On a sunny afternoon,a little snail lay on a chair,planning for the future.“What do I want to be? Oh,yes, let me be the courier.”
Three dayslater, the SnailExpress Stationwas set up fordelivery.
His first customer wasa chick who had orderedice cream online, hoping toreceive it the next day.
However, when thelittle snail delivered the icecream to her, a week hadalready passed, and sadly,the ice cream had melted.
The second customerof the little snail was apuppy who wished tosend some apples to hisgrandmother.
However, upon the snails delivery, it was disheartening tofind that the apples had turned rotten. The little snail felt a deepsadness.
His third customer was a bird. She had intended to give the little pig a seed.
However, whenthe little snail arrived,a whole month hadpassed, and to everyonessurprise, the littlepigreceivedabigwatermelon.
Finally, the little snailshut down the expressstation, realizing that whatsuits is the best.