In our everyday lives, we will get to go through a lot of things. We have ourneeds and wants that we work hard so we can get. We have work or school, too.Sometimes, we do not get the time to stop and relax. Sometimes, we do not get timeto think about the things that have been happening1 around us.
This is not good at all. You must never put yourself in situation2 like this. Thisis why you have to make sure that you can save some time for yourself to relax. Thisis how you will be better in many other things that you do.
Before you can enjoy relaxing yourself, you must first find out what makes youtired and stressed3 out. People say that it is good to have a certain amount4 ofstress. It will make us move. Remember that this is only a small amount, a verysmall one. When you can tell the things that make you stressed, start to relax.
There are many things that can be the reason5 why we become stressed. Sometimes,people think too much about their work that they forget the other thingsaround them. Sometimes, this can make them not happy at all with what they aredoing. They may have to leave their jobs in the long run6.
You can be stressed too when you suffer7 body pain8 for a long time. If you arein this kind of situation, you will feel that you have to fight to be able to sleep.When you wake up, you don’t feel rested9. This can make our health10 get worse aswell. If you see yourself in any of these and the like, then you must find a way to relax.
1. happen 發(fā)生
2. situation 情況,形勢
3. stress 精神壓力,緊張. 焦慮,緊張stressed 焦慮的,緊張的
4. amount 數(shù)量,量
5. reason 原因,理由
6. in the long run 從長遠(yuǎn)來說,最終
7. suffer 經(jīng)受,遭受
8. pain 疼痛,傷痛
9. rested 精力充沛的;休息得好的