Do you love your hobbies but don’t have the money to pursue1 them? Hereare some good ways to keep your spending in check and still have lots of fun inyour free time.
Pursue less costly hobbies. Money isn’t the only reason to choose or avoid ahobby, but you should certainly consider the costs. Choose hobbies that requiretime, creativity, skill, or knowledge rather than money or gear2.
If you enjoy doing something, do more of it using what you already have ratherthan starting new hobbies frequently. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try newthings. It does mean that you should stay the course, and master the hobbies youhave already chosen to pursue before chasing new ones.
Consider new purchases3 carefully. Choose durable4 items that will last along time and give you plenty of use. For some creative pastimes, it is worthkeeping some supplies5 around so that they’re available when inspiration strikes.If this is the way you pursue your hobby, gradually build up a reasonable selectionof supplies as your budget6 permits. Learn to make the most of simple materials.Some people do incredible, photorealistic7 drawings with a ballpoint pen.
Set budgets both for money and, if necessary, for your time. Set aside acertain amount of money each week or each month. Use this money for supplies,equipment8, and any other hobby related expenses, and don’t go over it.
Sell your creations. Some hobbyists make professions of their hobbies, or atleast make a little extra money. If you make something in the course of yourhobby, get good at it and try selling it. Teach your hobby. Offer lessons in doingwhatever you’ve gotten good at.