摘 " "要:粉黛櫻珠是從中國櫻桃(Prunus pseudocerasus L.)實生資源中選育出的優(yōu)良品種。樹勢中庸,樹姿半開張,萌芽力中等,成枝力中等。果實扁圓形,果皮黑紫色,果面光亮,平均單果質量2.25 g,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)15.90%,可滴定酸含量0.34%,維生素C含量12.20 mg·100 g-1,味甜,品質好,不易裂果。果實生長發(fā)育期52 d左右,在浙江寧波5月1日前后成熟。適應性和抗病蟲性較強,種植第3年開花結果,5~6年進入盛果期,豐產、穩(wěn)產。
中圖分類號:S662.5 文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1009-9980(2025)01-0241-03
Breeding report of a new Chinese cherry cultivar Fendaiyingzhu
LIU Zhuqin1, WANG Guoyun2, ZHOU Chaochao2, ZHAO Xiuhua1, WANG Guowu3, GUO Feng4
(1Ningbo Academy of Agricultural Science, Ningbo 315040, Zhejiang, China; 2Yuyao Agricultural Technology Extension Service Station, Ningbo 315400, Zhejiang, China; 3Yuyao Liangnong Bai Orchard Farm, Yuyao 315430, Zhejiang, China; 4Ningbo Qiyuan Cherry Orchard, Ningbo 315100, Zhejiang, China)
Abstract: Fendaiyingzhu is a new cultivar selected from the seedling resources of Chinese cherry (Prunus pseudocerasus L.). In 2008, during the germplasm resource investigation on Chinese cherry in Ningbo, a dark purple, sweet-tasting and high-yield Chinese cherry seedling tree (superior plant) was discovered in Liangnong Town and identified as 4-29. The biological characteristics of the mother tree and grafted trees were investigated from 2009 to 2019 in different locations. The results indicated that the morphology and biology of the mother plant and its grafted offsprings remained stable. Application for the protection of the new cultivar right was submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China. And the National Certificate of the right to new varieties of plants was obtained on 30 November, 2022 (variety rights number: CNA20191002168) and the new cultivar was formally named Fendaiyingzhu. The floral characteristics are as follows: The inflorescence of corymbs usually has 3-6 flowers. A flower has 5 round petals, 1 pistil, 32-41 stamens with the purple-red anthers. The petal color is pink at the beginning of flowering and turns to light pink gradually with the opening time. Fendaiyingzhu has self-fertility ability. The fruits are dark purple, oblate shape, not easy to crack and few deformed. The average single fruit mass is 2.25 g with the maximum up to 3.91 g. The flesh is light yellow. The soluble solids content is about 15.90%, the titratable acid content is 0.34%, and the vitamin C content is 12.20 mg per 100 g. The fruit stalk is short with an average length of 1.51 cm, thick and not easy to fall off. The fruit development period is about 52 d in Ningbo region, Zhejiang province. The mature period is around May 1st, about 7 days later than that of the main early maturing variety Zhujiduanbing. The whole harvest period can continue for 15 days. The growth vigor of the trees is medium, tree gesture is half upright and the tree branch ability is middle. The variety has early fruiting ability and high yield. Flowering and fruiting begins in the third year after planting and the period of high yield is from 5 to 6 years after planting. The more fruits are produced on short, middle and long fruit branches, and the fruiting locations are easy to shift outwards. The variety has strong adaptability and disease resistance, and is easy to plant. It is suitable for planting in sandy loam and similar habitat with good drainage and deep soil layer. The recommended spacing within rows and between rows is 3 m×4 m or 4 m×4 m.
Key words: Chinese cherry; New cultivar; Fendaiyingzhu
1 選育過程
2 主要性狀
2.1 果實經濟性狀
果實扁圓形,果形端正,果面光滑,縫合線不明顯,果頂低平,初成熟時果皮鮮紅色,完全成熟后呈黑紫色。果肉淡黃色,汁液多,半黏核,核小,不易裂果。果柄細而短,平均長度為1.51 cm,最長為1.68 cm,不易脫落。平均單果質量2.25 g,最大果質量3.91 g,豐產性好。果實可食率93.62%,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)15.90%,可滴定酸含量0.34%,固酸比46.75,維生素C含量12.20 mg·100 g-1,風味甜,果實鮮食品質上乘(表1)。
2.2 植物學特征
該品種樹勢中庸,樹姿半開張,成枝力中等;葉片長橢圓形,葉片長14.28 cm,葉片寬8.20 cm,葉緣鋸齒深且較密,齒尖,葉尖極尾尖,葉片基部有2個蜜腺,圓形,紫紅色,葉柄長1.37 cm。葉片初展時呈淺紅色,成熟葉片綠色。傘房花序,平均每花序有3.4朵花,自交結實。
2.3 生物學特性
3月初現蕾,3月上中旬盛花,花期持續(xù)13~16 d,花蕾為深粉紅色,初花時花瓣顏色為粉紅色,隨著開放時間的延長逐漸轉為淡粉紅色;4月下旬成熟可以分批采摘,整個采收期約15 d,果實生長發(fā)育期52 d左右。結果早,豐產性好,嫁接苗栽植第3年開始開花結果,5~6 a(年)進入豐產期,以短果枝和中、長果枝結果為主,結果期注意控制樹勢,若樹勢過旺易形成徒長枝,降低結果能力。
2.4 適應性與抗逆性
3 栽培技術要點
3.1 定植
選擇交通方便、排水良好且有灌溉條件、pH值5.5~7.0的肥沃壤砂或砂礫壤土建園。粉黛櫻珠選擇山櫻、草櫻、大青葉等砧木通過嫁接培育苗木,春季或秋季選擇主干粗度大于0.8 cm且整形帶內含6~8個飽滿芽的健壯苗進行定植,以春栽為好。起壟栽植,適宜株行距(3~4)m×4 m,每666.7 m2栽41~55株。
3.2 整形修剪
樹形多采用自然開心形,為便于采摘樹高控制在2.5 m以下。幼樹以整形為主,通過拉枝等方式培養(yǎng)側枝和結果枝;成年樹注重夏季修剪,于果實采收后1個月內完成夏季修剪,主要對結果枝組尤其是過長的主枝和側枝進行回縮修剪,促發(fā)新梢,防止結果部位外移;萌芽前進行休眠期修剪,疏除過密枝條、病殘枝,調整枝條密度以及各級枝梢比例,改善后期光照條件。
3.3 肥水管理
3.4 花果管理
3.5 病蟲害防治
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