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2025-03-03 00:00:00路藝王萌王鳳春劉靜王東升王旋郭春磊曹飛李婧實孫海濤張京政齊永順王同坤張海娥
果樹學(xué)報 2025年1期

摘 " "要:燕鳳是從燕山板栗實生大樹群體中選育出來的新品種,具有優(yōu)質(zhì)、高產(chǎn)、抗逆性強等優(yōu)良特性。堅果深褐色,色澤明亮;果肉淡黃色,肉質(zhì)糯、香、甜,可溶性固形物含量(w)19%以上。在河北省遷西縣9月上旬成熟,為早中熟品種。結(jié)果母枝平均抽生果枝數(shù)2.7條,結(jié)果枝率70.6%,每結(jié)果枝刺苞數(shù)2.3個,每苞果粒數(shù)2.8個,平均單粒質(zhì)量8.1 g。嫁接后第2年開始結(jié)果,8年生單株產(chǎn)量3.6 kg,折合產(chǎn)量3 024.0 kg·hm-2,連續(xù)結(jié)果能力強。耐貯性強,適宜炒食、制作冰栗等??购担婉け?,高抗紅蜘蛛,穩(wěn)定性和適應(yīng)性良好。適宜在燕山板栗產(chǎn)區(qū)及與此生態(tài)類型相似區(qū)域種植。


中圖分類號:S664.2 文獻標(biāo)志碼:A 文章編號:1009-9980(2025)01-0248-04

A new Chinese chestnut cultivar Yanfeng with top quality, high yield and excellent stress resistance

LU Yi1, WANG Meng1, WANG Fengchun2, LIU Jing1, 3, WANG Dongsheng1, 3, WANG Xuan1, 3, GUO Chunlei1, 3, CAO Fei1, 3, LI Jingshi1, 4, SUN Haitao2, ZHANG Jingzheng1, 3, QI Yongshun1, 3, WANG Tongkun1, 3, ZHANG Hai’e1, 3*

(1Engineering Research Center of Chestnut Industry Technology, Ministry of Education, Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology, Qinhuangdao 066004, Hebei, China; 2Qianxi County Chestnut Industry Research and Development Center, Qianxi 064300, Hebei, China; 3College of Horticulture Science and Technology, Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology/Hebei Key Laboratory of Horticultural Germplasm Excavation and Innovative Utilization, Changli 066600, Hebei, China; 4College of Marine Resources and Environment, Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology, Changli 066600, Hebei, China)

Abstract: Yanfeng is a new chestnut cultivar selected through seedling selection. In 2006, the mother tree was found in Qianxi county, Hebei province by our research group, which was determined to be the superior strain after evaluation. In the spring of 2007, the strong juvenile branches of the mother tree were collected and grafted to the Variety Breeding Nursery of Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology, and the main cultivar Yanshanzaofeng was used as the control. Since 2015, regional trials have been carried out in three sites of Hebei province (including Funing, Qianxi and Qian’an). After eight years of trial and investigation, the superior strain showed obviously desirable characteristics such as high quality, high yield and strong resistance. In December 2023, it was approved by Hebei Forest Variety Certification Committee and officially named as Yanfeng. This cultivar is of medium height. The tree is vigorous with spreading tree gesture. The annual branches are brown, and lenticels are small and moderately dense. Leaves are long elliptical and dark green, with 18.9 cm in length and 6.8 cm in width. After grafting for 6 years, the average numbers of male inflorescence and female flowers on mixed flower branches are 11.4 and 2.3, respectively. The shape of burs is oval, with coarse spines of medium density and length. The average weight of a single bur is 39.2 g. The nuts have puce and glossy shells. The faint yellow flesh of nut shows the quality of strong glutinousness, aroma and sweetness. Soluble solids content is above 19%. And the contents of mineral elements per 1 kg of nuts are 510 mg magnesium, 142 mg calcium, 12 mg iron, 6 mg zinc, 73.4 mg manganese, 2.6 mg copper, 3030 mg potassium, 786 mg phosphorus and 14 mg sodium. The fruit development period is 90 days. It matures in early September in Qianxi county, which belongs to the early-mid maturing variety. The average number of fruit branches produced by an original bearing-shoot is 2.7, and the proportion of fruit branches is 70.6%. Each fruit branch has an average of 2.3 burs. Each bur contains an average of 2.8 nuts. The weight of single nut is 8.1 g. After grafting, this variety begins to bear fruits in the 2nd year, and begins to produce abundantly and steadily in the 5th year. The average yield per tree in the 8th year is 3.6 kg, equivalent to a yield of 3 024.0 kg·hm-2, which is higher than the check cultivar Yanshanzaofeng. It has a strong capacity for continuous fruiting, and can produce stable and high yields in successive years under no fertilization condition. The nut has good storage resistance and can be used for stir-frying, making ice chestnuts, etc. Yanfeng is resistant to dry and barren soil. It is able to maintain normal growth in extremely dry parks and years. It is also resistant to red mite, with good stability and adaptability. Suitable cultivation areas are in the Yanshan mountains and areas similar to this ecotype. Orchards should be chosen on gneiss or granite weathered soil. The spacing in the rows and spacing between rows are (2-3) m× (3-4) m. Yanzi and Yanbao are appropriate pollination cultivars for Yanfeng.

Key words: Chestnut; New cultivar; Yanfeng; Stress resistance; High quality; High yield


1 選育經(jīng)過


2 主要性狀

2.1 植物學(xué)特征

樹體高度中等,樹姿開張。1年生枝褐色,皮孔小、圓形、密度中等。葉片長橢圓形,平均長度18.9 cm、寬度6.8 cm,濃綠色,葉背茸毛稠密,葉姿平展,先端急尖,鋸齒淺而大。燕鳳嫁接6 a(年)后,混合花枝雄花序平均11.4個,雌花數(shù)平均2.3個;結(jié)果枝長度31.2 cm,粗度0.9 cm,尾枝長7.6 cm。刺苞橢圓形,平均單苞質(zhì)量39.2 g,刺苞長7.2 cm、寬5.5 cm、高4.8 cm;刺束粗、中等密度和長度、硬,黃綠色,刺束分支角小,成熟時“十字”裂。堅果橢圓形,深褐色,色澤明亮,果尖突出,茸毛稀疏,筋線不明顯,底座中等,接線平滑。

2.2 經(jīng)濟特性

堅果果肉淡黃色,質(zhì)地細(xì)膩,糯性、甜、香,可溶性固形物含量(w)19%以上;耐貯性強。結(jié)果母枝平均抽生果枝數(shù)2.7條,結(jié)果枝率70.6%,每結(jié)果枝苞數(shù)2.3個,出實率39.8%,每苞果粒數(shù)2.8個,單粒質(zhì)量8.1 g,8年生單株產(chǎn)量3.6 kg,折合產(chǎn)量3 024.0 kg·hm-2,高于對照燕山早豐(表1)。

2.3 品質(zhì)特性

每100 g堅果含有水分52.8 g,淀粉27.1 g,蛋白質(zhì)8.9 g,脂肪0.8 g,可溶性糖8.22 g,灰分0.96 g;每1 kg堅果礦質(zhì)元素含量為鎂510 mg、鈣142 mg、鐵12 mg、鋅6 mg、錳73.4 mg、銅2.6 mg、鉀3030 mg、磷786 mg、鈉14 mg。

2.4 物候期

燕鳳在河北遷西縣,萌芽期4月22日,展葉期4月28日,雄花盛花期6月10日,雌花盛花期6月17日,果樹成熟期9月上旬,落葉期10月底至11月初,發(fā)育期90 d左右,為早中熟品種。

2.5 結(jié)果習(xí)性

燕鳳嫁接后第2年開始結(jié)果,第5年開始豐產(chǎn)穩(wěn)產(chǎn),6年生單株產(chǎn)量可超過3.6 kg,每公頃產(chǎn)量3000 kg以上,連續(xù)結(jié)果能力強,無大小年,產(chǎn)量高,無肥水條件下可連年穩(wěn)產(chǎn)高產(chǎn)(表2)。

2.6 抗逆特性


3 栽培技術(shù)要點

適宜在燕山板栗產(chǎn)區(qū)及與此生態(tài)類型相似的區(qū)域種植,以片麻巖、花崗巖風(fēng)化的土壤栽植為宜。建議栽植密度2 m×3 m或3 m×4 m;嫁接5 a以上,開始逐年間伐。授粉樹品種可選用燕紫[4]、燕寶[5]等。樹形宜采用開心形、多主開心形或主干疏層形。幼樹注重夏季修剪,進行年內(nèi)多次摘心,增加分枝數(shù)量,加快樹體整形。冬季修剪只采用疏剪方式,不進行短截。幼樹只疏除個別徒長枝,其余枝條保留緩放,以果壓冠;成齡樹采用“抓大放小”修剪方法[6],疏除過高過密的、交叉重疊的大枝或中枝,其余小枝不修剪,控制樹體高度在3~5 m。

4 綜合評價


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河北果樹(2020年2期)2020-05-25 06:58:32
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