(1.河南農業(yè)職業(yè)學院 機電工程學院,鄭州 451450;2.河南科技大學 材料科學與工程學院,河南 洛陽 471000;3.洛陽中重鑄鍛有限責任公司,河南 洛陽 471000)
為第三代汽車中錳鋼工業(yè)化生產的加工工藝制定提供參考。采用Gleeble-3800型熱力模擬試驗機對汽車用中錳鋼進行了變形溫度900~1 150 ℃、應變速率0.1~20 s?1的熱壓縮變形處理(變形量為50%),基于不同熱壓縮變形條件下的應力應變數(shù)據(jù)建立中錳鋼的流變應力本構方程,并對本構方程進行應變補償,驗證考慮應變補償?shù)牧髯儜Ρ緲嫹匠填A測值與試驗結果的一致性。應變速率不變時,中錳鋼的峰值應力隨著變形溫度的升高逐漸減?。蛔冃螠囟炔蛔儠r,中錳鋼的峰值應力隨著應變速率的增大整體逐漸增大。在變形溫度900~1 150 ℃、應變速率0.1~20 s?1的條件下,汽車用中錳鋼考慮應變補償?shù)牧髯儜Φ纳Ⅻc預測值與實測值吻合較好;進行應變補償處理后,汽車用中錳鋼流變應力本構方程的相關系數(shù)為0.986,絕對平均誤差3.36%,相較于未考慮應變補償?shù)牧髯儜Ρ緲嫹匠?,考慮應變補償后相關系數(shù)變大,絕對平均誤差變小??紤]應變補償?shù)牧髯儜Ρ緲嫹匠炭梢詫ζ囉弥绣i鋼熱壓縮變形過程中的流變行為進行準確預測。
汽車工業(yè)的快速發(fā)展給汽車用材帶來巨大發(fā)展機遇的同時,對汽車用鋼的開發(fā)與應用提出了新的挑戰(zhàn),這主要是因為節(jié)能環(huán)保、低成本和高防撞安全性等需求的提高[1],已要求汽車用鋼從輕量化和安全性指標很低、強塑積一般(約15 GPa·%)的第一代汽車用鋼向逐漸升級到輕量化和安全性指標高、強塑積≥30 GPa·%的第三代汽車鋼的方向發(fā)展[2-4]。其中,F(xiàn)e-Mn-Al-C系中錳鋼由于具有密度低、強度高、塑性好和生產成本低等特點而成為第三代汽車用鋼的重要組成部分,科研工作者從成分設計、工藝設計、組織調控等角度已開發(fā)出了強塑積可以達到30 GPa·%以上的汽車中錳鋼[5-7]。然而,目前汽車用中錳鋼的研究主要還處于實驗室階段,仍然存在成形工藝復雜性和可控性等問題[8-9],需要進一步研究熱變形過程中變形溫度、變形速率等對汽車中錳鋼熱變形行為的影響規(guī)律,為具有良好強塑性的第三代高強汽車鋼規(guī)?;I(yè)生產過程中的加工工藝制定提供參考。
采用真空冶煉的方法制備自行設計的汽車用Fe-Mn-Al-C中錳鋼錠,鋼錠進行1 180 ℃保溫2 h的均勻化熱處理后,在1 140~900 ℃的高溫至低溫范圍內將鋼錠鍛造成截面尺寸100 mm×150 mm的鍛坯,空冷至室溫。采用電感耦合等離子發(fā)射光譜法測得其主要元素含量,如表1所示。采用DIL805型熱膨脹儀測得中錳鋼的Ac1和Ac3分別為638、1 146 ℃。
采用線切割方法從鍛坯上截取8 mm×12 mm棒狀標準試樣,在Gleeble–3800型熱力模擬試驗機上進行熱壓縮試驗。棒狀試樣以8 ℃/s的速度從室溫升高至1 200 ℃,保溫3 min后以8 ℃/s速度冷卻至設定熱壓縮溫度(900、950、1 000、1 050、1 150 ℃),保溫0.5 min后以設定應變速率(0.1、1、2.5、5、10、20 s?1)熱壓縮至50%變形量,水淬至室溫。
表1 實驗用中錳鋼的化學成分
Tab.1 Chemical composition of medium manganese steel for experiment wt.%
圖1 不同應變速率下汽車用中錳鋼的真應力-真應變曲線
在變形溫度900~1 150 ℃、應變速率0.1~20 s?1的條件下,汽車用中錳鋼的峰值應力統(tǒng)計結果如表2所示。當應變速率固定不變時,隨著變形溫度從900 ℃上升至1 150 ℃,中錳鋼的峰值應力逐漸減小,這主要是因為變形溫度的升高會使得內部熱激活能增大,材料的動態(tài)軟化行為愈發(fā)顯著而使得應力減小[10];當變形溫度固定不變時,隨著應變速率從0.1 s?1增大至20 s?1,中錳鋼的峰值應力整體呈逐漸增大的趨勢,這主要是因為在較高的應變速率下,中錳鋼中的加工硬化作用愈發(fā)顯著[11],相應地,流變應力會更大,但是在變形溫度較低時(900、950 ℃),中錳鋼仍然存在高應變速率下峰值應力較低的現(xiàn)象,這主要與中錳鋼在高應變速率下的變形熱來不及散失而造成溫度升高有關[12]。
式中:結構因子(1、2、)和應力指數(shù)(1、)為與中錳鋼有關的常數(shù);為反映動態(tài)軟化的應力水平參數(shù)(=1);為變形激活能,kJ/mol;為變形溫度,K;為氣體常數(shù),8.314 J/(mol·K)。
表2 汽車用中錳鋼的峰值應力
Tab.2 Peak stress of medium manganese steel for automobile MPa
圖3 ln-ln[sinh(ασ)]和ln[sinh(ασ)]-1/T關系曲線
圖4為中錳鋼的材料常數(shù)與真應變的多項式擬合曲線,真應變范圍為0.05~0.7。材料常數(shù)和ln的確定系數(shù)R2分別為0.940 3、0.995 3、0.975 4和0.957 3,而2的值越接近1,則表明回歸曲線對觀測值的擬合程度越好[19]。由此可見,考慮應變補償?shù)幕貧w方程整體的擬合度較高。
圖5為考慮應變補償?shù)钠囉弥绣i鋼的應力-應變曲線。由圖5可知,在變形溫度900~1 150 ℃、應變速率0.1~20 s?1的條件下,汽車用中錳鋼考慮應變補償?shù)牧髯儜Φ纳Ⅻc預測值與實測值吻合較好,表明考慮應變補償?shù)牧髯儜Ρ緲嫹匠炭梢暂^好地對汽車用中錳鋼的流變應力進行有效預測。
圖4 中錳鋼各材料常數(shù)與真應變的多項式擬合曲線
圖5 考慮應變補償?shù)钠囉弥绣i鋼的應力-應變曲線
2)在變形溫度900~1 150 ℃、應變速率0.1~20 s?1的條件下,汽車用中錳鋼考慮應變補償?shù)牧髯儜Φ纳Ⅻc預測值與實測值吻合較好;進行應變補償處理后,汽車用中錳鋼流變應力本構方程的相關系數(shù)為0.986、絕對平均誤差3.36%,相較于未考慮應變補償?shù)牧髯儜Ρ緲嫹匠?,考慮應變補償后相關系數(shù)變大,絕對平均誤差變小??紤]應變補償可以更好地對汽車用中錳鋼熱壓縮變形過程中的流變行為進行準確預測。
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Hot Compression Deformation Behavior of High Strength Medium Manganese Steel for Automobile
XIAO Zhen-hua1, FENG Ya-lei1, FENG Qi-sheng2,3, LUO Zhi-hui3
(1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan Vocational College of Agriculture, Zhengzhou 451450, China; 2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Henan Luoyang 471000, China; 3. Luoyang Zhongzhong Casting and Forging Co., Ltd., Henan Luoyang 471000, China)
The work aims to provide reference for the formulation of processing technology in industrial production of the third generation medium manganese steel for automobile. Gleeble-3800 thermal simulation testing machine was used to carry out the thermal compression treatment of medium manganese steel for automobile with deformation temperature of 900-1 150 ℃ and strain rate of 0.1-20 s?1(The deformation amount was 50%). Based on the stress and strain data under different hot compression deformation conditions, the flow stress constitutive equation of medium manganese steel was established, and the constitutive equation was strain compensated. The consistency between the predicted values of the rheological stress constitutive equation considering strain compensation and the experimental results was verified. The results showed that when the strain rate was constant, the peak stress of medium manganese steel decreased gradually with the increase of deformation temperature; when the deformation temperature remained unchanged, the peak stress of medium manganese steel increased gradually with the increase of strain rate. At deformation temperature of 900-1 150 ℃ and strain rate of 0.1~20 s?1, the scattered prediction value of flow stress considering strain compensation for medium manganese steel for automobile was in good agreement with the measured value; after strain compensation treatment, the correlation coefficient of the flow stress constitutive equation of medium manganese steel for automobile was 0.986, and the absolute average error was 3.36%. Compared with the flow stress constitutive equation without considering strain compensation, the correlation coefficient became larger and the absolute average error became smaller after considering strain compensation. The rheological stress constitutive equation considering strain compensation can accurately predict the rheological behavior of medium manganese steel for automobile during hot compression deformation.
medium manganese steel; deformation temperature; strain rate; constitutive equation; strain compensation
Henan Provincial Innovation Fund for Distinguished Talents (182102610014)
XIAO Zhen-hua (1984-), Male, Master, Associate professor, Research focus: development and application of automobile materials.
校振華, 馮亞磊, 馮啟生, 等. 高強汽車中錳鋼的熱壓縮變形行為研究[J]. 精密成形工程, 2023, 15(2): 125-131.
XIAO Zhen-hua, FENG Ya-lei, FENG Qi-sheng, et al. Hot Compression Deformation Behavior of High Strength Medium Manganese Steel for Automobile [J]. Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering, 2023, 15(2): 125-131.