(1北京市海淀醫(yī)院心內(nèi)科,北京大學(xué)第三醫(yī)院海淀院區(qū),北京 100080;2新疆醫(yī)科大學(xué)第一附屬醫(yī)院心血管病研究所,烏魯木齊 830054;3新疆維吾爾自治區(qū)人民醫(yī)院心內(nèi)科,烏魯木齊830001)
探討維、漢民族冠心病患者胰島素敏感性的異質(zhì)性和多種危險因素的分布特點。選取2001年至2002年新疆維吾爾自治區(qū)人民醫(yī)院住院的冠心病患者164例(維吾爾族50例,漢族114例)和對照組71例(維族35例,漢族36例),進行葡萄糖糖耐量試驗和胰島素釋放試驗,運用穩(wěn)態(tài)模式法評價胰島素敏感性(HOMA IS)。(1)維、漢民族冠心病患者胰島素敏感性較對照組明顯減低[維族(204.02±180.43)(409.14±181.06),漢族(258.09±105.66)(479.09±200.97),<0.05];冠心病組代謝綜合征患病率明顯增多[維族(54.0%25.7%),漢族(66.7%22.7%),<0.05]。糖尿病患病率明顯高于對照組[維族(52.0%0.0%),漢族(64.0%0.0%),<0.01]。冠心病組1h胰島素水平下降和2h血糖水平升高(<0.05)。其余各項雖有變化,但差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義。代謝綜合征患病率和胰島素敏感性變化無論在對照組或冠心病組內(nèi)維、漢民族間差異均無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義。(2)維、漢民族冠心病患者存在體質(zhì)量[(78.06±12.69)(72.32±12.03)kg]和體質(zhì)量指數(shù)[BMI(27.29±3.53)(25.61±3.42)kg/m2]的顯著差異(<0.01)。對照組中維、漢兩個民族各種危險因素差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(>0.05)。(3)多個危險因素對冠心病危險性比較(logistic回歸分析)看出,飲酒、糖尿病、高血壓與冠心病正相關(guān)(<0.05)。高密度脂蛋白膽固醇與冠心病呈負相關(guān)(<0.05)。住院患者中維、漢民族冠心病存在較低的胰島素敏感性和較高的代謝綜合征、糖尿病患病率;維族冠心病患者肥胖顯著。該地區(qū)飲酒、糖尿病、高血壓是維、漢民族冠心病的危險因素。
美國國家膽固醇教育計劃成人治療組第三次指南(National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment PanelⅢ,NCEP ATP-Ⅲ)確定糖尿病為冠心病的等危癥。大量研究證明糖尿病是冠心病的獨立危險因素,胰島素抵抗(insulin resistance,IR)與心血管疾病密切相關(guān)。胰島素敏感性(insulin sensitivity,IS)的降低,即IR是超重伴發(fā)高脂血癥、糖尿病和高血壓的主要影響因素,對心血管病危險因素的影響存在種族、性別、年齡差異,并受超重程度的影響[1?3]。關(guān)于新疆維吾爾和漢民族IR的研究甚少,為此我們對該地區(qū)冠心病患者進行研究,以了解維、漢民族間IR的異質(zhì)性和多種危險因素的分布特點。
隨機選取2001年至2002年新疆維吾爾自治區(qū)人民醫(yī)院內(nèi)科(心臟、內(nèi)分泌和干??疲┳≡夯颊摺Q芯繉ο?35例(維吾爾族85例,漢族150例),其中男性159例,女性76例。其中正常對照組71例(維吾爾族35例,漢族36例),冠心病組164例(維吾爾族50例,漢族114例),心絞痛者64例,心肌梗死者52例,合并高血壓者81例,合并2型糖尿病者99例(非胰島素治療)。冠心病的診斷根據(jù)1979年世界衛(wèi)生組織頒布的缺血性心臟病定義。研究對象在收住院后,經(jīng)病史、體檢、心電圖、心臟超聲以及冠狀動脈造影或心臟放射性核素檢查如發(fā)射型計算機斷層攝像(emission computed tomography,ECT),證實為冠心病或非冠心病。
1.2.1 口服葡萄糖糖耐量(oral glucose tolerance test,OGTT)試驗和胰島素釋放試驗 入院1周內(nèi),研究對象禁食12h后,清晨口服75g葡萄糖,采集空腹和糖負荷后30,60,120,180min靜脈血,測定血糖和胰島素濃度。同時測定空腹總膽固醇(total cholestrol,TC)、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL-C)、甘油三酯(triglycerides,TG)及脂蛋白(a)[lipoprotein(a),Lp(a)]、血尿酸(blood uric acid,BUA)、谷胺酰氨轉(zhuǎn)肽酶(gamma glutamyl transpeptidase,GGT)等。使用美國Beckman公司全自動生化儀,采用酶法完成TC,HDL-C,TG和血糖等檢測。根據(jù)Friedewald公式:LDL-C=TC-HDL-C-TG/2.2計算LDL-C值(mmol/L)。胰島素測定使用放射免疫法。
1.2.2 OGTT試驗檢測方法 (1)在OGTT檢查前3d內(nèi)保證碳水化合物攝入≥150g/d;(2)試驗當(dāng)天空腹時間至少12h,沒有過強負荷的運動;(3)要求受試者口服溶于300ml水內(nèi)的75g葡萄糖粉,3~5min內(nèi)喝完糖水;(4)兩次采血期間應(yīng)安靜休息,禁止劇烈活動、飲食、喝水、喝茶、吸煙以及飲酒。(5)試驗前3~7d,停用可能影響血糖的藥物,如避孕藥、利尿藥、苯妥英鈉等。
1.2.3 代謝綜合征的臨床判斷(1998年世界衛(wèi)生組織工作定義) 糖耐量減低或糖尿病,和(或)IR(由高胰島素葡萄糖鉗夾技術(shù)測定的葡萄糖利用率低于下位1/4位點),并且同時存在下列≥2種的其他情況:(1)高血壓≥140/90mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa);(2)高TG≥1.7mmol/L,和(或)低HDL-C男性<0.9mmol/L,女性<1.0mmol/L;(3)中心性肥胖腰/臀圍比(waist-hipratio,WHR)男性>0.9,女性>0.85和(或)體質(zhì)量指數(shù)(body mass index,BMI)>30;(4)微量白蛋白尿尿白蛋白排泄率≥20μg/min或白蛋白/肌酐比值≥30mg/h。
1.2.4 運用數(shù)學(xué)模型[穩(wěn)態(tài)模式評估法(HOMA)[4]]計算IR指數(shù)(Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance,HOMA IR)和IS指數(shù)(HOMA of insulin Sensitivity,HOMA IS)及李光偉[5]胰島素敏感指數(shù) (1)HOMA IR=(空腹胰島素mU/L×空腹血糖mmol/L)÷22.5;(2)HOMA IS=20×空腹胰島素mU/L÷(空腹血糖mmol/L-3.5);(3)李光偉胰島素敏感指數(shù)CNL IS=1÷(空腹胰島素mU/L×空腹血糖mmol/L)。
1.2.5 體脂含量及分布 總體脂含量以BMI表示,BMI=體質(zhì)量(kg)/身高(m2);局部體脂含量以腰圍(即腰部骨性胸廓最下緣與髂嵴最上緣之中點周徑)和臀圍(即臀部最大周徑)表示,WHR=腰圍(cm)/臀圍(cm)。
從表1中看出,維、漢民族冠心病組患者HOMA IS較對照組明顯減低[維族(204.02±180.43)(409.14±181.06),漢族(258.09±105.66)(479.09±200.97),<0.05];維、漢民族冠心病組患者較對照組代謝綜合征患病率明顯增多[維族(54.0%25.7%),漢族(66.7%22.7%),<0.05];維、漢民族冠心病組患者較對照組糖尿病患病率明顯增多[維族(52.0%0.0%),漢族(64.0%0.0%),<0.01];1h胰島素水平下降和2h血糖水平升高(<0.05)。其余各項雖有變化,但差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(表1)。
從表2看出,飲酒、糖尿病、高血壓與冠心病呈正相關(guān)(<0.05)。HDL-C與冠心病呈負相關(guān)(<0.05)。對冠心病影響的危險因素大小依次為飲酒[相對危險性比值比(odds ratio,OR)=2.532]、糖尿?。∣R=2.466)、高血壓(OR=2.355)。說明有糖尿病、高血壓者患冠心病是無糖尿病、高血壓者的近2.5倍。
經(jīng)logistic逐步回歸分析后,年齡、飲酒、高血壓、糖尿病、和2h葡萄糖(G 2h)與冠心病呈正相關(guān);男性、糖尿病、代謝綜合征與心肌梗死高度相關(guān)。與國外學(xué)者[13]研究一致。
表1 維、漢民族冠心病患者多個危險因素比較
CHD: coronary heart disease; MS: metabolic syndrome; DM: diabetes mellitus; CNL IS: Guangwei Li’s insulin sensitivity index; HOMA IR: Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance; HOMA IS: Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Sensitivity; BMI: body mass index; WHR: waist hip ratio; TC: total cholesterol; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; Lp(a): lipoprotein (a); UA: uricacid; GGT: gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; G 0h: fasting glucose; G 1h: 1-hour glucose; G 2h: 2-hour glucose; In 0h: fasting insulin; In 1h: 1-hour insulin; In 2h: 2-hour insulin. Compared with Hans in control group,*<0.05,**<0.01; compared with Uygur in control group,#<0.05,##<0.01; compared with Hans in CHD group,△△<0.01
表2 冠心病危險因素logistic回歸分析(最大似然估計法)
OR: odds ratio; EH: essential hypertension; DM: diabetes mellitus; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; GGT: gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; G 2h: 2-hour glucose
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(編輯: 李菁竹)
Insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular risk factors in Uygur and Han inpatients with coronary heart diseases
CHU Xin-Mei1*, HE Bing-Xian2, WU Yong-Jian1, DAI Xiao-Yan3, LEI Jian-Xin3
(1Department of Cardiology, Beijing Haidian Hospital, Peking University Third Hospital Haidian District, Beijing 100080, China;2Institute of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830054, China;3Department of Cardiology, People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830001, China)
To explore the heterogeneity of insulin sensitivity (IS) and the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors in the races of the Uygur and Han patients with coronary heart diseases (CHD) in Urumqi.A total of 164 CHD patients (50 Uygurs and 114 Hans) hospitalized in the Autonomous Regional Hospital from 2001 to 2002 were recruited in this study. Another 71 healthy individuals (35 Uygurs and 36 Hans) served as normal controls. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and insulin release test were used to measure the concentrations of blood glucose and insulin before and after oral 75 g glucose in 0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 3h. The Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Sensitivity (HOMA IS) was calculated by the HOMA model.The IS was significantly lower in the CHD patients than in the normal controls [the Uygurs: (204.02±180.43)(409.14±181.06); the Hans: (258.09±105.66)(479.09±200.97);<0.05]. The CHD patients also had higher morbidities of metabolic syndrome (the Uygurs: 54%25.7%; the Hans: 66.7%22.7%;<0.05) and of diabetes mellitus (the Uygurs: 52.0%0.0%; the Hans: 64.0%0.0%,<0.01) when compared with the normal controls. The CHD patients had significantly decreased 1h insulin and increased 2h glucose than the normal controls (<0.05). No significant difference was found in other indices between the CHD patients and normal controls. There was no difference in the morbidity of metabolic syndrome and IS between the 2 ethnics no matter for CHD patients or the normal controls. Significant differences were seen in the body mass [(78.06±12.69)(72.32±12.03)kg,<0.01] and body mass index [BMI(27.29±3.53)(25.61±3.42)kg/m2,<0.01] in the two ethnic patients with CHD. But no such difference was seen in the normal controls. Logistic regression analysis showed that alcohol drinking (OR=2.532), diabetes mellitus (OR=2.466), and hypertension (OR=2.355) had positive correlation with CHD (<0.05), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol had negative correlation with CHD (<0.05).Both Uygur and Han CHD patients in Urumqi have lower IS and higher morbidity of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. The Uygur CHD patients have higher prevalence of obesity. Alcohol drinking, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension are risk factors of CHD in the two ethnics in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Uygur nationality; Han nationality; coronary disease; insulin sensitivity; metabolic diseases; diabetes mellitus; body mass index
R543.3; R977.15; R587.1
楚新梅, E-mail: chuxinmei@163.com