An aimless, fuzzy1 composition wastes your time and your readers’attention.Your readers want content that makes a solid2 point and gets there quickly. Hereare three simple steps that’ll help you learn how to write better content.
Step 1
Begin with the end in mind
Ideally, before you start to write, askyourself two questions:
1. What are your goals for this pieceof content?
2. What will this piece of content dofor your readers? What will they be able todo, become, have, change, or avoid afterthey’ve read it?
1. 你這篇內(nèi)容的目標是什么?
2. 這段內(nèi)容會為你的讀者帶來什么?讀過之后,他們能做什么、成為什么、擁有什么、改變什么或避免什么?
Go ahead and draft it
You want to know the answers tothose two questions before you startwriting. Just write it. For as long as youneed to. Get the ideas distilled3 into words,even if they’re lumpy4 and imperfect. Themore you write, the more raw5 materialyou’ll have when it’s time to edit.
Step 3
Let it rest, and then make it better
In a perfect world, you’ll have thetime to let your first draft rest while you doother things. That will let you come backto it with fresh eyes and a sharp mind.Now carve away the cruft and get to thegood stuff.
It’s time to look at your two questionsagain. Does the content you drafted servesthe original goal you had in mind for it?The answer might be yes, which is great.Or you may come up with better answers tothe two questions while content editing.That’s even better. Make sure that thecontent moves briskly6 to the point.
And when you learn how to write better content, you’ll banish readers’boredom, make sure you’re spending your time wisely, and build relationships withyour readers.