In my class, no one likes Rosy, whois a very conceited1 girl. As she comesfrom a rich family, she always looks downon others. She lives near my house so Iknow about her very well. Her parentsalways let her do whatever she wants andstands by their daughter’s side whethershe is right or wrong.
There is another girl called May.Unlike Rosy, May is a girl of goodcharacter. She is always cheerful andready to help those in need. For Rosy, shenever knows sharing. Because of May’sgoodwill, all of us seem to be closer toMay than Rosy.
Rosy is feeling jealous2 of May andjealousy3 takes away peace of her mind.She always looks unhappy.
One day, during break time whileRosy was walking, she tripped4 and fellon May. Rosy slightly hurt her foreheadbut she cried bitterly5 and blamed onMay furiously6. We all soothed7 Rosyand told her that it wasn’t May’s fault.
Rosy didn’t listen to us. She phonedher parents and complained exaggera -tedly8. Her parents immediately arrivedand spoke angrily to May as if theirdaughter was seriously hurt. Poor Maywas absolutely shocked.
At that time our teacher, Mrs. Susan,came back from the office and asked,“What is happening?”We all explainedwhat had happened.
But Rosy’s father shouted, “Thischild should be severely9 punished”pointing to May. Mrs. Susan said,“I cannotdo that.”“If so, we will have to go to thepolice station,”said Rosy’s mother angrily.
“Every child is special for me but Ihave to stand by the right side. If youwish, you can. But I would like to sayone thing,”O(jiān)ur teacher replied calmly.
“Do you remember the car that yourelder son was driving that knocked a childdown two years ago? Luckily the childwas saved but his wrist was fractured10.”
“That proves11 nothing,” inter -rupted12 Rosy’s father.
Our teacher continued, “You areluckier than the child because the child’sparents are very magnanimous13. Theyforgave your son as they understood thatit had happened accidentally notintentionally14.”
“Do you know who they are? askedMrs. Susan.“How would I know?”saidRosy’s father.“They are May’s parents,”said Mrs. Susan. Rosy’s parents becamespeechless.
From that day on I admire my teacher,Mrs. Susan, more than before and alsoknew why May has such a good character.