Once upon a time a man had heard that in a place far away, there was a holy flame burning. So he left his home to find the holy flame and bring some back home. He thought, “When I have this light, then I will have happiness and all the people I love will have it too.”
He travelled far, far away and at last found the holy flame, with which he lit his light. On his way back, he had only one worry that his light could go out.
On his way home, he met someone who was freezing and didnt have any fire and who begged him to give him some of his fire. The man with the light hesitated for a moment. Wasnt his light too precious, too holy to be given away for something ordinary like that? Despite these doubts, he decided to give some of his light to the one who was freezing in the darkness.
The man continued his journey home and when he had almost reached his house, a terrible thunderstorm started. He tried to protect his light from the rain, but in the end his light went out.
It was impossible to return the long way back to the place where the holy flame was burning, and he wouldnt have had enough strength to go back this far, but he was strong enough to return to the man whom he had helped… And with his light, he could light his own again.