李登高 劉成霞
DOI: 10.19398/j.att.202310019
摘? 要:隨著計算機和軟件技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展,有限元分析技術(shù)展現(xiàn)出越來越大的潛力,已成為紡織服裝領(lǐng)域進行力學(xué)性能研究的重要手段。為促進有限元分析技術(shù)在織物力學(xué)性能中的有效應(yīng)用,更好地解決生產(chǎn)實踐中的問題,首先從實驗圖像和物理幾何手段兩方面,闡述了目前織物幾何模型的構(gòu)建方法;梳理了織物材料連續(xù)模型、離散模型、半離散模型等本構(gòu)模型的研究進展;其次,歸納了目前常用有限元分析軟件的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域及優(yōu)缺點,概括了有限元技術(shù)在織物拉伸、撕裂、防彈沖擊、彎曲等力學(xué)性能領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用現(xiàn)狀;最后指出當前研究存在模型精度不足、材料參數(shù)難確定、邊界條件設(shè)置困難等不足,后續(xù)可以從應(yīng)用多尺度分析方法、開發(fā)高精紡織檢測儀、進行多物理場耦合模擬等方面展開研究。研究結(jié)果可用于指導(dǎo)生產(chǎn)實踐,更好地解決織物力學(xué)性能的相關(guān)問題。
最初被用來研究飛機復(fù)雜結(jié)構(gòu)的有限元(Finite element,F(xiàn)E)分析技術(shù),是一種將彈性理論、數(shù)學(xué)和計算機軟件有機結(jié)合的數(shù)值分析技術(shù)[1]。由于該分析技術(shù)求解精度較高,可擺脫實際物理條件的限制,非常適合表征織物力學(xué)性能。20世紀70年代,Lloyd等[2]便將有限元技術(shù)用于織物力學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)分析,將織物看作連續(xù)介質(zhì),采用無彎曲阻力的薄膜單元探究了織物形變。這一時期主要使用簡單的平面應(yīng)力應(yīng)變模型,忽略織物的三維性質(zhì)和纖維層次結(jié)構(gòu),對織物力學(xué)行為的描述不夠準確。20世紀80年代起,三維模型開始用于織物力學(xué)性質(zhì)的模擬,研究主要集中在結(jié)構(gòu)建模和分析方面,如Imaka等[3]利用三角形有限單元構(gòu)建了織物三維模型;Zhao等[4]和Tan等[5]設(shè)定經(jīng)緯紗長度及有限單元邊長不變,將幾何約束條件引入三角形彎曲有限單元。由于不必進行重復(fù)實驗,有限元模擬技術(shù)可以節(jié)約大量測試時間和成本,是一種高效的工程分析方法,且隨著近年來計算機技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展,該技術(shù)在織物力學(xué)性能領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用也越來越廣泛和深入。
1? 織物有限元模型的構(gòu)建
1.1? 織物幾何模型的生成
1.1.1? 基于實驗圖像的模型生成方法
1.1.2? 基于物理幾何算法的模型生成方法
1.2? 織物材料的本構(gòu)模型
1.2.1? 連續(xù)模型
1.2.2? 離散模型
1.2.3? 半離散模型
半離散模型[39-41]由一組離散的織物單元格組成,是連續(xù)模型和離散模型的綜合,圖4展示了由織物單元格構(gòu)成的半離散模型[40] ,以及半離散模型的彎曲和扭轉(zhuǎn)復(fù)形狀態(tài)[42]。通過半離散模型可獲得織物的細觀結(jié)構(gòu),由于其組成單元數(shù)量遠少于離散模型,計算效率也比離散模型高。與連續(xù)模型相比,半離散模型不使用應(yīng)力張量,直接定義經(jīng)緯紗張力及面內(nèi)剪切和彎曲力矩[43],利用半離散模型可以模擬織物的預(yù)成形能力[44]。在此基礎(chǔ)上,Guan等[42]進一步考慮織物橫向壓縮、面內(nèi)剪切和彎曲性,構(gòu)建了半離散2.5維模型,并將其嵌入Abaqus/ Explicit中,用于模擬機織物的成形過程。
1.3? 有限元模型的生成
2? 常用的有限元分析技術(shù)軟件
3? 有限元分析技術(shù)在織物力學(xué)領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用現(xiàn)狀
3.1? 拉伸性能
3.2? 防彈性能
防彈性能是指織物抵抗高速飛行物體穿透和沖擊破壞的能力,有限元技術(shù)可以有效分析織物被沖擊破壞的過程。按精細程度目前的織物有限元沖擊模型分為二維宏觀[64] 、纖維級[65] 、紗線級[66]3類,如圖6所示。從圖6中可以看出,不同的織物沖擊模型展現(xiàn)的細節(jié)不同。早期的二維織物沖擊模型將紗線認為是線彈性材料[67],忽略紗線間的摩擦,后續(xù)研究[65]表明摩擦在織物防彈沖擊中起重要作用,用數(shù)字單元建立的纖維級微觀織物模型,可更詳細地展示彈體穿透織物時的摩擦及損傷過程[68],但計算耗時大,成本高。紗線級模型則能綜合兩者優(yōu)點,具備一定精度的同時,降低分析成本。出于這一考慮,誕生了多尺度模型[69],即用宏觀連續(xù)模型替代遠離彈道沖擊的區(qū)域,但多尺度模型中的簡化結(jié)構(gòu)難以解釋紗線的斷裂、卷曲、滑移等。對此,Meyer等[66]分別建立了宏觀連續(xù)及中尺度有限元模型,來研究織物的沖擊響應(yīng)過程。
3.3? 撕裂性能
3.4? 彎曲性能
4? 研究不足和后續(xù)發(fā)展方向
4.1? 研究不足
4.2? 后續(xù)發(fā)展方向
4.2.1? 應(yīng)用多尺度分析方法
4.2.2? 開發(fā)高精紡織檢測儀
4.2.3? 進行多物理場耦合模擬
4.2.4? 與其他數(shù)值方法相結(jié)合
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Application of finite element analysis technology in the field of
fabric mechanical properties
LI? Denggaoa,? LIU? Chengxiaa,b
(a. School of Fashion Design & Engineering; b. Zhejiang Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Fashion
Digital Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
The mechanical properties of fabrics have always been an important research content in the field of textiles and clothing, but the three-dimensional structure of fabrics is complex, and many factors such as fiber, yarn, weave structure and composite materials will affect the mechanical properties of fabrics. The traditional mechanical experimental methods are often costly, and it is difficult for researchers to observe the changes at the meso level. With the rapid development of computer and software technology, the finite element analysis technology shows more and more potential, and has become an important means of mechanical property research in the field of textile and clothing. This paper first described the construction methods of fabric finite element models by some scholars at present. The geometric model construction methods are divided into two categories. One is based on the experimental data to generate the model, and the fabric finite element model is constructed by collecting the experimental image information. This method is suitable for fabric local modeling, and can obtain fine and real fabric structure. The other is based on the physical or geometric generation model, that is, using the actual physical weaving process or geometric parameters to construct the three-dimensional structure of the fabric, and this method is easier to construct periodic boundary conditions. The constitutive model of fabric materials is a key step in constructing finite element models. This paper introduces continuous models, discrete models, and semi-discrete models respectively. The continuous models have the fastest calculation speed, but cannot reflect the internal characteristics of the fabric. By contrast, the discrete models can express the state of yarns or fibers, but the computational cost is high. The semi-discrete models combine the advantages and disadvantages of both. At present, most finite element analysis can be done with finite element software. For several commonly used finite element analysis software, this paper introduced their application fields, advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, the current status of finite element research on the mechanical properties of fabrics is roughly divided into four fields: tensility, bullet proofness, tearing and bending. At present, there are more studies in the two fields of tensility and bullet proofness, and the research materials are mainly woven fabrics.
Although finite element technology plays an important role in the simulation of fabric mechanical properties, there are also some shortcomings, such as the lack of model accuracy, the difficulty of determining material parameters, and the difficulty of setting boundary conditions, which affect the accuracy of simulation results. In view of these shortcomings, this paper put forward four suggestions for the follow-up development of finite element in the field of fabric mechanics. First, it is necessary to apply multi-scale analysis methods, and research feature changes at a more microscopic level while ensuring computational efficiency. Second, it is necessary to develop a higher precision textile tester to obtain more accurate material parameters.
Third, it is necessary to fit the actual environment and carry out multi physical field coupling simulation. Fourth, it is necessary to combine other numerical methods to solve complex problems. It is believed that the finite element technology will play a more important role in the simulation of fabric mechanical properties in the future.
finite element; fabric; mechanical property; stretching; bulletproofing; tearing; bending