Host:Li Xinggang
作為《建筑技藝》全新改版后的核心欄目“AT 建筑”首個推出的建筑作品,江蘇園藝博覽會主展館改造充分地體現(xiàn)了技術與設計(意匠)的高度融諦,這也是本次改版努力追求的方向。面對工業(yè)遺存的更新改造,面對廢墟之上誕生的園藝博覽會,面對短期園博會后的可持續(xù)利用,本期作品給出了不一樣的解題思路和不同以往的設計手法,其中所體現(xiàn)出的前所未有、令人興奮的差異性,不僅在于建筑組群嵌入廣場與山體之間的疏密有致、開諦起伏,也在于新功能建筑與老工業(yè)建筑之間見縫插針、順勢而為的融諦;不僅在于隱形于平面體系中的格網(wǎng)系統(tǒng),也在于以輕巧的材料物質(zhì)化地標識在空間中的立體格網(wǎng)結(jié)構;不僅在于結(jié)構系統(tǒng)的依附性、裝配化的輕介入,也在于更諦于人的尺度、植物尺度的精準調(diào)和;不僅在于如植物一樣包裹建筑實體空間的、柔軟的、帶有彈性的結(jié)構,也在于如結(jié)構一樣建構建筑性的獨立的、系統(tǒng)化的、具有特殊價值的植物——植物一般的結(jié)構,結(jié)構一般的植物。正如設計者所言“設計向植物學習”——尋找可變、附著、柔性的中間狀態(tài),江蘇園藝博覽會主展館還在如植物一樣慢慢生長著。
The main pavilion of Jiangsu Horticultural Expo is the first theme for the core section AT Special aft er the revision of Architectural Technique magazine.As an architecture renovation work with highly integration of technique,design and craft smanship,we hope the new edition of Architectural Technique magazine can also have further exploration in this direction.The main exhibition hall was born on the ruins.Although it was the renovation work of an industrial heritage,it realized the sustainable utilization aft er the Horticultural Expo was over by unique solutions and distinguishing design techniques.The architecture is swarmed with unprecedented and exciting otherness:it lies not only in the regular relationship when buildings are set in the square and mountains,but also in the consummate integration between new functional buildings and old industrial buildings;not only in the grid hidden in the plane system,but also in the tridimensional grid structure marked in thespace by lightweight materials;not only in the dependence of structural system and the light intervention of assembly,but also in the precise scales more suitable for both human and plants;not only in the soft and elastic structure which seems like be wrapped up by plants,but also in the independent,systematic,special plants which work just like architectural structure,that is,the plants like structure and the structure like plants.The designer of this work said that design should learn from plants,we can look for the intermediate state of flexibility,attachment and flexibility,just like the main exhibition hall of Jiangsu Horticultural Expo is growing and growing,as real plants.