Surrounded by rolling green hills dotted1with horses and cows, the beautiful ranch townof Waimea on Hawaii’s Big Island is a peacefuland friendly place. One afternoon, while stayingwith friends at their house there, my husbandand I decided to go for a walk along the many,mostly traffic-free, country lanes2 in the area.
We met a beautiful Golden Retriever,obviously well cared for but with no collar. Heseemed especially friendly so we stopped to playwith him, throwing a stick which he retrieved3several times with glee4. When we went on ourwalk, he followed us, and although I worried thathe might be going too far from his home, I couldn’tdeny5 that we were enjoying his company. We feltan immediate bond with this lovely dog and eventalked about adopting6 him if we learned that hedidn’t belong to anyone.
After about twenty minutes, we found ourselves walking along a dirt road inan unfamiliar area, our golden friend still trotting7 beside us. Hilly grasslandssloped8 upward beyond a fence on one side of the road, and houses spacedcomfortably apart dotted the other. One house was almost hidden by tall trees. I feltsomething wrong as we passed it and felt an urge9 to be as far away from thatplace as possible.
Just then, the door to the house creaked open and five dogs rushed out,barking and growling10 as they ran toward us. I felt terrified and couldn’t move.There was nowhere to hide and no time to run.
All of a sudden, our new friend appeared between the dogs and us. He facedthem—all five of them—growling and baring11 his teeth. I was amazed to see theattacking dogs stop in their tracks ten feet away from him. Our protector held themthere while we escaped12, running quickly down the road. At a safe distance, welooked back and saw the five dogs heading back toward their house.
But the Golden Retriever was nowhere in sight.
The road was quiet again.
I felt an ache in my heart; I missed our friendalready. Instinctively13, I knew he was not hurt.
With a feeling of emptiness, we made our way back to the house, hoping the whole way that we would see our golden friend again. But it was not to be.
When I told our friend about the encounter14, her eyes flew wide open as she exclaimed,“It was an angel! ”
To this day I have no doubt. A four-legged angel protected us.