湖北 羅正禮
例如:人教版新版教材Book 2 Unit 4 教參P168 Optional Activity 就為教師提供了很好的續(xù)寫單句寫長的范例。
基本句:There was a house in the countryside.
增添信息后:There was an old white house in the countryside.
增添信息后:Once upon a time there was a strange,tiny,twisted,old white house,which stood in the middle of a magical ancient forest in the countryside far away from the nearest town.
以人教版新版教材Book 1 Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures Exercise 3 為例,該題要求學生通過使用NP、AdjP 和AdvP 來增添信息。
原文:I’ve always wanted to be a cheerleader.Yesterday,I tried out for the team.It was hard.First,we had to dance.The teacher showed us how to move,and then we tried.Second,we practised singing a song about the school basketball team.Finally,some girls had to lift their partners.The other girls jumped and cheered.I think I did well,but the other girls were better.I’m not sure if I’ll make the team or not.
增添信息后:I’ve always wanted to be a high school(NP) cheerleader.Yesterday,I tried out for my school’s cheerleading (AdjP) team.It was really hard.First,we had to dance up and down around the basketball court for 20 minutes (AdvP).The teacher showed us how to move,and then we tried very hard (AdvP).Second,we practised singing a short fight (NP)song about the school basketball team.Finally,some of the stronger (AdjP) girls had to lift their partners.The other girls jumped very high (AdvP) and cheered so loudly (AdvP).I think I did quite well in the try-out (AdvP),but many of (NP)the other girls were even better.I’m not so sure whether I’ll make the cheerleading team this year or not.(教參范文P77)
對比前后兩篇文章可以看出,在使用NP、AdjP 和AdvP 結構增添信息后,第二篇文章的語言表達明顯得到了提升。這是教參給出的參考答案,在實際教學中,學生的各種添加往往更讓筆者驚嘆不已。
例如人教版新版教材Book 2 Unit 4 Reading for Writing的第二段就為教師指導學生運用“五感描寫法”來提升續(xù)寫能力提供了生動的模板。
原文:The peaceful landscape of the“Emerald Isle”and its many greencountiesis a true feast for the eyes,with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep andcattle(視覺).And down by the sea,the roar of theoceanwaves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast(聽覺).On a quiet morning in the mountains,feel the sun on your skin(觸覺),and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers(嗅覺)while birds greet the new day with their morning song.
又如人教版新版教材Book 2 Unit 4 教參P168 寫作范文
In my village,every day starts with a“fire”! The houses turn red(視覺)as the sun rises above the mountains.
Seeing the flames,the roosters sound the alarm(聽覺).They wake everyone in the village with their loud cries,chasing the children to school and rushing the adults to work.In the evening,a gold haze settles over everything(視覺).This is my favourite time of the day,when all work for the day has been completed.When the smell of hot oil and fragrant spices float through the air(嗅覺),I know that it will soon be time for dinner.My neighbours begin to call to their children to come home.The birds begin their nightly quarrel(聽覺)over their favourite places to rest.
At night,the stars come out(視 覺)to tell us that all is well and my village grows quiet.For now we’ll sleep,and tomorrow the sun will set us on fire again for a new day!
所謂動作鏈微技能是指在描繪動作的時候,分解動作,使用動感強、層次感強、精準化的一系列動詞形成動作鏈。具體而言,可采用A、B and C 形式和分詞形式等呈現(xiàn)一系列動作。
例如:人教版新版教材Book 1 Unit 2 Reading and Thinking第三段
Stay in a local hotel,visit the museums,admire the architecture,enjoy the excellent local food,and go shopping at the local markets.
又如:人教版新版教材Book 2 Unit 4 Workbook Expanding Your World 第二段
So early one cold winter morning,she set out to a distant town.After four hours of struggling through snow,she found the town and quickly bundled her new samovar into her sack and hurried home.
再如:人教版新版教材Book 3 Unit 1 Reading for Writing 第二段
On the first day,I set off to the games early with my friend Burin.I saw a lot of people wearing fancy Mongolian robes.Some were feeding their horses,some were practising archery,and others were chatting or taking photographs.
還如:人教版新版教材Book 2 Unit 4 教參P168 寫作范文
Seeing the flames,the roosters sound the alarm.They wake everyone in the village with their loud cries,chasing the children to school and rushing the adults to work.
例如:人教版新版教材Book 2 Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 第一段
The air is thin(正面描寫)and we have to rest several times on the short hike from camp(側面烘托).To our left,snow-covered mountains disappear into clouds(正面描寫)that seem almost close enough to touch.
又如:人教版新版教材Book 3 Unit 2 Workbook Expanding Your World 第一段和第四段
The windows are covered with steam from the heat inside(側面烘托).Outside,the temperature is -32℃(正面描寫).Snow covers the streets and is piled up along the sidewalks(正面描寫).
The river is full of big chunks of ice(正面描寫),and if you were to fall in,you would freeze to death in under two minutes(側面烘托).
例如:人教版新版教材Book 1 Unit 3 Reading and Thinking 第二段
When Michael Jordan’s feet left the ground,time seemed to stand still.(擬人+夸張)
又如:人教版新版教材Book 1 Unit 4 Reading and Thinking
It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!(夸張)
Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves...(明喻)
Slowly,the city began to breathe again.(擬人)
再如:人教版新版教材Book 1 Unit 4 Workbook Reading and Writing 第四段
Wednesday night saw the destruction of the very heart of the city.(擬人)
還如:人教版新版教材Book 2 Unit 5 Reading for Writing
Music gave me happiness.Music gave me strength and brought me relief.Moreover,music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.(重復)
...it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind.(明喻)
It was the rock that I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times.(暗喻)
例如:人教版新版教材Book 1 Unit 2 Workbook Expanding Your World 第一段
Pisa is a fine old city.The houses are well-built;the streets open,straight,and well-paved;the shops well-furnished;and the markets well-supplied.
再如:人教版新版教材Book 3 Unit 1 Reading for Writing 第五段
I’m finally back home now,feeling really tired,but celebrating Naadam with my friend was totally worth it.
又如:人教版新版教材Book 3 Unit 2 Reading for Writing