董向元,張恒瑞,陳 祥,李 碩,郭淑青
董向元,張恒瑞,陳 祥,李 碩,郭淑青※
(南京工程學院能源與動力工程學院,南京 211167)
為研究水熱碳化處理對榴蓮殼復合改性焦性能的影響,將榴蓮殼原料及250 ℃、10 h制備的水熱焦分別與層狀氫氧化鎂鋁(Mg/Al Layered Double Hydroxide,MgAl-LDH)復合,獲得榴蓮殼與MgAl-LDH復合焦MgAl-LDH@DP和榴蓮殼水熱焦與MgAl-LDH復合焦MgAl-LDH@HC,分析比較兩種焦的特性以及電化學性能。結果表明,同MgAl-LDH@DP相比,MgAl-LDH@HC有更強的活性含氧官能團,對LDH納米片有較好的分散性。MgAl-LDH@DP焦表面有大量針狀結構,而MgAl-LDH@HC呈不規(guī)則片狀結構,表面疏松多孔,BET(Brunauer-Emmett-Teller)比表面積為62.96 m2/g,平均孔徑14.81 nm,BJH(Barrett-Joyner-Halenda)累積吸附孔容積為0.24 cm3/g,均高于前者,更有利于電荷儲存和電子傳輸。在KOH溶液為電解質、復合焦為工作電極的三電極系統(tǒng)中,循環(huán)伏安曲線和恒電流充放電曲線分別接近矩形和三角形,同MgAl-LDH@DP相比,MgAl-LDH@HC有較好的電容特性和倍率性能,低頻時交流阻抗曲線斜率更大,離子擴散阻力相對較小,有潛力作為超級電容器電極材料應用。
層狀雙金屬氫氧化物(Layered Double Hydroxide,LDH)是含有兩種或兩種以上金屬的無機功能材料,也可在較溫和的條件下,用水熱法合成。其具有原料易得、成本低廉、活性位點均勻分散等優(yōu)點,近年來成為了超級電容器電極材料的研究熱點[21-22]。但研究發(fā)現(xiàn),LDH穩(wěn)定性不理想[22],急需利用其結構易于調整,并易于復合其他材料的特點,進行改性。
試驗所用物料榴蓮殼采自南京市水果超市,清洗去除浮灰后晾干,破碎至粉末狀,粒徑不超過2 mm,其干基C質量分數(shù)為41.22%。試驗中用水均為去離子水,所用化學試劑均為分析純,訂購于上海阿拉丁試劑有限公司。
榴蓮殼水熱碳化試驗及與層狀雙金屬氫氧化物復合試驗均在316 L反應釜中進行。
榴蓮殼水熱碳化處理具體過程為:將榴蓮殼與去離子水按質量比1∶10充分混合,放入釜中,密閉加熱,為使榴蓮殼水熱碳化反應充分,結合前期研究結果,選擇反應溫度為250 ℃,停留時間為10 h,試驗結束,通入冷卻水,冷卻至室溫和環(huán)境壓力后取出物料,過濾分離干燥,獲得榴蓮殼水熱焦記為HC(Hydrochar)。
榴蓮殼和榴蓮殼水熱焦分別與MgAl-LDH復合的試驗過程為:取固體Mg(NO3)2·6H2O和Al(NO3)3·9H2O,以Mg∶Al摩爾比為3∶1的比例加入至去離子水中溶解,取適量溶液,向其中以溶液與固體質量比10∶1加入HC,攪拌均勻,隨后滴加NaOH與Na2CO3溶液,調理混合溶液pH值為10~11,將其放入反應釜中,為使MgAl-LDH成功復合,結合文獻研究[22],選擇反應溫度為180 ℃,時間為10 h,反應結束,冷卻、過濾、干燥獲得MgAl-LDH@HC。為探索水熱碳化處理對復合焦特性的影響,以未經處理的榴蓮殼(Durian shell,DP)與MgAl-LDH復合作為參照,復合試驗過程同上,獲得的復合焦記為MgAl-LDH@DP。
微晶結構采用粉末X射線衍射儀(X-Ray Diffraction,XRD)分析,Cu 靶輻射,間隔為0.02°;微觀形貌和表面官能團分別采用掃描電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy,SEM)和傅里葉變換紅外光譜(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry,F(xiàn)TIR)分析;比表面積采用N2吸附和脫附等溫線進行分析;表面元素組成采用X射線光電子能譜(X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy,XPS)進行測試。
為分析復合焦的電化學性能,將復合焦制備成工作電極,具體制備方法參見文獻[15]。在三電極體系下,采用CHI660E電化學工作站進行測試,具體條件為:以Hg/HgO作為參比電極,鉑片為對電極,自制電極為工作電極,KOH溶液(6 mol/L)為電解質,分別進行循環(huán)伏安、恒電流充放電和電化學阻抗譜測試。
依據(jù)黃觀音在龍州縣的生長特性,通過多年加工試驗,總結出制作花香型黃觀音的新型制茶方法:黃觀音秋季鮮葉→輕曬青(地表溫度28 ℃,空氣濕度64%,30 min)→輕搖青(1 min,2次)→室內萎凋(空調控溫)→揉捻(40~60 min)→發(fā)酵(4~5 h,控溫控濕)→理條(針型)→烘干→提香→成品茶。
為進一步分析MgAl-LDH在榴蓮殼及其水熱焦上的生長情況,圖2給出了復合焦的FTIR譜圖。從圖中可以看出,MgAl-LDH@HC和MgAl-LDH@DP在3 429、2 925、1 622 cm-1處均出現(xiàn)了吸收峰,強度略有差異,分別由-OH,-CH,C=O或C=C振動引起,而且在1 383和648 cm-1均出現(xiàn)了硝酸根和Al-O的振動吸收峰??梢姡瑑煞N復合焦均有豐富的含氧官能團,因其帶有負電荷,容易使金屬離子擴散進入榴蓮殼水熱焦HC或榴蓮殼DP中,使得MgAl-LDH原位復合在HC或DP表面。
兩種復合焦紅外吸收峰明顯的不同之處在于,MgAl-LDH@DP在1 053 cm-1處存在較強的C-O-C吸收峰,而MgAl-LDH@HC只在1 111 cm-1出現(xiàn)非常弱的吸收峰,這主要是榴蓮殼經水熱碳化處理后,半纖維素等糖苷鍵降解斷裂,并發(fā)生了脫氧反應所致,但同時榴蓮殼組分也發(fā)生了聚合和芳香化反應,HC碳質量分數(shù)達70.29%,故1 622 cm-1處聚合物特征峰強,其可增加復合焦的活性和親水性。
MgAl-LDH與HC復合時,主要以榴蓮殼水熱焦HC作為碳源和框架,Mg和Al金屬離子分布在HC表面,因此MgAl-LDH@HC復合焦表面元素以C、O為主,如圖3a,C和O原子百分比分別為74.11%和22.40%,而Mg和Al原子百分比分別為2.42%和1.06%。在結合能284.80和532.14 eV處可見C 1s和O 1s強峰,而在50.31和74.71 eV處出現(xiàn)Mg 2p和Al 2p弱峰,再次證實Mg和Al金屬離子已成功復合在水熱焦表面。C 1s和O 1s的掃描譜解析如圖3b和3c,C 1s譜圖在結合能284.53、285.73、288.18 eV處出現(xiàn)3個特征峰,分別對應C=C、C=O化學鍵,其中C=O在堿性電解液中具有電化學活性,可提供主要的贗電容;O 1s譜圖在531.08、531.93、532.78 eV處存在3個明顯的峰,分別對應Al2O3、-OH和-O-、C=O化學鍵,其均可增加復合焦的親水性,為復合焦的潤濕性及其在電極溶液中的活性提供保證。
為深入分析復合焦的孔隙結構,圖4給出了兩種復合焦的N2吸附和脫附等溫曲線??梢钥闯?,在相對壓力/0較高時,兩種復合焦的吸附等溫線接近Ⅳ類型,脫附均有回滯,而MgAl-LDH@DP脫附回滯更加明顯,這主要是兩種復合焦孔隙結構不同所致。MgAl-LDH@HC復合焦BET比表面積為62.96 m2/g,BJH累積吸附介孔容積為0.24 cm3/g,HK微孔容積為0.03 cm3/g,平均孔徑為14.81 nm。而MgAl-LDH@DP復合焦BET比表面積和BJH累積吸附介孔容積分別為38.37 m2/g、0.11 cm3/g,HK微孔容積為0.02 cm3/g,平均孔徑為10.34 nm??梢姡瑑煞N復合焦,介孔容積均較微孔容積高一個數(shù)量級,吸附以大孔和介孔為主,這有利于吸附質的傳輸和電荷的擴散與存儲。且MgAl-LDH@HC孔隙更為豐富,其比表面積是MgAl-LDH@DP比表面積的1.64倍,介孔容積和平均孔徑均較大。這主要是因為榴蓮殼經水熱碳化處理后,可溶性物質進入液相產物,并有少量CO2等氣相產物生成[2],使得固體產物水熱焦形成了一定程度的孔隙結構,其與層狀結構的MgAl-LDH復合,促進了核殼多孔結構的生長,復合焦孔隙得到了更好地發(fā)展,為吸附質和電荷傳輸提供了更寬的通道。
為研究復合焦在超級電容器中的應用,并確切了解復合焦的電容性能,依據(jù)參考文獻[15]和[22],選擇了有參比電極的三電極系統(tǒng),電解質選擇為6 mol/L KOH。
在1 A/g的電流密度下,兩種復合焦的恒電流充放電曲線均接近三角形(圖6c),但在0.2~0.3 V存在過渡區(qū)域,這與循環(huán)伏安曲線中凸起的位置相一致,均是由雜原子所致。同MgAl-LDH@DP相比,MgAl-LDH@HC有較好的庫倫效率。文獻[22]在1~10 A/g電流密度下,研究了柚子皮水熱焦與層狀金屬氫氧化物復合焦的恒電流充放電特性。課題組擴大電流密度測試范圍,在1、5、10、20 A/g電流密度下,探索了榴蓮殼水熱焦的恒電流充放電規(guī)律[31],發(fā)現(xiàn)榴蓮殼水熱焦均具有較好的倍率性能。為簡化測試且不影響分析結果,本研究選取1、5、20 A/g的電流密度,研究MgAl-LDH@HC復合焦的倍率性能,從圖6d中可以看出,當電流密度從1增至20 A/g時,MgAl-LDH@HC的恒電流充放電時間逐漸減小,這主要是,低的電流密度有利于MgAl-LDH@HC促進電解質與其活性位點接觸,氧化還原反應充分且反應速率較高,同時MgAl-LDH@HC孔隙相對發(fā)達,為電子傳輸提供了保障,電子導電性較好。電流密度為1A/g時,MgAl-LDH@HC質量比電容為1 250 F/g,當電流密度增加至20A/g時,仍有約56.32%的電容保持率,說明MgAl-LDH納米片在榴蓮殼水熱焦HC上分布較為均勻,有利于OH-離子的滲入。
1)將榴蓮殼原料及其經250 ℃、10 h制備的水熱焦分別與MgAl-LDH復合,獲得復合焦MgAl-LDH@DP與MgAl-LDH@HC,兩者相比,MgAl-LDH@HC有更強的活性和親水性,且對LDH納米片有較好的分散性。
2)同MgAl-LDH@DP相比,MgAl-LDH@HC呈不規(guī)則片狀結構,表面疏松多孔,BET比表面積為62.96 m2/g,BJH累積吸附孔容積為0.24 cm3/g,平均孔徑14.81 nm,均高于前者,更有利于電荷儲存和電子傳輸。
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Durian shell composite biochar prepared by hydrothermal carbonization and its electrochemical properties
Dong Xiangyuan, Zhang Hengrui, Chen Xiang, Li Shuo, Guo Shuqing※
Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) can widely be used to convert the dry/wet biomass (green and renewable materials) directly into the hydrochar with a rich oxygenated functional group (a high value-added carbonaceous material). There is a promising potential application of hydrochar in energy storage in recent years. Nevertheless, a relatively low capacitance of hydrochar has limited to serve as electrode materials. Recently, Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) has also been considered as one of the most promising electrode materials, due to the high energy density, dispersed active sites, and cheap raw materials. However, the LDH extension has been confined to a relatively weak electrical conductivity and mechanical stability. Therefore, combing the LDH and hydrochar may be a promising trade-off to develop high-efficient electrode materials. Herein, the hydrochar (HC) was prepared through HTC using durian shell (DP) at 250℃ and 10h. Then magnesium aluminum Layer Double Hydroxides (MgAl-LDH) were decorated on the surface of HC, in order to obtain the MgAl-LDH@HC composite. MgAl-LDH was also decorated on the surface of DP raw materials to explore the effect of HTC process on the performance of the composite. The microstructure of MgAl-LDH@DP and MgAl-LDH@HC were characterized using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An electrochemical test was also carried out for the properties of the composite. The results show that the cellulose crystal structure of the durian shell was destroyed after HTC treatment, where the carbon content of HC was 70.29%. The XRD pattern of MgAl-LDH@HC presented the sharp peaks at 11.23°, 22.64°, 33.98°, and 60.11° of 2, being assigned to the (003), (006), (012), and (110) planes, respectively, indicating a typical hydrotalcite-like structure. The XRD spectra also illustrated that the MgAl-LDH was successfully decorated on the surface of HC. In MgAl-LDH@DP, there were strong peaks of cellulose crystallinity structure at 22.37° and 34.39°, in spite of the characteristic peaks of LDH in the XRD spectra. There were much stronger active oxygenated functional groups, while much higher dispersion for the LDH nanosheets in the MgAl-LDH@HC, compared with the MgAl-LDH@DP. In MgAl-LDH@HC, a strong polymer characteristic peak at 1622 cm-1contributed to the activity and hydrophilicity of the composite as electrode materials. The XPS spectra of MgAl-LDH@HC presented the strong C 1s, O 1s peaks at 284.80 and 532.14 eV, while the weak Mg 2p, Al 2p peaks at 50.31 and 74.71 eV, respectively. In the C 1s spectra, three peaks centered at 284.53, 285.73, and 288.18 eV corresponding to the C=C, C=O chemical bonding. In the O 1s spectra, three peaks centered at 531.08, 531.93, and 532.78 eV identifying as Al2O3,-OH and -O-, C=O, respectively. These functional groups significantly increased the hydrophilicity, wettability and activity of composite in the electrode solution. SEM images showed that the MgAl-LDH@DP contained a lot of needle-like structures, whereas, the MgAl-LDH@HC presented irregular lamellar structures with porous surfaces. In MgAl-LDH@HC electrochemical test, the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area was 62.96m2/g, the average pore diameter was 14.81 nm, and the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) cumulative pore volume was 0.24 cm3/g, indicating higher properties than those of MgAl-LDH@DP. It inferred that the structure of MgAl-LDH@HC was more conducive to charge storage and electron transmission. Three electrode systems were constructed, with the composite as working electrode and the KOH solution as electrolyte. They were close to rectangle and triangle in the cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge curve. Higher capacitive property and rate performance were achieved in the MgAl-LDH@HC, compared with the MgAl-LDH@DP. The slope of impedance curve was much larger for the MgAl-LDH@HC at the low frequency, indicating a relatively smaller ion diffusion resistance. Therefore, the MgAl-LDH@HC can be expected to serve as potential electrode materials for supercapacitors.
biochar; hydrochar; electrochemical properties; durian shell; layered double hydroxide
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Dong Xiangyuan, Zhang Hengrui, Chen Xiang, et al. Durian shell composite biochar prepared by hydrothermal carbonization and its electrochemical properties[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(8): 316-322. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.036 http://www.tcsae.org