by Leland B. Jacobs
There Is a Land
by Leland B. Jacobs
There is a land,
A marvelous land,
Where1)trolls and2)giants dwell;
Where witches with their bitter3)brew, Can cast a magic spell;
Where4)mermaids sing,
Where carpets fy,
Where, in the midst of night,
5)Brownies dance to6)cricket tunes; And ghosts, all7)shivery and white,
8)Prowl and moan.
There is a land,
Of magic folks and deeds,
And anyone can visit there,
Who reads and reads and reads.
1) troll [tr??l] n. 好惡作劇而友好的侏儒
2) giant ['d?a??nt] n. 巨人
3) brew [bru?] n. 釀造物
4) mermaid ['m??me?d] n. 美人魚
5) brownie ['bra?n?] n. 棕仙(相傳會在夜間替人干家務活的小精靈)
6) cricket ['kr?k?t] n. 蟋蟀
7) shivery ['??v?r?] adj. 令人毛骨悚然的
8) prowl [pra?l] v. 暗中來回尋覓