Red panda is a close relative1 of giant panda.It is less popular, but it is discovered 48 yearsbefore giant panda. Red panda lives in mountainforests. It can be found in the Nepal, India,Bhutan, China, Laos and Myanmar.
Red panda is listed as endangered species2because their living places are smaller and smaller,and a larger number of them get killed by people.Here are some interesting things about red panda:
Red panda is also known as “Fire Fox”because of its appearance. It can grow to 20 to 26inches long and 7 to 14 pounds3 in weight. Its tail4can be 12 to 20 inches long.
Red panda spends most of its life in the trees.Red panda moves slowly and carefully on the ground.
Red panda eats both plants and animals. It usually eats bamboo5, but it alsoeats fruit, roots, eggs and small animals.
Red panda eats 200,000 leaves of bamboo per day. Red panda rests6 most ofthe day because it needs to save the energy7. Red panda is active8 in the morningand late afternoon.
Mother red panda prepares nest of sticks and grass and takes care of the babieson her own. Babies are born blind9 and their ears are closed. Young red pandas stayin the nest during the first three months of their life. They will stay with their motheruntil the next breeding10 season. Red panda can live 7 to 8 years in the wild and upto 14 years in zoo.
小熊貓是大熊貓的近親。它沒有大熊貓那么受歡迎,但它比大熊貓早48 年被人發(fā)現。小熊貓生活在山林里,分布在尼泊爾、印度、不丹、中國、老撾和緬甸等國家。
小熊貓被列為瀕危物種,因為它們的棲息地越來越小,而且大量的小熊貓被人類捕殺。以下是一些關于小熊貓的趣事:小熊貓因其外形也被稱為“火狐”。它可以長到20 到 26 英寸長,7 到 14 磅重,尾巴可以有12 到20 英寸長。
小熊貓每天吃 20 萬片竹葉,一天大部分時間都在休息,因為它需要節(jié)省精力。小熊貓在早上和傍晚的時候比較活躍。
小熊貓媽媽準備好樹枝和草做的窩后,會獨自照顧小熊貓幼崽。幼崽出生時是失明的,耳朵是閉合的。小熊貓在出生后的頭三個月待在窩里。它們會和媽媽待在一起,直到下一個繁殖季節(jié)到來。小熊貓在野外能活7 到8 年,在動物園能活14 年。