Ethan sat on his bike and rode fast. When he got to the end of the driveway1,he turned around. He stopped the bike in front of Mom.
“See? I never fall any more. Can I ride to the park on my own now?”He hadridden his bike to the park before, but Mom or Dad always came along. He wassure he could do it on his own.
Mom looked at Ethan.“Is your helmet2 on tight?”she asked.“Yes! ”he said.“Okay,”Mom said. “But you must come home before it gets dark. It’s not safe toride at night in the dark. Have fun! ”“Really? Wow, thanks! ”Ethan turned theblue bike around and rode away before Mom could change her mind.
When he got to the park, he slowed down and parked his bike near the picnic table. Then he ran off to find his friend, Connie.
“Guess what?”Ethan said.“I rode my bike here all by myself! ”“Me, too! ”Connie said.“Now we can ride around the neighborhood together3! ”“Mom onlysaid I could come to the park,”Ethan said. “Maybe next time she’ll let me dothat.”
Connie and Ethan played hopscotch4 and took turns on the slide5. They also ran races. When they were tired, they sat at the picnic table and took a rest.
Ethan looked at the sky. The sun was like an orange ball, and it was slowly setting.“I should go home,”said Ethan.“I promised6 I would get there before dark.”
“Me, too,”Connie said. They both put on their helmets and got on their bikes.“See you next time! ”said Ethan. And he rode his bike home before dark, just likehe said he would.