Simply put, yes and no. Carrots have Vitamin A, which is also known asRetinol1. Retinol is what your body needs to make Rhodopsin2. This is the pigment3in your eyes which works in low-light places and makes you to see better in the dark.
If you were short of Vitamin A or Retinol, then eating a lot of carrots would be agreat way to work this out, but only to the point of a healthy person. And eatingcarrots for a healthy person would only help little when you see something in dark.You don’t need to eat too many carrots like a rabbit.
Where did this “fact”come from? Is it a rumor4 made to get kids to eat theirvegetables? Or is it a piece of public health information? Well, no. Like many otherrumors it was government propaganda5. Well, a step up from that actually, it waswartime6 government propaganda.
During the early years of World War II, The Battle of Britain was taking placeover the United Kingdom and the Germans were bombing7 the British cities. Eachnight in the dark the Germans crossed the channel8 in the planes and tried to bombthe British cities out.
However, a new invention9 known as Radar was helping the British find out theenemies10 and fight in time. The British did not want the Germans to notice this. Sothe Air Ministry ordered a lot of newspapers to say that their pilots were eating lotsof carrots to help them see much better at night
It was so well done that not only did they fool the Germans, but they also managed to fool the British people and that’s where the“fact”came from.
如果你缺乏維生素A 或視黃醇,那么多吃胡蘿卜是解決這個問題的好方法,但只能達到健康人的水平。對于一個健康的人來說,多吃胡蘿卜對你在黑暗中看東西的幫助也不大。你不需要像兔子一樣吃太多胡蘿卜。