Freshman year at college is a very exciting but nerve-wracking experience. For many it's one of the best years of their life. Students with a solid academic background in high school often think they will transition to college with no problem. Many are taken by surprise once they get there.
Why do some college freshman do so much better than others? I've discovered seven key mistakes most freshman make (and in doing so, limit the success they spent high school preparing for):
1. They don't take advantage of campus resources.
1. 不利用校園資源
The biggest mistake most freshmen make is they don't use the resources and people already in place to help them. In college, to be successful, you must use the resources your tuition has already paid for. These include Resident Assistants, Major Advisors, Student Advisors, tutors, professors, peers, and older students. Make sure you know what resources are available on campus, and how you can get to know them.
2. They don't implement a study system.
2. 沒有學(xué)習(xí)計劃
Doing well in college, though possible for many, requires a different approach to studying and managing your time. Different from high school, you do not have the same structure or accountability in place. Put procedures in place - for studying especially - that will help you maintain the discipline necessary to do well.
3. They don't answer the question of why they're really in school.
3. 盲目求學(xué)
Some are in college for their parents, some because it's the next step in life, some to make great friends, some to party, some to discover their career. You have a purpose for being in school. What is it? Until you answer this question, it will be more difficult to know how to use your time.
4. They try to do everything freshman year.
4. 一心多用
Many students get absorbed in all the opportunities available to them but don't really do anything well their first year. This includes campus activities, dorm life, cafeteria food, and parties. As a result, they never fully commit to their real purposes in college and are still floundering come sophomore year. This is a very bad mistake to make, especially when it is so easily preventable.
5. They are not proactive in their pursuits.
5. 消極被動
It would be nice if teachers checked up on you and a note went home to your parents if you weren't in class (or maybe not). Unlike high school, initiative is required to do well in college. You have to do it yourself. After you've attended the first week of class, you have to connect with other students and professors who you can learn from and connect with throughout the year. You should do this continually.
6. They don't take pride in how they're different from others.
When you write a paper or take a test, professors aren't looking for you to regurgitate what they covered in class. They want to know that you've taken time to think for yourself and have come up with your own conclusions. Of course, in math or science courses, the conclusions are a little more objective than in the liberal arts. Same for career preparation. Not all lawyers were political science majors, not all doctors were once physiology majors. If you have an idea of what career you want to pursue, there are many ways to get there. And on a personal level, if you don't find a group that you can feel comfortable in, form one yourself.
7. They do things that they won't be proud of later on.
7. 一失足成恨
Many students do more their freshman year that they will regret in the future than at any other time in their life. Before you go to that party or decide to bail on a week of classes, take some time to think about the results of your actions weeks and months down the road.
So, there you have it - the seven big mistakes to avoid. Remember, the opportunities to succeed are plentiful - and available - for any student who want to start out college on the right foot. Simply use common sense, follow my advice, and let your academic and college experience flourish!