Pathways to Success(Ⅳ)
Operate with Transparency and Accountability
Transparency requires that the Federal agencies share how they are maximizing outcomes of Federal STEM investments and activities in support of this plan and ensuring broad? benefit? to? the public.
This pathway lays out the interagency efforts to create the capabilities and infrastructure necessary to achieve transparency and accountability and thereby maximize benefits to the public of Federal STEM education policies and investments. There are five objectives under this pathway:
●Leverage and Scale Evidence-Based Practices Across STEM Communities
Evidence on what STEM education programs and practices work for whom and under what conditions can be found across a range of studies, from early knowledge-generating studies, to design and development projects, to rigorous impact evaluations and full-scale implementation of programs, policies, or practices.
After a promising STEM education program, practice, or policy is identified, Federal agencies should build on the existing evidence base and leverage agency resources and funding mechanisms, as available, to scale and implement it more broadly.
Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include: Broadly identify and disseminate effective STEM education programs, practices, and policies, including preK-12 formal and informal, undergraduate, graduate, and lifelong learning.
●Report Participation Rates of Underrepresented Groups
In serving the American public, Federal agencies have a responsibility to provide broad access to their programs and to be accountable for ensuring that Federal activities are fully open and accessible to all members of the population. Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Establish a clear baseline of current status that includes the number of agencies/programs that currently report demographic information, current participation rates of members of underrepresented/underserved groups, and documentation of agencies’ commitment to broadening participation.
·Set goals for improved reporting, particularly for formal and longer-term programs such as those that provide support towards earning a degree.
·Develop a pathway to improved tracking and reporting, with milestones.
●Use Common Metrics to Measure Progress
Developing and implementing common metrics and shared measures for tracking progress towards the attainment of the goals set forth in this plan are essential to realizing the goals of cross-agency coordination and accountability in STEM education and being responsive to legislative requirements.
A number of actions are proposed throughout this plan. In the implementation phase of the plan, agencies will work together to develop appropriate metrics for tracking progress towards the goals and objectives, taking into account the variable nature of Federal programs, investments, and activities. Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Consistently use and report current metrics for assessing the effectiveness of Federal STEM education programs, investments, and activities.
·Develop and report additional metrics needed to measure progress towards the objectives presented in this strategic plan.
●Make Program Performance and Outcomes Publicly Available
Achieving transparency requires not only common metrics that underscore how different agencies’ initiatives complement and support the achievement of the Nation’s STEM education goals, but also a commitment to coordinated communication about agencies’ programs and their effects on STEM literacy, workforce development, and diversity in STEM. Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Inventory and disseminate examples and templates, best practices, and lessons learned for effectively sharing program performance, data, and outcomes with stakeholders.
·Provide a public resource for monitoring Federal program performance and outcomes, such as a dashboard that visually tracks, analyzes, and displays common performance metrics.
●Develop a Federal Implementation Plan and Track Progress
Under the guidance of the FC-STEM Subcommittee, the Federal agencies engaged in STEM education will collaborate to develop a consolidated implementation plan, including additional actions to achieve the goals and objectives described in this strategic plan.
In order to facilitate the development of this interagency implementation plan, an interagency group will be convened shortly after the publication of this plan to develop an implementation template for agencies to provide the information required. Using this template, the member agencies will provide to FC-STEM their agency-specific information to be incorporated into the overall Federal implementation plan. The implementation plan is intended to be a living document, with updates by FC-STEM as needed.