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2014-12-31 03:42:41郝飛李洪波曾李瑤
旅游世界·旅游發(fā)展研究 2014年4期




【摘要】 隨著社會經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,休閑已成為居民日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,然而多種因素制約著居民的休閑活動。文章選取龍巖、泉州兩地作為典型研究地域,通過問卷調查收集數(shù)據(jù),利用因子分析歸納休閑制約因素,在此基礎上評估龍巖及泉州兩市居民休閑制約因素及制約程度,以剖析兩地休閑制約現(xiàn)象、成因及差異。研究結果表明:兩市休閑制約因素主要包括休閑環(huán)境、主觀意愿、支持條件、基礎條件、休閑能力、社會環(huán)境六大指標,龍巖居民休閑制約程度為6.005,泉州居民休閑制約程度為5.495,龍巖居民進行休閑活動所受到的制約要大于泉州居民。研究為有針對性的解決兩市休閑制約,改善休閑環(huán)境,提高居民休閑參與度與滿意度提供理論支持。

【關鍵詞】休閑制約;休閑;龍巖; 泉州




國外對休閑制約的探討起源于二戰(zhàn)結束時期,美國戶外娛樂資源審查委員會(ORRRC)在進行休閑障礙調查時,使用了leisure barrier[1]一詞。休閑制約研究在20世紀80 年代初期取得了初步發(fā)展,關注介于“休閑偏好”和“休閑參與”兩個階段之間的某一類型的限制,這個時期的研究未能整體把握休閑制約的全過程,此外,研究以經(jīng)驗主義為主導范式,基于兩個假設:第一,休閑制約對休閑活動的制約是恒定的;第二,休閑制約除了限制休閑參與之外,還會對休閑活動產(chǎn)生其他的影響[2-3]。80 年代末,leisure barrier一詞被leisure constraints所替代,更準確地概括了休閑制約的內(nèi)涵,Backman 和 Crompton 將其定義為:致使主體的休閑偏好不能發(fā)展為休閑參與的一系列制約因素及機制[4]。這一時期的學者推翻了先前經(jīng)驗主義的研究假設,研究范式由經(jīng)驗主義向實證主義過度。90年代是休閑制約研究發(fā)展突飛猛進的時代,休閑制約的研究方法更為多樣化,精密的定量研究得以實現(xiàn)并成為主流。與此同時,出現(xiàn)了對休閑制約概念研究的批判性思潮,開始反思休閑制約的研究價值和理論意義[5-12]。步入21世紀,學者的關注點更為細化,研究主題出現(xiàn)分化,尤為突出的是對于婦女、老年人、青少年、病殘人員等特殊群體的偏好和休閑權利的探討。定性研究經(jīng)歷批判回歸,為理解休閑制約的過程和影響機制提供了一個更為清晰地圖景[13-14]。Hubbard 和 Mannell[15]分別檢測了獨立模型(Independence Model)、讓渡緩沖模型(Negotiation Buffer Model)、 制約效應減緩模型(Constraint Effects Mitigation Model)與認知制約減緩模型(Perceived Constraint Reduction Model)4種休閑制約層次模型,對休閑制約層次模型進行了擴充。隨后學者在此基礎上對休閑制約層次模型進行了持續(xù)優(yōu)化[16-20]。此后,休閑制約理論被引入旅游研究,在觀光旅游[21-23]、文化旅游[23]、事件旅游[24]及運動旅游[25]等領域得到應用。

中國學者對于休閑制約的研究起步較晚,成果有限,較有代表性的是南京大學Honglei Zhang博士等發(fā)表在國際期刊《旅游管理》上,將休閑制約模型運用到中國書法體驗研究中的論文[26],研究擴展了休閑制約模型,將其運用在休閑制約因子對游客偏好、參與度及滿意影響程度的評估之中。




文章選取龍巖、泉州作為典型研究地,兩地在經(jīng)濟、人口、地理、環(huán)境、文化等方面存在較大差異。龍巖位于福建省西部,地處閩粵贛三省交界,面積19027km2,人口297.7萬,2013年地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值1520億元,地方語言以客家語為主,是世界客家人祖籍地和文化發(fā)祥地之一,客家文化的核心價值觀概括為傳承中華始祖開拓精神,固守儒家倫理道德,崇尚愛國愛家,注重勤儉樸素,講究崇文重教[27]。泉州地處福建省東南部,面積11015 km2,人口829萬,2013年地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值5250億元,地方語言以閩南語為主,被稱為閩南文化之都。閩南文化的思想內(nèi)涵總結為崇儒,重本,海洋人文精神,移民性格以及尚商善賈[28]。


研究以調查問卷作為主要的信息搜集方法,問卷結構分為三部分:第一,休閑現(xiàn)狀調查,包含休閑活動半徑、休閑場所、休閑時間感知和休閑制約感知四類;第二,休閑制約調查,借鑒Crawford 和Godbey[29]的研究成果,將休閑制約因素歸納為3 類劃分標準,即個體內(nèi)在制約,人際制約和結果性制約,結合研究地的實際情況,將休閑制約分為3大類共21種休閑制約因子;第三,人口統(tǒng)計信息,包含性別、年齡、學歷、婚姻狀況、職業(yè)、收入水平七部分。




(一) 人口統(tǒng)計信息


表1 ?龍巖、泉州兩市調查樣本人口統(tǒng)計信息



龍巖 泉州 基本信息


龍巖 泉州

頻數(shù) 頻率 頻數(shù) 頻率 頻數(shù) 頻率 頻數(shù) 頻率


男 189 47.25 197 49.25 職業(yè)

公司普通職員 171 42.75 122 30.50

女 211 52.75 203 50.75 企事業(yè)管理人員 76 19.00 68 17.00


≤20 24 6.00 58 14.50 個體職業(yè)者 34 8.50 56 14.00

21-30 138 34.50 149 37.25 高校師生 13 3.25 47 11.75

31-40 136 34.00 115 28.75 公務員 35 8.75 34 8.50

41-50 53 13.25 37 9.25 各類專業(yè)人員 32 8.00 33 8.25

51-60 32 8.00 27 6.75 外企員工 19 4.75 22 5.50

≥60 17 4.25 14 3.50 離退休人員 17 4.25 11 2.75


初中及以下 99 24.75 80 20.00 失業(yè) 3 0.75 7 1.75

高中或中專 149 37.25 134 33.50 其他 4 1.00 6 1.50

大專 97 24.25 112 28.00 月收入

≤1000 68 17.00 56 14.00

本科 44 11.00 53 13.25 1000-2000 99 24.75 82 20.50

研究生及以上 11 2.75 21 5.25 2000-3000 159 39.75 130 32.50


未婚 87 21.75 117 29.25 3000-5000 53 13.25 81 20.25

已婚無子女 46 11.50 118 29.50 5000-8000 17 4.25 34 8.50

已婚有子女 267 66.75 165 41.25 ? ≥8000 4 1.00 17 4.25

(二) 休閑活動狀態(tài)



圖1 ?龍巖、泉州兩市居民休閑活動范圍 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?圖2 ?龍巖、泉州兩市居民休閑場所





表2 ?龍巖、泉州兩市居民休閑時間及休閑制約感知



龍巖 泉州

頻數(shù) 頻率 頻數(shù) 頻率


非常少 50 12.50 38 9.50

比較少 152 38.00 130 32.50

一般 130 32.50 138 34.50

比較多 24 6.00 50 12.50

非常多 34 8.50 36 9.00


嚴重 36 9.00 22 5.50

較高 244 61.00 222 55.50

一般 84 21.00 76 19.00

很少 24 6.00 58 14.50

不存在 2 0.50 14 3.50



龍巖居民的主要休閑制約因素為可自由支配時間、經(jīng)濟條件、社會潮流及工作狀況;泉州居民的主要休閑制約因素為工作狀況、信息獲取能力、社會潮流及休閑技能,如表3、表4,注:提取方法 為主成分分析法,旋轉法為具有 Kaiser 標準化的正交旋轉法,旋轉在 12 次迭代后收斂。

表3 龍巖居民休閑制約因素得分系數(shù)矩陣

休閑制約因素 龍巖

1 2 3 4 5 6 總計

可自由支配時間 0.027 -.143 0.053 0.149 0.499 0.040 0.625

經(jīng)濟條件 0.024 0.161 -.005 -.108 0.548 -.033 0.587

休閑技能 -.084 0.437 -.024 -.206 0.040 0.007 0.170

信息獲取能力 -.055 0.407 -.085 0.001 0.011 0.065 0.344

個體偏好 -.014 0.203 0.090 0.256 -.249 -.110 0.176

個體興趣 0.007 0.201 0.084 0.198 -.007 -.139 0.344

心理狀態(tài) 0.069 0.134 -.091 0.271 -.005 0.017 0.395

工作狀況 -.043 -.093 -.099 0.593 0.077 0.110 0.545

親友態(tài)度 -.038 -.080 0.342 0.204 -.066 -.149 0.213

休閑伴侶 -.049 0.014 0.356 -.131 0.179 0.096 0.465

健康狀況 -.086 0.035 0.331 -.075 -.116 0.174 0.263

政策法規(guī) -.056 -.029 0.008 0.088 -.070 0.530 0.471

休閑產(chǎn)品價格 0.200 -.164 0.352 -.180 0.107 -.146 0.169

休閑產(chǎn)品質量 0.217 -.067 0.112 -.016 0.085 -.033 0.298

休閑設施 0.223 -.007 0.019 -.035 0.018 -.099 0.119

休閑場所環(huán)境 0.256 -.073 -.018 -.045 -.062 -.080 -.022

休閑場所可達性 0.246 -.057 -.128 0.027 -.015 -.007 0.066

天氣狀況 0.780 0.133 -.151 -.007 0.047 0.232 1.034

社會潮流 -.065 -.010 -.034 -.019 0.087 0.596 0.555

表4 泉州居民休閑制約因素得分系數(shù)矩陣

休閑制約因素 泉州

1 2 3 4 5 6 總計

可自由支配時間 0.006 0.017 -.008 0.484 -.051 -.125 0.323

經(jīng)濟條件 0.084 -.210 0.251 0.289 -.269 0.129 0.274

休閑技能 0.020 -.010 -.027 -.084 -.083 0.566 0.382

信息獲取能力 -.103 0.086 -.097 0.055 0.088 0.460 0.489

個體偏好 -.029 0.351 -.051 0.011 -.064 0.154 0.372

個體興趣 -.046 0.356 0.043 0.075 -.076 -.023 0.329

心理狀態(tài) 0.035 0.407 -.111 -.055 -.090 -.055 0.131

工作狀況 -.111 0.097 -.147 0.472 0.163 0.035 0.509

親友態(tài)度 -.172 0.062 0.335 -.007 0.139 -.114 0.243

休閑伴侶 0.046 -.114 0.497 0.021 -.218 0.010 0.242

健康狀況 -.073 -.005 0.370 -.095 0.098 0.012 0.307

政策法規(guī) -.049 -.080 -.051 0.001 0.487 0.025 0.333

休閑產(chǎn)品價格 0.090 -.018 0.113 0.002 0.227 -.164 0.250

休閑產(chǎn)品質量 0.160 0.062 -.025 0.038 0.201 -.110 0.326endprint

休閑設施 0.211 0.005 -.145 0.035 0.194 0.035 0.335

休閑場所環(huán)境 0.267 0.072 -.169 0.006 0.028 -.020 0.184

休閑場所可達性 0.286 -.047 -.037 -.039 -.090 -.014 0.059

天氣狀況 0.735 0.020 0.230 -.082 -.147 0.068 0.824

社會潮流 0.029 -.194 -.019 -.067 0.311 0.324 0.384




表5 龍巖、泉州兩市居民休閑制約因素因子分析

制約因子 組成成份 成份得分系數(shù)

龍巖 泉州

(A)休閑環(huán)境 (A1)休閑場所環(huán)境 0.217 0.160

(A2)休閑設施 0.223 0.211

(A3)休閑產(chǎn)品質量 0.256 0.267

(A4)休閑場所可達性 0.246 0.286

(A5)天氣狀況 0.228 0.286

(B)主觀意愿 (B1)心理狀態(tài) 0.203 0.351

(B2)個體興趣 0.201 0.356

(B3)個體偏好 0.134 0.407


(C1)親友態(tài)度 0.342 0.335

(C2)休閑伴侶 0.356 0.497

(C3)健康狀況 0.331 0.370

(C4)休閑產(chǎn)品價格 0.352 0.113


(D1)可自由支配時間 0.149 0.484

(D2)經(jīng)濟條件 -.108 0.289

(D3)工作狀況 0.593 0.472


(E1)休閑技能 0.040 -.083

(E2)信息獲取能力 0.011 0.088


(F1)政策法規(guī) 0.530 0.025

(F2)社會潮流 0.596 0.324



表6 龍巖居民人口統(tǒng)計特征與休閑制約因素相關性分析

人口統(tǒng)計 測試項 休閑

環(huán)境 主觀

意愿 支持

條件 基礎

條件 休閑

能力 社會



年齡 Pearson 測試 -.059 0.104 0.295** -.221** 0.157* 0.032

顯著性測試 0.414 0.149 0.000 0.002 0.028 0.654

性別 Pearson 測試 0.139 0.055 0.019 -.041 -.187** -.043

顯著性測試 0.052 0.442 0.790 0.570 0.009 0.550

文化程度 Pearson 測試 0.179* -.173* -.021 0.164* -.153* 0.085

顯著性測試 0.013 0.016 0.767 0.022 0.033 0.238

婚姻狀況 Pearson 測試 0.002 -.005 0.064 -.045 -.060 0.098

顯著性測試 0.983 0.948 0.374 0.533 0.403 0.174

職業(yè) Pearson 測試 -.153* -.230** 0.216** -.195** 0.104 -.146*

顯著性測試 0.032 0.001 0.002 0.006 0.147 0.042

月收入 Pearson 測試 -.029 -.096 0.074 0.054 -.086 -.032

顯著性測試 0.686 0.184 0.302 0.454 0.256 0.652

注:**指在 .01 水平(雙側)上顯著相關,*.指在 0.05 水平(雙側)上顯著相關。

表7 泉州居民人口統(tǒng)計特征與休閑制約因素相關性分析

人口統(tǒng)計 測試項 休閑

環(huán)境 主觀

意愿 支持

條件 基礎

條件 休閑endprint

能力 社會



年齡 Pearson 測試 -.191** -.143* 0.277** -.212** 0.108 0.067

顯著性測試 0.007 0.046 0.000 0.003 0.134 0.353

性別 Pearson 測試 0.117 -.039 0.091 0.131 0.062 0.039

顯著性測試 0.103 0.586 0.207 0.068 0.387 0.590

文化程度 Pearson 測試 0.255** 0.011 -.089 0.264* -.129 -.002

顯著性測試 0.000 0.882 0.214 0.000 0.017 0.983

婚姻狀況 Pearson 測試 -.184** -.106 0.116 -.018 0.138 0.093

顯著性測試 0.010 0.139 0.106 0.805 0.053 0.197

職業(yè) Pearson 測試 -.190** -.025 0.136 -.162** -.040 0.032

顯著性測試 0.008 0.727 0.058 0.024 0.575 0.660

月收入 Pearson 測試 -.287** -.157* -.014 0.177* 0.051 0.030

顯著性測試 0.000 0.028 0.844 0.013 0.477 0.673

注:**指在 .01 水平(雙側)上顯著相關,*.指在 0.05 水平(雙側)上顯著相關。




圖3 龍巖、泉州兩市休閑制約結構圖








1. 就兩市居民休閑活動現(xiàn)狀而言:兩市居民的休閑活動半徑以家庭為中心呈現(xiàn)出衰減規(guī)律,兩市居民周末休閑半徑均高于工作日,泉州居民的休閑活動半徑大于龍巖居民;兩市居民在休閑場所的選擇方面均以公共休閑場所為主,其次為消費休閑場所,再次為家庭休閑場所;兩市居民對休閑時間的感知均處于中等偏低水平,龍巖居民對休閑時間的感知低于泉州;兩市居民均感受到較高的休閑制約,龍巖居民對休閑制約的感知高于泉州。

2. 研究利用因子分析,得出休閑制約主要包括休閑環(huán)境、主觀意愿、支持條件、基礎條件、休閑能力、社會環(huán)境六大指標。各指標對兩市居民休閑制約影響程度存在差異,突出表現(xiàn)為:泉州居民主觀意愿指標對休閑制約的影響程度高于龍巖,而社會環(huán)境指標對其影響程度明顯低于龍巖。此外,各休閑制約指標呈現(xiàn)出明顯的人口統(tǒng)計學特征。

3. 由于兩市在經(jīng)濟、人口、地理、環(huán)境、文化等方面存在較大差異,兩市居民休閑制約程度也呈現(xiàn)出不同,龍巖居民休閑制約程度為6.005,泉州居民休閑制約程度為5.495,兩地休閑制約程度較高,龍巖居民進行休閑活動所受到的制約要大于泉州居民。兩市政府主管單位應深刻剖析地方休閑制約現(xiàn)象、成因及差異,結合高等院校及民間資本,有針對性解決兩地休閑制約,改善休閑環(huán)境,加強休閑科普與教育工作,切實改善居民休閑參與度與滿意度,提升居民幸福感與生活水平。

4. 由于研究時間、精力有限,研究抽樣選擇的樣本量有限,時間也相對集中,鑒于此次研究的局限,筆者認為在以后的研究中,應擴充取樣的樣本量,并且應采用時間日志和時間數(shù)據(jù)庫的研究方法獲取縱向數(shù)據(jù),以提高研究的精確度,并對發(fā)展規(guī)律進行掌握。


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[17] Son J S, Mowen A J & Kerstetter D L. Testing alternative leisure constraint negotiation models: an extension of Hubbard and Mannells study. Leisure Sciences, 2008, 30(3), 198-216.

[18] Jun J & Kyle G T. Understanding the role of identity in the constraint negotiation process. Leisure Sciences, 2011, 33(4), 309-331.

[19] Walker G J, Jackson E L & Deng J. Culture and leisure constraints: a comparison of Canadian and mainland Chinese university students. Journal of Leisure Research, 2007, 39(4), 567-590.

[20] Walker G J, Jackson E L & Deng J. The role of self-construal as an intervening variable between culture and leisure constraints: a comparison of Canadian and Mainland Chinese university students. Journal of Leisure Research, 2008, 40(1), 90-109.

[21] Fredman P& Heberlein T A. Visits to the Swedish mountains:constraints and motivations. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2005, 5(3), 177-192.

[22] Nyaupane G P & Andereck K L. Understanding travel constraints: application and extension of a leisure constraints model. Journal of Travel Research, 2008, 46(4), 433-439.

[23] Jun J, Kyle G & OLeary J T. Perceived constraints to art museum attendance. Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 2006, 14(2), 459-466.

[24] Funk D C, Alexandris K & Ping Y. To go or stay home and watch:exploring the balance between motives and perceived constraints for major events: a case study of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. International Journal of

Tourism Research, 2009,11(1), 41-53.

[25] Hudson S, Hinch T, Walker G & Simpson B. Constraints to sport tourism: a cross-cultural analysis. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 2010, 15(1), 71-88.

[26] Zhang H L, Zhang J, Cheng S W, et al. Role of constraints in Chinese calligraphic landscape experience: An extension of a leisure constraints model.Tourism Management, 2012, 33(6): 1398-1407

[27] 廖開順. ?客家文化的世俗性與超越性. 河南科技大學學報(社會科學版), 2010, 28(5):5-9.

[28] 黃國波. ?閩南文化的思想內(nèi)涵及其當代價值. 江西科技師范學院學報, 2008(5):105-108.

[29] Crawford D W, Godbey G. Reconcept ualizing barriers to family leisure [J]. Leisure Sciences, 1987(9): 119-127.

A Study on Impact Factors of Residents Leisure Constraints

?——A case of Longyan and Quanzhou City

HAO Fei ; LI Hongbo ; ZENG Liyao

(College of Tourism, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China)

Abstract:With the development of social economy, leisure has become an increasingly indispensable part of residents daily life. However, there remain many factors which restrict leisure activities. This paper selects Longyan and Quanzhou as main typical research areas. Face-to-face questionnaires and factor analyses are applied to analyze the structure and incidence of leisure constraints factors, which aim at in-depth analyses of the phenomena, causes and discriminations of leisure constraints between these two cities. The results show that the leisure constraints factors in Longyan and Quanzhou can be generalized into six indicators: leisure environment, subjective intentions, support conditions, basic conditions, leisure abilities and social environment. The residents leisure constraints degree of Longyan is 6.005 while Quanzhou is 5.495. Residents leisure restrictions of Longyan are higher than Quanzhous. Meanwhile, this paper aim at providing theoretical supports for improving residents' leisure participation and satisfaction.

Keywords: Leisure Constraints Factors; Leisure; Longyan; Quanzhouendprint

[17] Son J S, Mowen A J & Kerstetter D L. Testing alternative leisure constraint negotiation models: an extension of Hubbard and Mannells study. Leisure Sciences, 2008, 30(3), 198-216.

[18] Jun J & Kyle G T. Understanding the role of identity in the constraint negotiation process. Leisure Sciences, 2011, 33(4), 309-331.

[19] Walker G J, Jackson E L & Deng J. Culture and leisure constraints: a comparison of Canadian and mainland Chinese university students. Journal of Leisure Research, 2007, 39(4), 567-590.

[20] Walker G J, Jackson E L & Deng J. The role of self-construal as an intervening variable between culture and leisure constraints: a comparison of Canadian and Mainland Chinese university students. Journal of Leisure Research, 2008, 40(1), 90-109.

[21] Fredman P& Heberlein T A. Visits to the Swedish mountains:constraints and motivations. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2005, 5(3), 177-192.

[22] Nyaupane G P & Andereck K L. Understanding travel constraints: application and extension of a leisure constraints model. Journal of Travel Research, 2008, 46(4), 433-439.

[23] Jun J, Kyle G & OLeary J T. Perceived constraints to art museum attendance. Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 2006, 14(2), 459-466.

[24] Funk D C, Alexandris K & Ping Y. To go or stay home and watch:exploring the balance between motives and perceived constraints for major events: a case study of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. International Journal of

Tourism Research, 2009,11(1), 41-53.

[25] Hudson S, Hinch T, Walker G & Simpson B. Constraints to sport tourism: a cross-cultural analysis. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 2010, 15(1), 71-88.

[26] Zhang H L, Zhang J, Cheng S W, et al. Role of constraints in Chinese calligraphic landscape experience: An extension of a leisure constraints model.Tourism Management, 2012, 33(6): 1398-1407

[27] 廖開順. ?客家文化的世俗性與超越性. 河南科技大學學報(社會科學版), 2010, 28(5):5-9.

[28] 黃國波. ?閩南文化的思想內(nèi)涵及其當代價值. 江西科技師范學院學報, 2008(5):105-108.

[29] Crawford D W, Godbey G. Reconcept ualizing barriers to family leisure [J]. Leisure Sciences, 1987(9): 119-127.

A Study on Impact Factors of Residents Leisure Constraints

?——A case of Longyan and Quanzhou City

HAO Fei ; LI Hongbo ; ZENG Liyao

(College of Tourism, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China)

Abstract:With the development of social economy, leisure has become an increasingly indispensable part of residents daily life. However, there remain many factors which restrict leisure activities. This paper selects Longyan and Quanzhou as main typical research areas. Face-to-face questionnaires and factor analyses are applied to analyze the structure and incidence of leisure constraints factors, which aim at in-depth analyses of the phenomena, causes and discriminations of leisure constraints between these two cities. The results show that the leisure constraints factors in Longyan and Quanzhou can be generalized into six indicators: leisure environment, subjective intentions, support conditions, basic conditions, leisure abilities and social environment. The residents leisure constraints degree of Longyan is 6.005 while Quanzhou is 5.495. Residents leisure restrictions of Longyan are higher than Quanzhous. Meanwhile, this paper aim at providing theoretical supports for improving residents' leisure participation and satisfaction.

Keywords: Leisure Constraints Factors; Leisure; Longyan; Quanzhouendprint

[17] Son J S, Mowen A J & Kerstetter D L. Testing alternative leisure constraint negotiation models: an extension of Hubbard and Mannells study. Leisure Sciences, 2008, 30(3), 198-216.

[18] Jun J & Kyle G T. Understanding the role of identity in the constraint negotiation process. Leisure Sciences, 2011, 33(4), 309-331.

[19] Walker G J, Jackson E L & Deng J. Culture and leisure constraints: a comparison of Canadian and mainland Chinese university students. Journal of Leisure Research, 2007, 39(4), 567-590.

[20] Walker G J, Jackson E L & Deng J. The role of self-construal as an intervening variable between culture and leisure constraints: a comparison of Canadian and Mainland Chinese university students. Journal of Leisure Research, 2008, 40(1), 90-109.

[21] Fredman P& Heberlein T A. Visits to the Swedish mountains:constraints and motivations. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2005, 5(3), 177-192.

[22] Nyaupane G P & Andereck K L. Understanding travel constraints: application and extension of a leisure constraints model. Journal of Travel Research, 2008, 46(4), 433-439.

[23] Jun J, Kyle G & OLeary J T. Perceived constraints to art museum attendance. Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 2006, 14(2), 459-466.

[24] Funk D C, Alexandris K & Ping Y. To go or stay home and watch:exploring the balance between motives and perceived constraints for major events: a case study of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. International Journal of

Tourism Research, 2009,11(1), 41-53.

[25] Hudson S, Hinch T, Walker G & Simpson B. Constraints to sport tourism: a cross-cultural analysis. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 2010, 15(1), 71-88.

[26] Zhang H L, Zhang J, Cheng S W, et al. Role of constraints in Chinese calligraphic landscape experience: An extension of a leisure constraints model.Tourism Management, 2012, 33(6): 1398-1407

[27] 廖開順. ?客家文化的世俗性與超越性. 河南科技大學學報(社會科學版), 2010, 28(5):5-9.

[28] 黃國波. ?閩南文化的思想內(nèi)涵及其當代價值. 江西科技師范學院學報, 2008(5):105-108.

[29] Crawford D W, Godbey G. Reconcept ualizing barriers to family leisure [J]. Leisure Sciences, 1987(9): 119-127.

A Study on Impact Factors of Residents Leisure Constraints

?——A case of Longyan and Quanzhou City

HAO Fei ; LI Hongbo ; ZENG Liyao

(College of Tourism, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China)

Abstract:With the development of social economy, leisure has become an increasingly indispensable part of residents daily life. However, there remain many factors which restrict leisure activities. This paper selects Longyan and Quanzhou as main typical research areas. Face-to-face questionnaires and factor analyses are applied to analyze the structure and incidence of leisure constraints factors, which aim at in-depth analyses of the phenomena, causes and discriminations of leisure constraints between these two cities. The results show that the leisure constraints factors in Longyan and Quanzhou can be generalized into six indicators: leisure environment, subjective intentions, support conditions, basic conditions, leisure abilities and social environment. The residents leisure constraints degree of Longyan is 6.005 while Quanzhou is 5.495. Residents leisure restrictions of Longyan are higher than Quanzhous. Meanwhile, this paper aim at providing theoretical supports for improving residents' leisure participation and satisfaction.

Keywords: Leisure Constraints Factors; Leisure; Longyan; Quanzhouendprint

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