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We reap what we sow校園農耕育英才

2022-06-08 18:22梁智睿
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2022年6期



Labor education is incorporated into our school's curriculum to lift our hardworking spirit, in addition to fostering students with an all?round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding.

Starting from last semester, we have been participating in the FARMING & STUDYING project held by our school in groups every week. First, to make the soil fluffy, we used shovels and pickaxes to dig as deep as 8?12 inches to get weeds out at their root in the assigned area. It was a more skill?demanding and tiring job than I had expected. The soil was so stiff that we needed to take turns to dig deep. But we could hardly contain our excitement for getting close to nature as well as learning more hands?on skills.

Then came the transplanting. Our teacher told us to turn the soil over again and lightly water the soil so that the root of the newly transplanted crops can soak together. We grew corn, pepper and even Chinese herbs. We carefully yet awkwardly put the delicate plants into the holes, added soil and patted softly. This was no easy job; you need to use some elbow grease to make it. The following laboring classes were about routine group work such as weeding, watering, fertilizing and repelling insects.

A few months later, standing before our corn, a sense of pride flushed over. We learned teamwork and problem?solving skills. We reap what we sow.9280E7B5-09A7-4A37-9ABC-D8E5AA561F55

農耕勞作磨毅力 南泥灣精神記心中
博雅育英 繽紛課程
培菁育英 全面共進——福州十中簡介之二