I will never forget the lessen which Mr. Ligave us. One day Mr. Li was speaking to us inour school meeting room. He began his speechby holding up a¥100 bill. He asked, \"Whowould like this¥ 100 bill?\"
Most of us put up our hands quickly. Thenhe said, \"I am going to give this¥ 100 to oneof you, but first let me do this.\" He then madethe bill into a ball and said; \"Who wants itnow?\" We raised our hands again. But hesaid, \"Wait a moment.\" He then dropped it onthe floor and stepped on it. After that, he pickedup the dirty bill and said,
\"Who still wants it?\" Many hands werestill up.
\"My friends,\" he said, \"you have learneda valuable lesson today. No matter what I did tothe money, you still wanted it because it did notgo down in value. It was still worth¥ 100. \"
“We always lose many chances we take inour lives. \"He went on speaking, \"We feel as ifwe are worth nothing. But remember, no matterwhat has happened to you, you will never loseyour value: you are always valuable to thosepeople who love you. Your value doesn' t comefrom what you do or who you know. but WHOYOU ARE. \"
\"You are special and valuable. Don ' t everforget it! \"