Slow movements, calming3 thoughts and deep breathing—this is the Chineseart of tai chi. People have practiced it for hundreds of years, and it’s known tokeep you healthy. But according to a new study, it may also help slow down thesymptoms of Parkinson’s disease by several years.
There is no cure4 for Parkinson’s disease. It causes5 symptoms like shakingand difficulty of speaking and moving. For years, doctors and researchers have triedto find ways to slow down the symptoms or make them more manageable6.
Somestudieshavefound thattaichican helpParkinson’ssymptoms in the short term, but little was known about itseffects7 in the long term. To find out more, researchers fromthe Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine inChina monitored8 a group of 330 people with Parkinson’s atdifferent times between January 2016 and June 2021.
有些研究發(fā)現,太極可以在短期內幫助緩解帕金森病的癥狀,但其長期效果還不為人知。為了解更多信息,中國上海交通大學醫(yī)學院的研究人員在2016 年1月至2021 年6 月期間的不同時間段里,對330 名帕金森病患者進行了監(jiān)測。
One group of 143 people did tai chi twice a week for one hour, and the othergroup of 187 people didn’t. The result showed that the progression9 of the diseasewas slower in the group that did tai chi.
其中一組143 人每周打兩次太極,每次1 小時,另一組187 人則沒有打太極。結果顯示,打太極的那組人疾病進程較慢。
The researchers said the size of the studied group was quite small, so theycould not prove10 that tai chi was the only reason for these improvements. Butbased on these results, they said that tai chi can be used to manage symptoms ofParkinson’s disease.