For many English learners, learning to write fluently1 in English is much moredifficult than learning to speak fluently. Even for advanced level2 learners, writingcan come much more slowly3 in English than speaking. There are a number of reasonsfor this:
Writing Is More Formal4
Writing in English needs to follow rules of grammar much more closely than inspoken English. For example, if someone says “Please borrow me your pen”, it’s clearthat the speaker wants to say “Please lend me your pen”. In writing, words are evenmore important because they don’t have visual5 context6. When you speak, you cansmile and make a good impression7. With writing, all you have are your words.
Spoken Communication Allows for More “Mistakes”
Imagine if you’re at a party. You might have a talk with someone and only understanda few words. However, because you’re in the context of a party, you can make allthe mistakes you want. It doesn’t matter8. Everyone is having fun. When it comes towriting, there’s not so much room for mistakes.
Less Thinking Goes into Spoken English Than Written English
Spoken English is much more spontaneous9 than written English. You can relaxwhen you speak English and mistakes don’t impact10 your ability to speak clearly. Inwriting, it’s important to think about how to write to the future readers. You need to understandwho will be reading your writing. It takes time to work these things out.