Everyone is a rock star in the bathroom.
Admit it. You’ve grabbed the showerhead to bust1 out a song or two in theshower once or twice in your life. There’s just something completely satisfyingabout singing in the shower.
Have you ever wondered about this phenomenon2? Some of us wouldn’t singin public. Yet we’ll sing in the shower without embarrassment. Believe it or not,there’s a scientific explanation behind it.
First, let’s look at why we’re relaxed enough in the shower to burst into song.Think about it—you don’t sing when you’re sad (unless you’re singing the blues,of course). For many people, shower time is the only time they’re alone all day.You’re in a warm, small, safe environment. You’re comfortable enough! Stressliterally3 washes off you. When you relax, your brain releases4 dopamine5, whichcan give your creative juices a jumpstart.
Warm water is rushing over you, and now you’re relaxed and feeling good. Itturns out that singing makes you feel even better. Singing, because of the breathingyou put into it, gets more oxygen6 into the blood. This gives you better circulation7,which in turn improves your body and mood. And because you have to breathe alittle deeper to belt out8 a song, you get relaxation and mind-clearing benefits9.Another great thing is that when you’re singing, you really can’t think about yourproblems—more stress relief10.
But the best thing about singing in the shower? The acoustics11! You can’task for a better sound system than a bathroom. Because bathroom tiles12 don’tabsorb13 sound, your voice bounces14 back and forth around the room before fadingaway. And because the shower is a small space, it boosts15 your voice, making yoursinging sound more powerful. The sound bouncing also gives your singing areverb16 effect, which makes your voice hang in the air longer. It makes you soundbetter than you actually are, which is a confidence boost.
We don’t sing in the shower simply because we have some songs stuck in ourheads. It turns out we do it for many reasons: stress relief, happiness, greatacoustics, or maybe just because we like to hear our own voices. No matter whatthe reason, keep it up. It’s good for you. And if you’ve never tried it, pick a song,grab the showerhead and put on your own private concert.