“What are you doing?”my fifth-grade teacherinquired1 as I hunched2 over the side of my desk.
“I’m packing my backpack. The bell rings in a few minutes.”
“Unpack your assignments3. You still have five minutes. We work until theclock runs out. The more you do here in class with me, the less you have to do athome,”she countered with a small smile as she walked back to her desk. She was avery kind and sweet woman, but I knew she meant business, too.“
I pulled my math assignment back out and completed one problem at a time asthe minutes on the clock ticked away. The bell finally rang, and I stuffed4 myhomework in my backpack as fast as possible and headed to my next class.
I cannot remember how many times per day she would reiterate5, “Use yourtime wisely.”It worked. It became second nature for me to work until the bell rang.
In middle school, I continued the practice she instilled6 in me. I worked onmy assignments until the bell rang. And she was right. The more I did in class, themore time off I had at home. The more time I had at home, the more time I hadfor hobbies.
I continued the practice until my senior year in high school, having an entireyear’s worth of college classes completed before I even threw my mortarboard7into the air. I used my time wisely.
I instilled that mindset in nearly every aspect of my adult life: my education,my career8, and my family.
At age ten, I didn’t understand. I do now. Learning how to use your timewisely also means learning what’s important to you. It’s not just a lesson in usingthe time you have, but in enjoying those moments, treasuring the time spent withloved ones, and living life.