A new study shows that roosters can recognize themselves in a mirror. The newscame after roosters did not pass scientists’usual test for this.
The “mark3 test” (or “mirror test”) is a way to test whether an animal canrecognize itself. Some scientists believe the mark test doesn’t work well for allanimals. Roosters are a good example. Scientists in Germany recently ran the marktest on roosters. They put a mark on the chest4 of the roosters. But when the roosterslooked in a mirror, they didn’t seem to notice the mark. The scientists needed adifferent way to test whether the roosters could recognize themselves.
First, the scientists let the roosters spend time getting used tobeing in a closed-in room and having a mirror around. Then, theyran several tests by making a hawk5 shadow6 over the bird andwatching what the rooster did.
When there was no mirror, the roosters did things as usual. They called outwhen they were near another rooster, but kept quiet when they were alone.
But when a rooster was in a room where it could see itself in the mirror, itwasn’t fooled7 into thinking there was another rooster. It kept quiet althoughthere was the hawk shadow. It did this even if there was a rooster hidden8 behindthe mirror.
The scientists say the results show that the roosters knew they were seeingthemselves in the mirror, and not other roosters. That shows that the mark test maynot be a good test of whether an animal can recognize itself.
The scientists hope their results will encourage9 other scientists to look forbetter ways of testing self-recognition10 in animals. It may turn out that some kindsof animals are smarter than people thought.