靳 標,李建行,朱德寬,郭 交※,蘇寶峰
靳 標1,2,3,李建行1,朱德寬1,郭 交1,2,3※,蘇寶峰1,2,3
(1. 西北農(nóng)林科技大學機電學院,楊凌 712100;2. 農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部農(nóng)業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)重點實驗室,楊凌 712100; 3. 陜西省農(nóng)業(yè)信息感知與智能服務重點實驗室,楊凌 712100)
導航定位系統(tǒng)一般采用卡爾曼濾波算法提高定位精度。傳統(tǒng)卡爾曼濾波算法的性能很大程度上依賴觀測噪聲的先驗統(tǒng)計信息,不精確的統(tǒng)計特性將會降低定位精度。針對此問題,該文提出一種基于FIR(finite impulse response)預測模型的卡爾曼濾波算法。將FIR預測模型與卡爾曼濾波結合,F(xiàn)IR預測模型的系數(shù)可以通過求解一個凸二次規(guī)劃問題得到。該凸二次規(guī)劃以目標的多項式運動規(guī)律為約束條件,以最小白噪聲增益為目標函數(shù),具有閉式解。仿真試驗和實測結果均表明,在相同的參數(shù)設置條件下,基于FIR預測模型的卡爾曼濾波算法比傳統(tǒng)的卡爾曼濾波算法具有更高的估計精度,仿真結果表明定位精度提高29.54%,實測結果表明方向定位精度提高21.71%,方向定位精度提高22.62%。該算法可應用于GPS接收信號的降噪處理,提高目標狀態(tài)的定位精度。
全球定位系統(tǒng)(global positioning system, GPS)和慣性導航系統(tǒng)(inertial navigation system, INS)在目標定位、車輛導航和精準農(nóng)業(yè)等領域得到了廣泛的應用。然而由于衛(wèi)星信號遮擋、多路徑效應和觀測誤差等因素的影響,濾波結果通常會出現(xiàn)較大誤差[1-2]。
卡爾曼濾波是GPS數(shù)據(jù)處理中常用的濾波算法[3-8]。其性能取決于狀態(tài)向量的動態(tài)模型和描述噪聲特性的隨機模型[9-10]。目前相對應的自適應卡爾曼濾波算法有2種:一種是基于多模型的自適應估計(multiple-model-based adaptive estimation, MMAE)[11-13],另一種是基于新息的自適應估計(innovation-based adaptive estimation, IAE)[14-15]。第一種方法是在不同的動態(tài)模型和統(tǒng)計信息下,利用一組并行運行的卡爾曼濾波器,將具有非零模型概率的所有模型結合起來。第二種方法是基于新息序列的變化直接通過計算觀測噪聲或過程噪聲協(xié)方差矩陣來完成自適應濾波。MMAE和IAE方法中通常采用離散時間微分模型,例如用恒定速度的CV(constant velocity)模型和恒定加速度的CA(constant acceleration)模型來描述狀態(tài)變量的變化過程[16]。然而,位置、速度和姿態(tài)等狀態(tài)向量是相關的,準確描述這些狀態(tài)的統(tǒng)計關系是非常困難的,當先驗信息不充分時,各個濾波狀態(tài)的耦合效應也將給定位結果造成較大誤差。基于離散時間微分模型的卡爾曼濾波算法的另一個缺點是它高度依賴過程噪聲和觀測噪聲的先驗統(tǒng)計信息。一般來說,過程噪聲和觀測噪聲的先驗統(tǒng)計信息取決于運動過程和應用場景,一般較難準確獲得。濾波器的先驗統(tǒng)計信息不足,會降低濾波狀態(tài)的估計精度,甚至導致濾波器估計結果出現(xiàn)發(fā)散現(xiàn)象。
根據(jù)理論推導可知速度和初始距離對該模型無影響,因此假設目標以=20 m/s的速度勻速運動,初始距離為=10 km。觀測噪聲的方差=100 m2,采樣間隔Δ= 1 s,總的觀測時間為100 s[19]。根據(jù)本文的理論推導,設置FIR預測模型系數(shù)的個數(shù)分別為=2,3;在觀測噪聲為白噪聲的情況下,F(xiàn)IR預測模型系數(shù)的個數(shù)也為=2,3。FIR預測模型的階數(shù)均為=1。FIR預測模型的狀態(tài)噪聲協(xié)方差由式(17)給出,為了與FIR預測模型保持一致,CV模型的狀態(tài)噪聲協(xié)方差為[15]
為了評估所提出算法的定位精度,2018年8月10日在西北農(nóng)林科技大學北校區(qū)操場進行多次實際測試。測試設備如圖2a所示,GNSS RTK系統(tǒng)由HI-TARGET測量儀器有限公司制造,型號為A10,其定位精度為(10+ 1′10–6′)m,表示移動站與基站之間的距離,實測時≤300 m。手持式GNSS接收機為集思寶G130型號。手持式GNSS接收機只接收GPS衛(wèi)星信號,理論定位精度為3~5 m。以GNSS RTK系統(tǒng)測得的軌跡作為真實軌跡的參考值,手持式GNSS接收機測得的數(shù)據(jù)作為需要濾波的軌跡。根據(jù)理論推導可知,F(xiàn)IR預測模型與運動速度無關,因此移動站與手持式GNSS接收機由1個人手持以近似1 m/s勻速繞操場1周。
測試10次取平均值,將數(shù)據(jù)導入Google earth,測試軌跡如圖2b所示。與仿真試驗的采樣間隔保持一致,2個接收機的采樣頻率均為1 Hz。
圖2 測試設備及測試軌跡
圖3 X方向和Y方向位置誤差
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GPS/INS navigation based on adaptive finite impulse response-Kalman filter algorithm
Jin Biao1,2,3, Li Jianxing1, Zhu Dekuan1, Guo Jiao1,2,3※, Su Baofeng1,2,3
(1.712100; 2.712100,; 3.712100,)
Global positioning system (GPS) and inertial navigation system (INS) are widely used in target positioning, vehicle navigation, precision agriculture and other fields. However, due to factors such as satellite signal occlusion, multi-path effect and observation error, the filtering results usually have large errors. Kalman filtering algorithm is generally used in navigation and positioning system to improve positioning accuracy. The performance of kalman filter algorithm depends on the dynamic model of state vector and the random model describing noise characteristics. There are 2 corresponding adaptive kalman filtering algorithms: one is the multiple-model-based adaptive estimation (MMAE); the other is the innovation-based adaptive estimation (IAE). The first method is to combine all models with non-zero model probability by using a set of parallel kalman filters under different dynamic models and statistical information. The second method complete the adaptive filtering directly by calculating the observation noise or process noise covariance matrix based on the change of information sequence. In MMAE and IAE methods, discrete time differential models are usually adopted, such as the constant velocity CV model and constant acceleration CA model, to describe the change process of state variables. However, the state vectors such as position, velocity and attitude are correlated, and it is very difficult to accurately describe the statistical relations of these states. When the prior information is not sufficient, the coupling effect of each filtering state will also cause large errors to the positioning results. Another disadvantage of kalman filter algorithm based on discrete time differential model is that it highly depends on the prior statistical information of process noise and observation noise. Generally, the prior statistical information of process noise and measurement noise depends on the motion process and application scene, which is difficult to be obtained accurately. Insufficient prior statistical information of the filter will reduce the estimation accuracy of the filter state and even lead to the divergence of the filter estimation results. The research of adaptive kalman filter algorithm is mainly focused on the covariance of online calculation process noise or measured noise. In order to improve the accuracy of navigation and positioning, an adaptive kalman filter algorithm based on FIR (finite impulse response) prediction model for white noise background was proposed in this paper. Firstly, the continuous trajectory function of moving target was approximated by an-order polynomial with arbitrary precision, and the FIR prediction model polynomial was obtained. The FIR prediction model coefficient was obtained by solving a convex quadratic programming problem, and the optimal solution of FIR prediction model coefficient was solved by lagrange multiplier method. The convex quadratic programming taken the polynomial motion law of the target as the constraint condition and the minimum white noise gain as the objective function, and the optimal solution could not only satisfy the constraints of the target's motion state, but also had the effect of de-noising to a certain extent. Finally, the proposed FIR prediction model was combined with kalman filter. Simulation test and the measurement results showed that kalman filtering algorithm based on FIR prediction model had higher estimation accuracy than the traditional kalman filtering algorithm under the same parameter settings, and the simulation experiment results showed that the localization precision was increased by 29.54%, the measured experimental results showed that positioning accuracy ineast-west direction increased by 21.71%, positioning error innorth-south direction increased by 22.62%. The proposed algorithm could be used for single state estimation before information fusion in loosely coupled GPS/INS, and also for noise reduction in post-processing of GPS receivers.
navigation; models; FIR prediction model; adaptive Kalman filtering; global positioning system
靳 標,李建行,朱德寬,郭 交,蘇寶峰. 基于自適應有限沖激響應-卡爾曼濾波算法的GPS/INS導航[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2019,35(3):75-81. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.03.010 http://www.tcsae.org
Jin Biao, Li Jianxing, Zhu Dekuan, Guo Jiao, Su Baofeng. GPS/INS navigation based on adaptive finite impulse response-Kalman filter algorithm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(3): 75-81. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.03.010 http://www.tcsae.org
靳 標,講師,博士,研究方向為GPS信號處理和精準農(nóng)業(yè)。Email:biaojin@nwafu.edu.cn
郭 交,副教授,博士,研究方向為GPS信號處理和精準農(nóng)業(yè)。Email:jiao.g@163.com