⊙尹衍桐[中國石油大學(xué)(華東)文學(xué)院, 山東 青島 266555]
陶淵明的《桃花源記》以武陵漁人進出桃花源的行蹤為線索,以發(fā)現(xiàn)桃源、做客桃源、離開桃源、再尋桃源的情節(jié),描繪了一個理想的桃源世界,深受人們喜愛。這篇文章也被多次譯成英文。筆者搜集了Herbert A Giles、林語堂、楊憲益、毛榮貴、黃俊雄以及羅經(jīng)國所譯的六種譯文。六位譯者有以英語為母語的漢學(xué)家,有旅居國外的華人學(xué)者,也有國內(nèi)從事翻譯和翻譯教學(xué)的學(xué)者、教師,比較他們的譯文對文言文的翻譯和教學(xué)都會有所啟發(fā)。
Giles:The Peach-Blossom Fountain
林譯:The Peach Colony
楊譯:Peach Blossom Springs
毛譯:Peach Blossom Spring
黃譯:Peach Woods
羅譯:A Tale of the Fountain of the Peach Blossom Spring
六個譯文題目顯示,Giles、楊譯、毛譯以及羅譯選擇了相同的側(cè)重點,都突出“泉”,其中Giles用“The Peach-Blossom Fountain”,比楊譯和毛譯的“Peach Blossom Spring(s)”更接近“水源”之意,羅譯“A Tale of the Fountain of the Peach Blossom Spring”形式上最接近于原文,既有“泉 Spring”又有“源 Fountain”,但這兩個詞語義有重復(fù)。與這四個譯本突不同,黃譯“Peach Woods”側(cè)重于“桃花林”。林譯使用“The Peach Colony”,colony 意為“a group of settlers,a separate or separated group”,顯然以“桃花源人”為中心的。
Giles:The dress of the people who passed along or were at work in thefieldswasof astrangecut.
林譯:The dresses of the men and women were like thoseof the outsideworld.
楊譯:Their dress was not unlike that of the people outside.
黃譯:The farmers……,dressed in clothesthe fisher man hasnever seen,all looked likealiens.
毛譯:Men and women working in the fieldswere all clad in outfitsof exotic style.
羅譯:Men and women were dressed like people out side.
原文中還有某些“空白”和不確定的地方,需要讀者根據(jù)自己的經(jīng)驗和理解去填充。例如在漁人穿過山之小口之后,進入桃花源人所住的地方,原文只是描寫漁人眼里看到的圖景,并沒有明確說明這個地方的地貌特征,不同讀者心目中自然會有不同的圖景。Giles譯文中將此理解為“a new world of level country”,林譯理解為“a wide,level valley”,楊譯和毛譯都直接譯為“the place”,黃譯中是“a vast plain”,羅譯中則是“an open field”。
Giles:One of the inhabitants,catching sight of the fisherman,wasgreatly astonished.
林譯:They were greatly astonished to see the fisher man and asked him where he had come from.
楊譯:Seeing the fisherman,they were greatly amazed and asked him wherehe had comefrom.
黃譯:The villagers were greatly surprised to see the fisherman,asking where he had come from.
毛譯:The fisherman wasthen spotted by a villager,who was greatly amazed and asked where he had come from.
羅譯:They were surprised at seeing the fisherman,who,being asked where he came from…
Giles:He found that the peach trees ended where the water began,at the foot of a hill;and there he espied what seemed to be a cave with light issuing from it.
林譯:…,and when he came to the end of the grove,he saw aspring which came from acave in the hill.Having noticedthatthereseemedtobeaweaklightinthecave,…
楊譯:He found at the end of the wood the source of the stream and the foot of a cliff,where there was a small cave in which there seemed to be a faint light.
黃譯:Leaving behind the peaches,he reached the end of the river.A mountain with a dim little cave came into sight.
毛譯:It(the woods)ended at the stream’s source,where stood a hill.A small cave cut into the hill and a faint light can be seen from within.
羅譯:At the end of the wood was the fountainhead of the stream.The fisherman beheld a hill,with a small opening from which issued a glimmer of light.
Giles:The beauty of the scene and the exquisite perfume of the flowers
林譯:the beautifully grassy ground was covered with itsrose petals.
楊譯:The fragrant grasswasbeautiful to look at,all patterned with fallen blossoms.
黃譯:The fragrant wild grass,exceptionally fresh and lovely,was dotted by the dazzling beauty of the fallen peach petals.
毛譯:Petals of the dazzling blossoms were falling upon the exquisite carpet of lush grass.
羅譯:The fragrant grass was fresh and beautiful and peach petalsfell in riotousprofusion.
Giles:…a new world of level country,of fine houses,of rich fields,of fine pools,and of luxuriance of mulberry and bamboo.
林譯:He saw before his eyes a wide,level valley,with houses and fields and farms.There were bamboos and mulberries;
楊譯:The place he had come to was level and spacious.There were houses and cottages arranged in a planned order;there were fine fields and beautiful pools;there were mulberry trees,bamboo groves,and many other kindsof treesaswell;
黃譯:Then came avast plain with neat houses,lovely ponds,mulberriesand bamboosdotting fertileland.
毛譯:The place he had come to wasa wide expanse of level fields,with houses and cottages neatly arranged,surrounded by fine paddies,lovely ponds,mulberry trees,grovesof bamboo,and the like.
羅譯:The land was flat and spacious.There were housesarranged in good order with fertile fields,beautiful ponds,bamboo groves,mulberry treesand…
原文這一句描寫語言簡樸暢潔,六個譯文中多個譯文使用了Parallelism。相比較而言,其中Giles、黃譯和毛譯雖具體句式不同,但都較為切近于原文簡潔的風(fēng)格。與原文相比,楊譯變化最大,根據(jù)羅列事物的不同而斷句,使用同一的There be結(jié)構(gòu)形成排比,但與原文相比,譯文已經(jīng)由簡入繁。
四、文化因素的處理文化因素的處理是文言文翻譯中的一個重點,特別是原文中一些涉及歷史背景方面的知識往往會使譯文讀者感到陌生,影響閱讀和理解,需要譯者采取相應(yīng)的策略。上文中我們已經(jīng)指出,Giles的策略是在不影響主要思想的前提下,刪除一些大眾讀者不易拼讀的名字和典故?!短一ㄔ从洝分猩婕拔幕矫娴囊蛩刂饕浅?、年號,例如開頭一句“晉太元中,武陵人捕魚為業(yè)”中的“晉太元”,Giles譯為:Towards the close of the fourth century A.D.,直接隱去了中國的朝代和年號,代之以具體的時期。黃譯前言中也解釋了相關(guān)的翻譯原則,但與Giles不同,該譯是“采取超常規(guī)的先釋義、加詞添字后翻譯的做法”,所以黃譯沒有使用年號,而是使用皇帝號和朝代,并在括號里加入具體的時期予以補充,譯為:In Emperor Xiaowudi’s years in Eastern Jin Dynasty。其他幾個譯文則采取了不同的策略和技巧。林譯中使用了音譯法,譯為:During the reign of Taiyuan of Chin,其他三個譯文楊譯、毛譯和羅譯采用了相同的策略,即直譯(音譯)之后又加上注釋,但三個譯文注釋的內(nèi)容詳略不同,楊譯、毛譯僅注時間,而羅譯的注解則較為詳細:Taiyuan was the title of the reign of Emperor Xiaowu of Eastern Jin dynasty。
Giles:… they informed him that their ancestors had sought refuge here,with their wives and families,from the troublous times of the house of Ch’in, …they then inquired about the politics of the day,ignorant of the establishment of the Han dynasty,and of course of the later dynastieswhich had succeeded it.
林譯:They said their ancestors had come here as refugees to escape from the tyranny of Tsin Shih-huang(builder of Great Wall)some six hundred years ago,and they had never left it…They has not even heard of the Han Dynasty(two centuries before to tow centuries after Christ),not to speak of the Wei(third century A.D.)and the Chin(third and fourth centuries).
楊譯:They themselvestold him that their ancestorshad escaped from thewarsand confusionsin thetimeof the Qin Dynasty….They asked what dynasty it wasnow.The Han theyhad never heard of,letalonethe Weiand the Jin.
黃譯:…telling him that in order to escape the perse cution of the cruel dictator Emperor Qinshihuang,their forefathers,together with their wives and other people from the country,came to this place nobody had set foot in.….Then they asked him what dynasty it was.They didn’t even know there was the Han dynasty,let alone the Wei and Jin Dynasties.
毛譯:He was also told by the villagers that their an ce stors brought their families and town folks to this isolated land while seeking havens in the troubled times of the Qin.
The folks asked about what was in the reign currently,completely in the dark about the fact that the Qin had long been replaced by Han,let alone that the Han had been succeeded by the Wei and the Jin.
羅譯:They told him that their familiesand the village people,to escape from the turmoil during the Qin Dynasty….They were curiousto know what dynasty it wasnow.They did not know the Han Dynasty,not to mention the Weiand the Jin dynasties.
由此處譯文可以看出,Giles和黃譯都堅持了與上文“晉太元中”一貫的翻譯原則。Giles此處處理得較為簡單,直接音譯“秦”和“漢”,而對于“魏晉”還是采用模糊處理,使用“l(fā)ater dynasties which had succeeded it”來替代。黃譯在處理“避秦時亂”時加詞“the cruel dictator emperor Qinshihuang”,并補上具體的年代,有利于讀者直接了解“秦時亂”的實際情況。與黃譯相同,林譯也充分考慮了讀者的接受,將“秦時亂”具體化為“秦始皇的暴政”,并借助世人皆知的Great Wall,消除讀者的陌生感。
毛譯對“乃不知有漢,無論魏晉”的處理顯得與眾不同。對中國讀者來說,“秦、漢、魏、晉”的更替順序?qū)儆跉v史常識,因此理解這句話毫無困難,但對于西方讀者來說,由于缺乏相應(yīng)的背景知識,這句話顯得很突兀。毛譯沒有一味追求譯文與原文在表層形式上的機械對應(yīng),而是使用“be replaced by”和“be succeeded by”交代朝代的更替順序,無疑有利于讀者了解中國的歷史,從而更好地理解原文。上文我們已經(jīng)指出,譯者重視深表層的轉(zhuǎn)換,此處的翻譯充分體現(xiàn)了這一翻譯原則。
原文中涉及文化的地方還有“黃發(fā)垂髫,并怡然自樂”,“黃發(fā)”,舊指長壽的特征,這里指老人,而“垂髫”,意思是“垂下來的頭發(fā)”,這里指小孩子?!包S發(fā)垂髫”指的是“老人和小孩”。此處林譯、Giles、黃譯、毛譯、羅譯都直接取其所指義,只有楊譯除譯出所指義外,還保留了原文的形式,譯為:old people with white hair or children with their hair tied in a knot,這里顯得過于機械。
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