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2017-06-10 10:33陳康唐紅峰
地球科學與環(huán)境學報 2017年3期





Abstract: It has been concluded that there are meltperidotite reactions occurring within continental lithospheric mantles from the petrological and geochemical studies on a large number of mantle xenoliths. This case is especially typical in the lithospheric mantle of North China Craton. Based on the mineralogical metasomatic characteristics in mantle xenoliths and the related element geochemical signatures, it is identified that the melt reacted with peridotite within the lithospheric mantle of North China Craton is silicate melt such as in Huinan of Jilin, Nushan of Anhui, Shanwang of Shandong, Hannuoba of Hebei, Jining of Inner Mongolia and Fushan of Hebei, and carbonatite melt such as in Hebi of Henan, Tietonggou of Shandong and Xinyang of Henan. The starting melts used in previous reaction experiments under hightemperature and highpressure conditions can be also classified into silicate and carbonatite melts. The experimental studies have provided direct evidence for the origin of some special rocks, such as wehrlite, dunite, highMg andesite, highMg adakite, and for the compositional change in lithospheric mantle. Further experimental study on meltperidotite reaction under hightemperature and highpressure conditions, in which the characteristic of run product is correlated with the property and composition of the starting melt, is an important way to reveal lithospheric mantle evolution of North China Craton from ancient refractory to “young” fertile.

Key words: experimental petrology; meltperidotite reaction; experiment under hightemperature and highpressure conditions; lithospheric mantle; silicate melt; carbonatite melt; North China Craton















Tab.1Typical Examples of Mantle Meltperidotite Reaction


1新生代(0.6 Ma)古生代—元古代(0.39~1.50 Ga)堿性玄武巖吉林輝南方輝橄欖巖包體發(fā)育次生重結晶結構,其單斜輝石有明顯高的Yb、Ti含量,富集輕稀土元素,具低w(La)N/w(Yb)N、高w(Ti)/w(Eu)值硅酸鹽熔體,來源于軟流圈地幔[25]、[39]和[40]

2新生代(2 Ma)中生代—元古代(0.2~2.0 Ga)堿性玄武巖安徽女山地幔橄欖巖包體發(fā)育角閃石、金云母、斜長石的交代脈富Si的硅酸鹽熔體,可能來源于俯沖或拆沉的殼源物質[27]、[41]和[42]

3新生代(4 Ma)太古代(2.5~3.0 Ga)堿性玄武巖河南鶴壁地幔捕虜體中的單斜輝石富集大離子親石元素和輕稀土元素,虧損高場強元素和重稀土元素,主體具低w(Ti)/w(Eu)值和變化大的w(La)N/w(Yb)N值碳酸巖熔體[21]、[28]和[43]

4新生代(16 Ma)堿性玄武巖山東山旺地幔捕虜體發(fā)育長石、金云母,富集輕稀土元素,其橄欖石Mg#值低硅酸鹽熔體[21]

5新生代(10~27 Ma)元古代(0.8~2.2 Ga)堿性玄武巖河北漢諾壩地幔橄欖巖包體發(fā)育高Mg、富集大離子親石元素和Ni的石榴輝石巖脈,以及富集輕稀土元素、具低w(La)N/w(Yb)N值和高w(Ti)/w(Eu)值的單斜輝石硅酸鹽熔體[24]、[30]、[44]和[45]

6新生代(29~32 Ma)古生代—太古代(0.33~2.63 Ga)堿性玄武巖河北陽原地幔橄欖巖包體發(fā)育富集輕稀土元素、相對虧損高場強元素、具低w(La)N/w(Yb)N值和高w(Ti)/w(Eu)值的單斜輝石硅酸鹽熔體[31]和[32]

7新生代(約33 Ma)古生代—元古代(0.56~1.44 Ga)堿性玄武巖內蒙古集寧地幔橄欖巖包體發(fā)育輝石巖脈,富集輕稀土元素,包體的單斜輝石具低w(La)N/w(Yb)N值和高w(Ti)/w(Eu)值硅酸鹽熔體,來源于軟流圈地幔[19]和[20]

8中生代(125 Ma)古生代(0.56 Ga)堿性和拉斑玄武巖山東方城玄武巖中發(fā)育具高Mg#值核和低Mg#值邊的帶狀橄欖石捕虜晶;地幔橄欖巖包體出現(xiàn)單斜輝石交代斜方輝石和晚期碳酸巖脈體富Ca的硅酸鹽熔體,來源于深俯沖陸殼物質的部分熔融[46]~[48]

9中生代(125 Ma)輝石閃長巖山東鐵銅溝橄欖巖捕虜體發(fā)育早期以單斜輝石+金云母±方解石組合為特征的交代,晚期以斜方輝石+斜長石+角閃石為特征的交代早期富Ca富K的碳酸巖熔體,晚期含水富Si的熔體[18]

10中生代(112~129 Ma)閃長巖山東金嶺含低Mg#值(86~87)橄欖石的純橄巖發(fā)育礦物反應結構和交代礦物角閃石、金云母富Si的鉀質熔體[49]

11中生代(160 Ma)玄武安山巖河南信陽貧單斜輝石的方輝橄欖巖包體富集輕稀土元素,虧損高場強元素,橄欖石和頑火輝石被滑石取代,橄欖巖包體中單斜輝石具低w(Ti)/w(Eu)值和高w(La)N/w(Yb)N值碳酸巖熔體[33]

12中生代(171 Ma)高鎂閃長巖河北符山方輝橄欖巖和貧單斜輝石二輝橄欖巖發(fā)育次生的角閃石、金云母,純橄巖發(fā)育網狀斜方輝石,3種橄欖巖都富集輕稀土元素和大離子親石元素含揮發(fā)分的硅酸鹽熔體,來源于拆沉的古元古代地塊部分熔融[50]和[51]










一般情況下,硅酸鹽熔體相對于地幔橄欖巖富Si、Ca、Fe,而貧Mg、Ni。硅酸鹽熔體與地幔橄欖巖反應的結果會使橄欖巖向富Si、Ca、Fe,貧Mg的方向演化,從而形成低Mg的地幔巖。在1 500 ℃、35 GPa溫壓條件下,利用角閃榴輝石巖與尖晶石二輝橄欖巖進行高溫高壓實驗,橄欖石Mg#值從反應前的89~90降低到反應后小于

85[64]。在1 300 ℃、10 GPa溫壓條件下,堿性玄武巖(SiO2含量為471%)熔體與二輝橄欖巖反應的產物是自熔體二輝橄欖巖接觸面往橄欖巖內部依次形成純橄巖、方輝橄欖巖、二輝橄欖巖的巖性序列[53],而且3種橄欖巖中橄欖石的Mg#值自純橄巖、方輝橄欖巖到二輝橄欖巖內部呈現(xiàn)單調遞增,其中純橄巖帶中橄欖石的Mg#值普遍較?。ǖ陀?8)[53]。上述熔體與橄欖巖反應的實驗結果證實,巖石圈地幔內部的硅酸鹽熔體與橄欖巖反應不僅促使橄欖石向低Mg#值的轉變,而且橄欖巖中輝石與熔體反應生成橄欖石,從而可以導致低鎂純橄巖的形成。












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