Is it better for teenagers to make their owndecisions or take advice from other people? Iprefer making decisions by ourselves.
We are teenagers, not babies anymore. We have our ownideas. We want to be the master of ourselves.
We have the right to choose what clothes to wear every day.We just wear what we like to make ourselves happy, not to wearsomething to make others happy. We can tell the hairdresser in thebarber shop whether we like long hair or short hair, etc.
When I was in the kindergarten, my mother preparedeverything for me. She encouraged me to try a lot of new things.I had to play the piano, learn opera, play LEGO, and go to danceevery week. I did so just because my mother wanted me to do.But now I am a teenager, I can decide the subjects that I want tolearn. If I like a subject, it means I enjoy learning it, so I will beconcentrated on it. In this way, I will be able to learn it very well.
My mother always tells me that though I am a teenager, I amstill a child, so I need advice from my parents and other people.Actually, the parents are afraid of us making mistakes. However,mistakes make us more smart, stronger and more independent.And to be independent is one of the best gifts for teenagers.
Let teenagers be free and be independent. Only in this way,can they grow stronger.
(指導(dǎo)教師:王 希)