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2016-12-19 08:53趙麗清尚書旗高連興胡修慧殷元元龔麗農(nóng)
農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)報 2016年9期


(1. 沈陽農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)工程學(xué)院,沈陽 110161; 2. 青島農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)機電工程學(xué)院,青島 266109)



(1. 沈陽農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)工程學(xué)院,沈陽 110161; 2. 青島農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)機電工程學(xué)院,青島 266109)



0 引言

花生是我國的重要油料與經(jīng)濟作物。我國花生常年種植面積約500萬hm2,總產(chǎn)1 400萬t,分別占世界20% 和40%。剛收獲的花生仁含水率達45%~50%,而儲藏時要求含水率要低于10.5%[1-4]。含水率對花生收獲過程中的晾曬與摘果、收后干燥、儲藏、脫殼和貿(mào)易等多個環(huán)節(jié)有極其重要的影響。花生仁含水率過高,不但影響測得的花生質(zhì)量,而且造成脫殼時的花生仁損傷與損失,同時花生莢果或花生仁存放與儲藏過程中容易霉變?;ㄉ稍?、加工、儲藏和貿(mào)易過程中需要頻繁、快速、精確地進行水分檢測。


花生仁水分檢測的國標法是烘干法。通過手搖切片機或小刀將花生仁切成0.5 mm以下的薄片或剪碎[5],然后進行烘干通過質(zhì)量損失率檢測水分含量,該方法過程繁瑣,且需花費幾個小時的時間烘干;K.N.Govindarajan 等[6]采用近紅外反射比方法檢測整?;ㄉ屎剩涓m宜于花生仁表面含水率檢測;S. Trabelsi等[7]采用微波技術(shù)檢測花生仁含水率,并通過試驗研究進行了溫度和容積密度校正補償,但該技術(shù)成本極高。

電容法糧食水分測量傳感器因其結(jié)構(gòu)簡單、動態(tài)響應(yīng)快、性價比高,仍是目前糧食水分測量的研究熱點。Chari V. K. Kandala等[8]采用射頻阻抗法設(shè)計了一種平行極板式電容水分檢測儀來檢測花生仁含水率,使用射頻阻抗儀測量并計算不同頻率下樣本電容值、相角值及損耗因子,但平行板電容器由邊界效應(yīng)導(dǎo)致的測量誤差較大;翟寶峰等[9]采用交流法將電容變化轉(zhuǎn)變成電壓變化后檢測糧食含水率;郭文川等[10]利用直流充/放電電路,分析了影響小雜糧介電特性的因素;劉志壯等[11]利用電容數(shù)字轉(zhuǎn)換芯片AD7150檢測稻谷含水率;滕召勝等[12]研究了稻谷、小麥及大米的導(dǎo)電浴盆效應(yīng)。美國DICKEY-John公司的GAC2500型水分儀和日本PM8188水分儀在國內(nèi)有一定的市場。前者精度高,但體積較大,不方便移動,且價格極高;后者是手持式水分儀,精度比前者低。國內(nèi)個別廠家在深入研究PM8188的基礎(chǔ)上,研發(fā)了自己的產(chǎn)品,比較有代表性的是上海青浦綠洲LDS系列谷物水分測定儀,但因其測量精度和重復(fù)率較低,未得到行業(yè)廣泛認同,特別是對于花生仁等大籽粒糧食作物,精度問題更加顯著。本文基于電容法測量原理,優(yōu)選了邊界效應(yīng)最小的圓筒式電容器作為傳感器核心、采用電容-差頻轉(zhuǎn)換方法,設(shè)計了相應(yīng)的硬件電路,研究了溫度和容積密度對花生仁水分測試的影響關(guān)系,對數(shù)據(jù)進行了溫度補償,首次在國內(nèi)進行了花生仁無損水分檢測系統(tǒng)的試驗研究。

1 系統(tǒng)的構(gòu)成與工作原理

1.1 花生仁水分檢測系統(tǒng)構(gòu)成

圖1為花生仁水分檢測系統(tǒng)的總體構(gòu)成框圖,該系統(tǒng)主要由電容、溫度和稱質(zhì)量傳感器模塊、單片機模塊、A/D轉(zhuǎn)換模塊、電源模塊、顯示模塊、存儲模塊及按鍵等模塊組成。選用MSP430單片機作為主控芯片,其功耗低、信號處理速度快,用于實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)的采集、計算及人機交互的功能;鍵盤由測量按鍵和存儲按鍵組成,完成對樣品的測量和采集信息的存儲;液晶顯示屏使用的是薄膜晶體管(thin film transistor,TFT)液晶模塊,用于顯示測量頻率、質(zhì)量、溫度及含水率等。

圖1 水分檢測系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)圖Fig.1 Structure diagram of moisture content detection system


1.2 工作原理




圖2 電容檢測轉(zhuǎn)換電路Fig.2 Capacitance detection and conversion circuit

2 系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)與軟件設(shè)計

2.1 花生仁水分檢測儀結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計

圖3為檢測花生仁含水率儀器的結(jié)構(gòu)。整個檢測裝置主要包括電容、溫度和稱質(zhì)量傳感器以及底座等。電容傳感器采用同心軸圓筒式結(jié)構(gòu)。極板材料選用鋁合金,外直徑為8.4 cm,內(nèi)直徑為5 cm,柱高11 cm。溫度傳感器選用的南京時恒集團生產(chǎn)的MF58 NTC熱敏電阻,其體積小、精度高、抗干擾能力強,能在?55~+250℃下正常工作。平行梁式稱質(zhì)量傳感器選用的上海天賀自動化儀表有限公司生產(chǎn)的LCS-D1,精度為±0.02%,靈敏度為(2.0±0.1)mV/V。底座使用亞克力板支撐整個檢測裝置。圖4為所設(shè)計檢測儀的實物圖。

圖3 檢測儀結(jié)構(gòu)Fig.3 Structure of detector

圖4 檢測儀器實物圖Fig.4 Picture of real detector

2.2 軟件設(shè)計


圖5 軟件系統(tǒng)框圖Fig.5 Block diagram of software system

3 材料與方法

3.1 試驗材料


3.2 試驗儀器


3.3 試驗方法

3.3.1 樣品的制備

采用2種樣品制備方法進行對比試驗,分別是往花生仁和帶殼花生噴灑水來獲得不同含水率梯度花生仁樣品[22-28],帶殼花生剝殼后檢測花生仁含水率。根據(jù)國家標準GB 5497-1985方法,采用130℃干燥法,測得花生仁和帶殼花生樣品初始含水率分別約為6%和7%,兩組花生分別稱取7份樣品,將7份樣品放入密封袋中。為配制不同含水率的花生樣品,分別對每份樣品加入不同量的水,樣品水分高于15%時,分多次、每次少量加入水。將配置好的花生樣品放在2℃的冰箱中3 d,在此期間對各樣品袋進行晃動,使樣品水分吸收均勻。在每次測量前,將樣品放在不同溫度的環(huán)境下20 h,使其與外界環(huán)境達到溫度平衡。試驗前,用烘干法獲得2組樣品的濕基含水率分別為6.4%、8.4%、10.5%、12.6%、14.5%、16.3%、18.2%和5.4%、7.5%、9.5%、11.4%、13.3%、15.5%、17.7%,配制的樣品用于儀器的標定與檢驗。

3.3.2 測量方法

每次樣品水分的標定都采用國標法,將花生仁樣品置于130℃的電熱鼓風(fēng)干燥箱中烘干,直至質(zhì)量不再改變,根據(jù)烘干前后花生仁的質(zhì)量變化計算出并記錄下各組的水分值,作為標準值,含水率采用濕基表示法。將花生仁在固定高度(距容器底部約13 cm)以自由落體方式落到固定容器內(nèi)測得無壓實花生仁質(zhì)量,然后對花生仁施加不同大小的壓力或采取振動容器的方式,改變?nèi)萜鲀?nèi)所放花生仁的質(zhì)量,用花生仁質(zhì)量除以所使用容器的體積,得到不同容積密度的花生仁樣品。分別在不同溫度環(huán)境下進行試驗,每組樣品進行5次試驗取平均值,記錄各組數(shù)據(jù)。

4 結(jié)果與分析

4.1 不同含水率、溫度和差頻試驗


圖6 花生仁含水率、溫度與差頻的關(guān)系Fig.6 Relationship of moisture content, temperature and difference frequency of peanut kernels


4.2 容積密度和差頻試驗


4.3 含水率模型的建立與驗證

4.3.1 模型建立檢驗


表1 不同含水率和容積密度的花生仁差頻值Table 1 Difference frequency values of peanut kernels under different moisture contents and bulk densities








表2 擬合方程參數(shù)對比Table 2 Comparison of parameters for fitting equations

圖7 計算值和實際值對比Fig.7 Comparing calculated values with actual values of moisture content

4.3.2 含水率預(yù)測試驗驗證


表3 含水率測量值和實際值對比Table 3 Comparing measured values with actual values of moisture content %


5 結(jié)論


2)研究了溫度10~40℃、花生仁含水率6.4%~18.2%、容積密度0.632~0.719 g/cm3范圍內(nèi),差頻與含水率、溫度和容積密度的關(guān)系,建立了含水率、差頻和溫度的三元二次方程,并對回歸模型的準確性進行了驗證,在容積密度基本保持不變的情況下,該模型可以準確地描述花生仁差頻與含水率、溫度的關(guān)系。


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Nondestructive measurement of moisture content of peanut kernels based on concentric cylindrical capacitance

Zhao Liqing1,2, Shang Shuqi2, Gao Lianxing1※, Hu Xiuhui2, Yin Yuanyuan2, Gong Linong2
(1. College of Engineering, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161, China; 2. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China)

Peanut is an important oil and economic crop, and also a major export product in China. Peanut industries manufacture many types of peanut-based products for human’s life. The moisture content of peanuts is in the range of 45%-50% when peanuts are freshly harvested, and the moisture content has to be below 10.5% in storage. High moisture content in peanut kernels can make them moldy, which mainly produces the toxic aflatoxins and causes huge waste and jeopardizes human’s health. Therefore it is necessary to keep proper moisture content in every treating process of peanuts. The detection of moisture content plays an important role in harvesting, drying, storage and trade of peanuts. Although the traditional oven-drying method has high precision, it is cumbersome and takes a lot of time. In addition to the oven-drying method and the microwave method, the near infrared method and the capacitance method are also common methods of moisture content detection. Comparing to other methods, the capacitance method has advantages of simple structure and low cost. In order to develop a rapid and accurate moisture content detection method for peanut kernels, the capacitance method was adopted to measure moisture content by using dielectric properties of grain. A peanut kernel moisture content detector was designed; MSP430 single chip microcomputer was taken as its control chip, and cylindrical capacitance sensor, temperature sensor and weighing sensor were used to detect capacitance, temperature and bulk density of peanut kernels respectively. Capacitance was converted to frequency through the signal detection and conditioning circuit, and frequency was detected when the capacitance sensor was empty or full of peanut kernels samples. The difference frequency values were processed and calculated by the single chip microcomputer. Subsequently an equation of measured difference frequency, temperature and moisture content values was established by the oven-drying method, and the detection results were displayed on the liquid crystal display (LCD) screen and all detected data were saved in a memory card. To investigate the influence of moisture content, temperature and bulk density on difference frequency, the tests were conducted at 7 moisture content levels from 6.4% to 18.2% and 4 temperature levels from 10 to 40℃ . The results indicated that there was a good linear relationship between moisture content and difference frequency, as the difference frequency values increased with the elevation of moisture content, temperature and bulk density. In the test, because peanut kernels fell into the capacitance sensor from fixed height, the bulk density was not changed, which caused little effect on measurement. Therefore a mathematical model of 3 parameters of moisture content, temperature and difference frequency was established based on the MATLAB 7.10.0 software by using a multi-variation binomial regression method. Linear model, pure quadratic model, interaction model and full quadratic model were compared and the results suggested that the full quadratic model described the relationship of moisture content, temperature and difference frequency more accurately. In the validation test, the results showed the absolute value of relative error measured by the moisture content detector was below 0.5%. Therefore the feasibility of detecting the moisture content of peanut kernels based on the capacitance method was verified, as well as the reliability of the multi-linear regression model. This investigation provides a useful tool for the rapid and nondestructive measurement of moisture content for peanut kernels.

capacitance; moisture content; temperature; peanut kernel; temperature compensation; bulk density





趙麗清,尚書旗,高連興,胡修慧,殷元元,龔麗農(nóng). 基于同心軸圓筒式電容傳感器的花生仁水分無損檢測技術(shù)[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)報,2016,32(9):212-218.

10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.030 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhao Liqing, Shang Shuqi, Gao Lianxing, Hu Xiuhui, Yin Yuanyuan, Gong Linong. Nondestructive measurement of moisture content of peanut kernels based on concentric cylindrical capacitance[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(9): 212-218. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.030 http://www.tcsae.org




趙麗清,女(蒙古族),內(nèi)蒙古呼和浩特人,副教授,博士,碩士生導(dǎo)師,主要從事農(nóng)業(yè)智能裝備及測試技術(shù)研究。青島 青島農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)機電工程學(xué)院,266109。Email:zhlq017214@163.com

※通信作者:高連興,男,教授,博士生導(dǎo)師,主要從事農(nóng)產(chǎn)品加工與收獲機械研究。沈陽 沈陽農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)工程學(xué)院,110866。Email:lianxing_gao@126.com

PWM Buck變換器電容引起的混沌及其控制
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