Science is always seen as hard- core andhard to understand. But could you imagine hun-dreds of people being captivated by the coverof a science magazine? The achievement wascompleted after Wang Yixi and his team madethe cover of an October issue of Structure. aUS-based Cell Press journal.
The cover shows a Chinese ink painting ofa farmer leading an ox across a bridge, fol-lowed by a boy with a bamboo basket on hisback. In addition to the jelly fish and lotusflowers in the river under the bridge, chemicalcompounds and elemental structures were high-lighted and weaved into the picture.
It vividly depicts the process in which aspecial enzyme involved in the biosynthesis ofan important organic compound is activatedthe latest breakthrough by a Chinese scientificresearch team.
The drawing was one of many works byWang and his team. Over the past four years,they have come up with more than 10.000 visu-al works for academic papers across a varieof fields.
While studying chemistry at university,Wang said that he often came across an experi-mental preparation process that he had to ex-plain, but the amount of text was too large andabstract. That' s why he later ran Xixizhiyancompany to turn graphics into fine art.
\"What we do is to visualize abstract con-cepts and help scientific researchers demon-strate their findings in a straightforward and dis-tinctive way\", said Wang, now in his 30s.
Wang said that many science journalshave allowed. and even encouraged, paper au-thors to come up with such illustrations. Therapidly rising number of Chinese scientific pa-pers has resulted in increased demand fromChinese scientists who want illustrations fortheir work to carry distinctive Chinese elements.
\"The most popular cultural elements in-clude tai chi and peony flowers . as well as theMonkey King and other figures from classicChinese literature works\", Wang said.
Since many Western editors or paper re-viewers might not be familiar with someChinese elements, Wang recommends that hisclients submit certain introductory words ex-plaining the drawings, such as how they are as-sociated with the science.
\"It' s fulfilling whenever we produce aspecial piece of work that combines cutting-edge scientific findings and traditional Chineseculture that meets the expectations of theclient.\" Wang said.