the major findings. Compare the reported findings with previous work. Propose their interpretation, and indicate their implications and limitations. Suggest future work. Produce a succinct conclusion. Conclusions should be linked to the goals of the study. Statements which are not completely supported by the data should be avoided.
3.7 Tables
Number all tables with Arabic numbers consecutively in order of appearance. Each table must have a concise heading and should be completely informative in itself without reference to the text. Symbols for units should be used only in column headings. Every column must have a description or heading. Do not use internal horizontal or vertical lines. Statistical measures of variations should be identified. All abbreviations must be defined in footnotes. For footnotes, use the following symbols in this sequence: *,#,△,▲,☆,★,**,##,△△,etc.
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3.9 References
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3.10 Acknowledgments
The correspondence author must affirm that he or she has listed everyone who contributed significantly to the work and has obtained written consent from all contributors who are not authors and are named in the Acknowledgment section. The Acknowledgment section may briefly include assistance from:1)contributors that do not warrant authorship; 2)technical help; 3) material support; and 4) financial support as a grant.
Before a manuscript can be reviewed, all authors must sign a ICMJE Conflict of Interest form (http://www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest) declaring any possible financial, professional, or personal conflicts of interest that could conceivably bias the conduct, reporting, or interpretation of the research.
For reports concerning experiments on humans, authors must include at the beginning of the methods section a statement that all patients (or parents or guardians of those not able to provide informed consent) provided written, informed consent before the beginning of the study. All patients have a right to privacy that should not be violated. Identifying information, including but not limited to patients′ names, initials, hospital numbers, or images showing the likeness to the patient, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient gives written informed consent for publication.
Human experiments should be performed only in accordance with the ethical standards provided by the responsible committee of the institution and in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (revised in 2013, http://www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm). Laboratory research involving animals must comply with guidelines for animal care and use. The experimental protocol must be approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Address: Editorial Office,ChineseJournalofMultipleOrganDiseasesintheElderly, 28 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100853, China
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