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The Functions and the Art Characters of Children Picture Book

2015-01-13 09:30姜晴川
都市家教·下半月 2014年10期


Children picture books have many important functions, and a successful children picture book should have high level art characters.

1 Introduction

In todays global age, it is important for young students to multiple perspectives. Picture books biographies for young children: a way to teach multiple perspectives. The children picture books have concise words, exquisite pictures and flexible format, which conform to the characteristics and habits of childrens early reading. Picture books reading can develop childrens language abilities, cultivate imagination, observation and thinking abilities, enhance the aesthetic consciousness, and cultivate rich emotions. The chances and challenges for developing children literature in new century. Children literature is an important part of new generations national spirits in the future, and children picture books is the important part of it.

2 The Functions of Children Picture Book

The meaning of picture books reading for preschool children. First, picture books can stimulate childrens interest better in reading. Picture is more direct and suitable to childrens visual thinking than languages. Second, picture books can improve the childrens aesthetic justice. Third, picture books are helpful to cultivate childrens imagination (Tao 35).

On the Educational Function of Children Picture Books. The children picture books have concise words, exquisite pictures and flexible format, which conform to the characteristics and habits of childrens early reading. Picture books reading can develop “childrens language abilities, cultivate imagination, observation and thinking abilities, enhance the aesthetic consciousness, and cultivate rich emotions” (Bi 139). In order to play a better role of children picture books reading in the education, the following are suggested: firstly, we should choose suitable picture books to the need of children; secondly, parents and teachers should direct in the reading; and the last but not the least, we should combine family education and school education to improve reading effects.

In todays global age, it is important for young students to multiple perspectives. Picture books biographies for young children: a way to teach multiple perspectives. “Some of the standards that todays teachers are required to adhere to include an understanding of different cultures. The National Council for the Social Studies, for example, indicates that teachers should provide instruction that complies with various thematic standards which include teaching about global connections and cultural diversity” (Hani 219).endprint

3 The Art Characters of Children Picture Book

At first, think of the standard of famous children literature. “The standard of famous children literature mainly consists of two aspects: the happy game spirit and the warm childhood poetry are the soul of children literature; imagination and humor are the methods which show the soul of children literature out” (He 13). Referring to the standard of famous works, the problems of Chinese children literature are the lack of imagination, stiff humor, the wrong reading for childhood poetry and the lack of game spirit. Only when we have the consciousness of writing and reading, can Chinese children literature get into a great developing time (Cai 75). What is the classic character of children literature? Based on Hes research on children literature that is the classic character of children literature is the common part of all the children literature, it absorbs the most basic and core point of children literature, and continue to develop it into perfect (Cai 76).

Childrens picture books is different from other picture books, the basic elements are that it includes some descriptive pictures, and the stories full of imaginations with many imaginative characters and colorful scenes in order to arouse childrens interest in reading. There is a special way for children picture books, especially for the little children, it can help children based on the pictures in the books and understand things rapidly. The characters of the contents of children picture books are mainly concluded the imagination and the interesting points (Zhao 83) “The characters of the color of children picture books have three main aspects: first, the color should be bright and fresh” (Zhao 84). In many children picture books, three are a lot of pictures which has been colored by the bright and fresh colors, because these hues are suitable to the childrens physiology and physicality characteristics. “The second important element is the harmony and concord.” “The last but not the least element is the contrast.” (Zhao 84) In a picture, each colors proportion, position, volume and the colors hue and so on can make up the contrast of one picture. The color in the children picture books is an important part, because children are sensitive to colors. A success children picture book can bring children a feast from the aesthetics.

The art characters of the manners of creating children picture books have three important points. “First of all, the artlessly draw by hand” (Zhao 84). It is very common ways to choose this way to draw pictures for children, instead of the mechanical drawing and flowery decorations. Because there are lacking dimensional concepts in little childrens minds, the contents in the children picture books should be allowed to some rules, such as the dimensional extension should be not too large; we should to adopt some planer and simple compositions. “The second important point is the tactfully and skillfully make up.” “The third one is interactivity.”(Zhao 84) Now the children picture books are not only like the traditional ones, there are appearing many kinds of children picture books in order to absorb and attract more childrens attentions. One symbol for it is the three-dimensional construes books. This advantage makes a breakthrough for the traditional books, now it breaks the l boundary between books and toys. “There are two common kinds of the three-dimensional construes books, one is adding some three-dimensional construes to the iconography, only when the books are opened, and it will appear to the readers. The other is the whole book is designed to a three-dimensional construe; it looks just like a toy” (Zhao 84).endprint

How can create a successful children picture book? The answer is simple. First of all, must respect the childrens psychology. Picture-book interaction is fundamentally a social activity, which may facilitate young childrens learning (Ganea et al. 1422).And then, as we all know, children are paying more attention to the first perception than adults, so the picture must have a special style to attract childrens attentions. Last but not least, the most important thing of the picture for children picture books is that it has limitless imaginary space. It has the purity and romantic which do not exist in adults world and real life (Zhao 84).

4 Conclusion

Children picture books have many functions, such as educational functions, picture books reading can develop childrens language abilities, cultivate imagination, observation and thinking abilities, enhance the aesthetic consciousness, and cultivate rich emotions. And a successful children picture should have high level art characters and high standards. Children literature is an important part of new generations national spirits in the future; it has strong relationships with human beings promise and hopes. Children picture books are one of the most important parts of Children literature. The development of children picture books also exist some problems, especially in China, so it deserves get more attentions and more patience. All in all, there are chances and challenges for developing children literature in new century.

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