In the old town of Harmonyville, whereeveryone knew everyone, lived a little girlnamed Lily. She was known for herinfectious laughter2 and the warm heart.
Harmonyville Elementary was Lily’ssecond home, a happy place full oflaughter. Lily loved spending timeoutdoors, playing games with herclassmates. She also did well in manysubjects, such as math, science andEnglish. She loved all most every teachershe met in the school. She was happywhen she went home from school.
But one day, a group of bullies3 ledby a boy, Jake, decided to target4 Lily.They would walk around her and make funof her face and clothes. Lily, who had astrong mind, couldn’t help but feelterrible with each bad word.
One sunny afternoon, Lily sat all byherself, thinking about the bad words thathad been thrown her way. That’s whenEmma, a kind-hearted girl, came to her.
Emma had watched what the bulliesdid and couldn’t stand it any more. Shethought Lily needed her help.
“Hi, Lily,”Emma greeted her with awarm smile. “I’ve seen what’s beenhappening, and I don’t think it’s right.You don’t deserve5 to be treated6 thatway.”
Lily, surprised by the nice words,looked up with her eyes full of tears. Emmasat down beside her and went on saying,“You know, my mom always says thatpeople who treat others bad are oftendealing with their own pain. It’s not aboutyou; it’s about them. Don’t let their wordsdefine7 you.”
So Lily and Emma became newfriends and got along with each other. Theyspent their days together, sharing stories,dreams, and laughter.
Emma’s encouragement8 gave Lilythe strength9 to face the bullies and lookfor help from a good teacher. The teacherfound it should be done head-on. She helda meeting to discuss the importance ofkindness, empathy10, and the results ofbullying. Lily’s story was shared with thewhole school, and many people got moved.
As the days went on, the school com -munity11 fought against bullying. Students,teachers, and parents worked together tomake a better place to study and live.
Lily’s story made some good change inthe school. The bullies faced the results fortheir actions, and Lily’s story became acatalyst12 for empathy and understanding.
The school celebrated differences, andLily with her friends and supporters13, felta new sense14 of belonging15.
The laughter that oncewent away now flied throughthe halls. This little girl namesLily now was known as thebravest in the school.
1. brave 勇敢的;無畏的
2. infectious laughter 具有感染力的大笑
3. bully 恃強凌弱者;橫行霸道者. 欺凌
4. target 把……作為攻擊目標
5. deserve 值得;應受
6. treat 對待;看待
7. define 給……下定義
8. encouragement" 鼓勵
9. strength 勇氣;力量
10. empathy 共鳴;同情
11. community 社區(qū);社會
12. catalyst 化學催化劑;誘因;誘導者
13. supporter 支持者;擁護者
14. sense 感覺
15. belonging 歸屬感