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2013-04-29 00:44丫丫
新東方英語 2013年7期


美劇《新聞編輯室》(The Newsroom)是美國HBO電視網(wǎng)于2012年6月推出的一部劇集,由美國金牌編劇艾倫·索金(Aaron Sorkin)創(chuàng)作。該劇目前第一季已完結(jié),今年7月將開始播放第二季。《新聞編輯室》的故事圍繞虛構(gòu)的亞特蘭大有線電視臺(ACN)《晚間新聞》欄目的制作團隊展開。該團隊成員堅持不做迎合觀眾的新聞,而是履行新聞工作者的職業(yè)操守,堅持播觀眾該知道的新聞?wù)嫦?,拒絕淪為某些利益集團的輿論工具。該劇每一集聚焦一個對美國社會產(chǎn)生重大影響的真實事件,算得上是了解美國社會問題的一個窗口。劇中的男主角Will McAvoy是資深新聞主播,雖然性格飛揚跋扈、剛愎自用,但針砭時弊總能一針見血,受到觀眾的喜愛。然而,為了保住節(jié)目的收視率,Will漸漸放棄了做真正新聞的理想,而更多的是插科打諢地播一些迎合觀眾的新聞。幸好他的上司Charlie Skinner為他請來了能激發(fā)他潛能的執(zhí)行制片人——Will的前女友MacKenzie McHale,才把他拉回到做新聞的正道上。MacKenzie總能在Will思想動搖時與之爭辯,Will表面上不服氣,內(nèi)心卻十分重視她的意見。在兩人的傾力合作下,《晚間新聞》團隊開始獨辟蹊徑,突破重重障礙,走上了一條真正的新聞報道之路。下面我們就來學(xué)習(xí)一下這些媒體精英們的睿言智語吧!

1 Quotes from the episode "We Just Decided to"

Will: This isnt nonprofit theater. Its advertiser-supported television.

Mackenzie: You know that, right? Id rather do a good show for 100 people than a bad one for a million, if thats what youre saying.

Remarks: 面對為了收視率而放棄新聞夢想的Will,Mackenzie當(dāng)面予以抨擊,慷慨激昂地給Will“上起了課”。Will表面上不服氣,內(nèi)心卻被這位心懷夢想的女強人給說動了。

2 Quotes from the episode "The 112th Congress"

Will: The reason we failed isnt a mystery. We took a dive ([拳擊賽中]假倒,此處指“不擇手段”) for the ratings…. From this moment on, well be deciding what goes on our air and how its presented to you based on the simple truth that nothing is more important to a democracy than a well-informed electorate (選民)…. Well be the champion of facts and the mortal enemy of innuendo (暗諷,貶損), speculation, hyperbole (夸張法), and nonsense. Were not waiters in a restaurant serving you the stories you asked for just the way you like them prepared. Nor are we computers dispensing only the facts because news is only useful in the context of humanity.

Remarks: 在Mackenzie的影響下,Will決定變革《晚間新聞》欄目的風(fēng)格。他在直播新聞時向觀眾致歉,并承諾要改變欄目目前缺乏實質(zhì)內(nèi)容、只會嘩眾取寵的現(xiàn)狀,努力將之打造為一個向觀眾揭示真相而非單純迎合觀眾口味的新聞欄目。

3 Quotes from the episode "The 112th Congress"

Charlie: We did the news.

Leona: For the left?

Charlie: For the center.

Leona: Are you fucking out of your mind?

Charlie: For the center, Leona. Facts are the center. Facts. We dont pretend that certain facts are in dispute to give the appearance of fairness to people who dont believe them. Balance is irrelevant to me. It doesnt have anything to do with truth, logic, or reality.

Remarks: Charlie的老板Leona指責(zé)重組后的《晚間新聞》報道阻礙了公司與國會及其他利益集團的合作時,一手策劃重組的Charlie指出了做新聞的立場:媒體人要站在中立的立場上來做新聞,做新聞是要向觀眾揭示真相,而不是去尋求平衡。

4 Quotes from the episode "Ill Try to Fix You"

Reese: CNN, MSNBC, and FOX say shes dead.

Mackenzie: Theyre all going off the same NPR report. Im not satisfied.

Reese: I dont give a shit if youre satisfied.… Every second youre not current, 1,000 people are changing the channel to the guy who is. Thats the business youre in. MSNBC, FOX, and CNN all say shes dead. Don, tell him.

Don: Its a person. A doctor pronounces her dead, not the news.

Remarks: 雖然作為電視臺高管的Reese為了搶收視率一再下令播一條未經(jīng)證實的新聞,但所有團隊成員都不為所動。如何做新聞才能揭示真相?《晚間新聞》團隊告訴我們:不為了收視率而盲目跟風(fēng)報道,沒有可靠的信息來源便不信口開河,尊重每一個個體生命是每一個新聞人必須具備的素養(yǎng)。

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