The world’s biggest-ever bird weighedas much as a cow and lived in Australia until50,000 years ago.
The flightless Dromornis stirtoni1plodded along on two hind legs. It was thelargest member of an extinct group ofcreatures called the mihirungs—based on anAboriginal word for giant2 bird.
In a new research, scientists describedhow they analysed3 the ancient skulls4 ofmihirungs to get a better idea of their brains.
They discovered that the animals’hugeheads left little room for brains, giving riseto some strangely shaped skulls.
“Together with their large, forward -facing eyes and very large beaks5, the shapeof their brains and nerves suggested thesebirds likely had well-developed depth perception6and fed on a diet of soft leaves andfruit,”said study lead author.
世界上最大的鳥有一頭牛那么重,它5 萬年前生活在澳大利亞。
“The shape of their brains and nerveshave told us a lot about their sensorycapabilities7, and something about theirpossible lifestyle which enabled theseremarkable8 birds to live in the forestsaround river channels9 and lakes acrossAustralia for a very long time.”
Nicknamed“Thunder Birds”, mihirungs lived across Australia for millions of years.
The largest species Dromornis stirtoni could grow to 3m tall and weigh about 600kg.
The researchers discovered thatmihirung brains and nerves10 were most likethose of modern day chickens andAustralian malleefowl11.
“The unlikely truth is these birds wererelated to chickens and ducks, but theirclosest cousin and much of their biologystill remains a mystery,”said study authorDr. Trevor Worthy.
最大的物種史氏雷嘯鳥可以長到3 米高,約600 公斤重。
The team used CT scans of the skulls to create casts of the creatures’brains.
The largest and last species Dromornisstirtoni, which died out 50,000 years ago, wasan “extreme evolutionary12 experiment”, DrWorthysaid.
“This bird had the largest skull butbehind the huge bill was a strangecranium13,”he explained.
“To accommodate14 the muscles towield15 this huge bill, the cranium hadbecome taller and wider, and so the brainwithin was squeezed16 and flattened17 to fit.”
研究小組對這些頭骨進行了CT 掃描,建立了這些動物的大腦模型。
最大也是最后的物種史氏雷嘯鳥在5 萬年前就滅絕了,這是一個“極端的進化實驗”,沃西博士這么說。