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2025-03-03 00:00:00張敏孫雷明付蓉林苗苗王然齊秀娟
果樹學報 2025年1期

摘 " "要:中國獼猴桃種質(zhì)資源豐富,種植面積及產(chǎn)量均居世界首位,已成為中國優(yōu)勢特色產(chǎn)業(yè)之一。然而,隨著產(chǎn)業(yè)的不斷發(fā)展,不同地區(qū)間引種增加,獼猴桃細菌性潰瘍病問題也愈發(fā)突出,已成為制約中國乃至世界獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的主要因素。該病害由丁香假單胞桿菌獼猴桃致病變種(Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae,Psa)侵染引起,具有蔓延快、傳染性強、致病率高、根除難度大等特點,是生產(chǎn)中的毀滅性病害,目前尚無有效的防治方法。隨著現(xiàn)代生物技術的發(fā)展,人們利用分子標記構建了獼猴桃遺傳連鎖圖譜并進行相關性狀QTL定位分析,獲得了部分潰瘍病鑒定相關的抗性分子標記和基因,為其抗性育種提供了新途徑。筆者在綜述潰瘍病的危害、傳播媒介、致病菌以及不同種質(zhì)資源抗病性差異及成因等基礎上,闡述了分子標記、QTL定位技術及抗性相關基因等在獼猴桃研究上的應用進展,以期為獼猴桃分子輔助抗性育種的相關研究提供理論依據(jù)。


中圖分類號:S663.4 文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1009-9980(2025)01-0196-11

Research advances on reisistance to kiwifruit bacterial canker

ZHANG Min1, 2, SUN Leiming1, 3, FU Rong1, LIN Miaomiao1, 2, WANG Ran1, QI Xiujuan1, 2*

(1National Key Laboratory for Germplasm Innovation amp; Utilization of Horticultural Crops/Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450009, Henan, China; 2Zhongyuan Research Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinxiang 453500, Henan, China; 3Chuxiong Yunguo Agriculture Technology Research Institute, Chuxiong 675000, Yunna, China)

Abstract: Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) is origin from China, comprising rich germplasm resources and wide geographical distribution. It is one of the most successful fruit crops domesticated in the 20th century and has taken an important place in the development of the fruit industry. China ranks first in the world in both planting area and yield and it becomes one of the advantageous characteristic industries in our country. Kiwifruit bacterial canker (KBC), which is caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), is one of the most serious diseases that harm the kiwifruit industry. Since the first KBC was detected in Japan in 1984, it has been discovered in various countries around the world. It has become a major factor restricting the development of industries in the world. The typical symptoms of KBC include necrotic spots on leaves, wilting and ulceration on vines and twigs, withering of vine trunks, and with milky white or red mucus. It is highly virulent, explosive and infective, and once a vine has been systemically invaded, it may quickly lead to death. It has extremely strong infectivity and can spread in major production areas around the world in a short period of time. In spring or autumn, low temperatures can greatly favor the multiplication of the bacterium. Some plants, insect and pollen, agronomical techniques, as well as extreme weather phenomena, can contribute to further spreading. Psa manipulates plant hosts and promotes diseases by producing toxic effector factors (HopZ5 and AvrRpm1) through its Type Ⅲ secretion system (T3SS). These toxic effectors can disrupt the immune defense response of plants, allowing pathogens to quickly adapt to the host environment. The integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) are large mobile elements, which can confer new phenotypes to Psa and are frequently implicated as the mechanism underlying antimicrobial resistance evolution in bacterial pathogens. According to genetic diversity and toxin production, Psa can be classified into six biovars (Psa1-Psa6). Psa4 is substantially different from other strains in that it has less aggressive ability and only cause leaf spots. Due to the difference in phenotypic, genetic and phylogenetic aspects, it was renamed P. syringae pv. actinidifoliorum (Pfm). In existing research, no effective cure for KBC has been found. The frequent application of streptomycin and copper agents for controlling Psa shows that multiple Psa lineages have acquired streptomycin or copper resistance genes. Therefore, breeding resistant varieties and enhancing the disease resistance of kiwifruit are effective measures to solve KBC. Through analysis of the morphological structure, physiological level and molecular level of kiwifruit, it is shown that different kiwifruits have different resistance to Psa. It was found that the overall resistance trend is that the resistance of A. arguta and A. eriantha is stronger than A. chinensis by different resistance identification. The use of hybrid breeding technology can achieve the combination of excellent traits and cultivate resistant varieties. However, the traditional hybrid breeding method is too time-consuming and complex, usually taking 10-15 years to develop a new variety. With the development of modern sequencing techniques, the emergence of molecular marker assisted breeding technology has greatly shortened the breeding period and improved breeding efficiency. The use of molecular marker technology to screen germplasm resources with excellent resistance has been widely applied in crop research, and there are also a few applications in kiwifruit. For example, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis found that the resistant strains all had a 1458 bp DNA fragment, while the susceptible strains did not have. Using SSR technology combined with BSA analysis method, the molecular marker screening of disease resistant genes (PR) was carried out, and SSR molecular marker UDK97-428116 linked to disease resistant genes was obtained. With advances in modern biotechnology, the use of high-density genetic maps for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping plays an important role in the research on agronomic traits. In recent years, the construction of genetic maps for fruit crops has developed rapidly and has been applied to many fruit crops, such as grapes, cherries and kiwifruit. The application of genetic mapping and QTL mapping technology plays an important role in the exploration of kiwifruit traits such as gender, fruit quality and disease resistance. Using high-density genetic and QTL mapping, a major single QTL for Psa resistance on linkage 27 was identified on Hort16A, and six minor QTLs were identified in P1. Moreover, it was discovered that the resistance in the F1 population was improved by additive effects from Hort16A and P1 QTLs, providing evidence for the resistance mechanism of kiwifruit. When Psa toxic effector factors are injected into the host plant, it triggers the immune defense response of plant, PTI (PAMP-triggered-immunity) and ETI (effector-triggered-immunity). Nucleotide binding and leucine rich repeat receptors (NLRs) are the largest family of immune receptors in plants. At present, multiple NLR proteins that recognize Psa effector factors have been identified, like RPA1 and NbPTR1. It has shown that many genes play important roles in the kiwifruit disease resistance response, such as PR1, NPR1, TGA, RIN4, FLS2 and WRKY22, providing new genetic resources for resistance breeding. It is critically important to understanding how pathogens emerge and what drives their adaptation to cause virulent disease. Exploring disease prevention and control technologies, and breeding new disease resistant varieties are of great significance for the development of this industry. The purpose is to review the latest progress in research on KBC and kiwifruit resistance, providing theoretical basis for kiwifruit resistance breeding.

Key words: Actinidia; Bacterial canker; Molecular markers; QTL; Resistant genes

獼猴桃是獼猴桃科(Actinidiaceae)獼猴桃屬(Actinidia Lindl.)落葉藤本果樹,該屬有54個種和21個變種,共75個分類單元[1]。中國是獼猴桃屬植物的原產(chǎn)地,野生資源豐富,地域分布廣泛。自20世紀被人工馴化以來,該產(chǎn)業(yè)在世界范圍內(nèi)的栽培面積不斷擴大[2],因其果實風味獨特、營養(yǎng)豐富而深受人們喜愛。隨著產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展,不同區(qū)域間引種頻率增加,生產(chǎn)中的細菌性潰瘍病也越發(fā)嚴重,對產(chǎn)業(yè)造成了嚴重危害[3]。自1984年日本首次出現(xiàn)該病以來[4],隨后短短幾年內(nèi),迅速成為威脅世界獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)的毀滅性病害[5]。中國、新西蘭、意大利、韓國等世界各大獼猴桃產(chǎn)區(qū)深受其害[6-9]。中國作為獼猴桃生產(chǎn)大國,在四川、安徽、陜西等主產(chǎn)省份也早已出現(xiàn),并逐漸向其他栽培地區(qū)蔓延[10]。因此,開展?jié)儾∠嚓P研究,了解其致病機制和作用機制、探索病害防控技術,選育抗病新品種,對助力產(chǎn)業(yè)高質(zhì)量發(fā)展具有重要意義。隨著現(xiàn)代測序技術的發(fā)展,分子生物學技術為獼猴桃潰瘍病研究提供了一種有效途徑。本文旨在綜述獼猴桃潰瘍病抗性研究方面最新進展,為該產(chǎn)業(yè)抗性育種和高效防控技術研發(fā)提供理論基礎。

1 潰瘍病的危害、傳播媒介及致病菌



丁香假單胞桿菌獼猴桃致病變種(Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae,Psa)是引起獼猴桃細菌性潰瘍病的致病菌[4],其關鍵致病因子是存在T3SS(type Ⅲ secretion system)的蛋白分泌系統(tǒng)[10]。該分泌系統(tǒng)能分泌多種有毒效應因子(如HopZ5、AvrRpm1等)來破壞植物的免疫防御反應,使病原體快速適應宿主環(huán)境[21-22]。Psa的整合共軛元件(integrative and conjugative elements,ICEs)是可移動元件,賦予其新的表型,且常被認為是細菌病原體產(chǎn)生耐藥性進化的機制[22-23]。研究人員通過對目前收集到的Psa株系進行基因組比較、系統(tǒng)進化和起源分析等,可將目前已發(fā)現(xiàn)的Psa株系分為6類[24]:第一類是在日本和意大利海沃德品種上采集到的病原菌Psa1[25];第二類是在韓國發(fā)現(xiàn)的病原菌Psa2 [26];第三類是于2008年首次在意大利發(fā)現(xiàn),并對世界各國產(chǎn)業(yè)造成毀滅性傷害的Psa3[27];第四類是在新西蘭發(fā)現(xiàn)的病原菌Psa4,該類病菌致病能力較弱,僅引起葉斑[9],與前三類存在明顯不同,雖然Psa4是從獼猴桃屬植物上分離出來的,但由于其表型、遺傳和系統(tǒng)發(fā)育不同,后將其更名為Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidifoliorum (Pfm)[28];第五類和第六類是在日本發(fā)現(xiàn)的Psa5[29]和Psa6[30]。在已有的研究報道中,并沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)對潰瘍病有效的治愈方法,生產(chǎn)上頻繁使用的藥物防治使得Psa菌株對銅和鏈霉素產(chǎn)生了抗藥性[31]。因此,選育抗性強的品種來增強自身的抗病性,是解決潰瘍病危害最直接的方法。

2 不同種質(zhì)資源抗病性差異及成因

不同種類和品種的獼猴桃對Psa的抗病性有所不同,研究人員分別從形態(tài)結構、生理和分子水平等方面對其抗病能力進行了研究分析。對24個不同種類或品種的獼猴桃進行抗性評價,不同種類抗性由強到弱的順序依次為:毛花獼猴桃(A. eriantha)、美味獼猴桃(A. chinensis var. delicious)、中華獼猴桃(A. chinensis)[32]。利用29個獼猴桃種或品種(系)進行抗性評價,在離體枝條接種Psa病原菌6 d后,中華獼猴桃紅陽、6-65、2-72就開始發(fā)病并溢出少量白色黏液,而接種21 d后軟棗獼猴桃(A. arguta)和毛花獼猴桃才開始出現(xiàn)病斑且病斑直徑明顯小于中華獼猴桃,體現(xiàn)出抗性相對較強[33]。通過采用離體枝條和葉片進行人工接種Psa病原菌的方法對51份軟棗獼猴桃進行抗性鑒定,結果顯示51份資源中高抗33份、中抗18份,無高感、中感和感病種質(zhì),體現(xiàn)了軟棗獼猴桃具有較好的抗性[34]。采用室內(nèi)和田間接種方法分別對12個和23個品種進行抗性鑒定,總體抗性趨勢為軟棗獼猴桃和毛花獼猴桃強于美味獼猴桃,而中華獼猴桃表現(xiàn)最差[35]。近年來,研究人員選育出了多個抗病新品種,如先沃五號[36]、華金3號[37]、金塘一號[38]等。



3 分子標記在抗病性鑒定中的應用

分子標記(Molecular Markers)是以個體間核苷酸序列變異為基礎的遺傳標記,能在DNA水平上直接反映遺傳的多態(tài)性[45]。與其他生物遺傳標記如生化標記、細胞學標記和形態(tài)學標記相比,具有不受個體發(fā)育時期和外界環(huán)境影響、多態(tài)性高、易于檢測等顯著的優(yōu)點[46]。分子標記技術的發(fā)展主要經(jīng)歷了3個階段,第1個階段是以Southern雜交為基礎的限制性片段長度多態(tài)性(Restriction fragment length polymorphism,RFLP)標記;第2個階段是以PCR反應為基礎的隨機擴增多態(tài)性(Random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)、擴增片段長度多態(tài)性(Amplified fragment length polymorphism,AFLP)、簡單重復序列(Simple sequence repeat,SSR)標記;第3個階段則是以測序為基礎的單核苷酸標記(Single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)[47]。目前,SNP技術已被廣泛應用于物種親緣關系進化分析、種質(zhì)資源鑒定保存、分子遺傳圖譜構建、植物抗病基因定位及遺傳育種等方面。

獼猴桃屬植物種類繁多,地域分布范圍廣泛,因此對其種質(zhì)資源進行準確鑒定是合理利用的基礎。利用分子標記技術篩選抗性優(yōu)異種質(zhì)資源已廣泛應用于大豆[48]、水稻[49]、番茄[50]、黃瓜[51]等植物的抗性育種中,獼猴桃中也有少量應用。通過利用ISSR標記進行遺傳多樣性分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)不同品種對潰瘍病的抗病能力與遺傳有關,且各品種抗性強弱分組與ISSR聚類組有明顯相關性,表明了該技術可用于輔助選育抗?jié)儾∑贩N[52]。采用SSR技術結合BSA分析方法對雜交F1代群體及40份資源進行抗病基因(PR)分子標記篩選,獲得了與抗病基因連鎖的SSR分子標記UDK97-428116[53]。利用SCoT分子標記確定了9個中華獼猴桃紅肉品種的親緣關系并篩選出較抗?jié)儾∑贩N[16]。對6個品系進行抗病相關的RAPD分析,結果發(fā)現(xiàn),抗病品系都有一條1458 bp的DNA片段,而感病品系均無該條帶[54]。通過構建表達序列標簽(EST)文庫,并基于同源序列設計EST引物,成功鑒定出部分參與基礎防御途徑的基因,為獼猴桃抗性育種提供了基礎[55]。

4 遺傳圖譜及QTL定位在抗病研究中的應用

遺傳連鎖圖譜是通過遺傳重組交換結果進行連鎖分析所得到的基因或分子標記在染色體上相對位置的線性排列圖[56],是數(shù)量性狀定位(quantitative trait locus,QTL)、分子標記輔助選擇育種等研究的理論依據(jù)。因此,構建高密度的遺傳連鎖圖譜是植物進化過程、遺傳育種及功能基因組學等研究的重要環(huán)節(jié)。



5 潰瘍病抗性關鍵基因挖掘

當植物受到病原菌的感染時,會激發(fā)植物的天然防御系統(tǒng),使植物產(chǎn)生抗病反應。植物的天然免疫系統(tǒng)可分為兩個水平,第一是通過植物細胞表面的模式識別受體(Pattern Recognition Receptors,PRRs)識別病原微生物保守成分(Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns,PAMPs),從而激活與病原相關分子模式成分觸發(fā)的免疫反應(PAMP-Triggered-Immunity,PTI)[77],第二是病原微生物釋放的效應因子觸發(fā)的免疫反應(Effector-Triggered-Immunity,ETI)[78]。植物強大的免疫系統(tǒng)能抵御大多數(shù)病原微生物的侵染,但是丁香假單胞桿菌等部分病菌能向寄主植物細胞內(nèi)注入毒力蛋白,抑制植物免疫力,從而引起毀滅性病害[79]。核苷酸結合富亮氨酸重復受體(nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat receptors,NLRs)是植物最大的免疫受體家族[80],來自擬南芥和本氏煙草的NLR蛋白ZAR1能識別HopZ5并觸發(fā)細胞死亡[81]。目前,已鑒定出多個識別Psa效應因子的NLR蛋白,如RPA1[82]、NbPTR1[83]等,這些蛋白在植物抗病反應中具有關鍵作用。

NHL(NDR1/HIN1-like)基因家族成員在抵御丁香假單胞桿菌的侵染時具有積極作用。如擬南芥NHL基因家族的成員NHL2和NHL3在抵御丁香假單胞桿菌侵染中發(fā)揮重要作用[84];在采用不同丁香假單胞桿菌處理擬南芥時,發(fā)現(xiàn)NHL3基因的表達量均顯著增加,且過表達該基因增強了植株對Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst)病菌的抗性[85]。NHL基因在其他病原菌防御反應中也發(fā)揮了重要作用。如擬南芥NHL10基因能調(diào)控黃瓜對花葉病毒(CMV)的超敏反應[86];在馬鈴薯中過表達NHL基因成員StPOTHR1增強了植株對疫霉?。≒hytophthora infestans)的抗性[87]。

利用轉(zhuǎn)錄組學的方法對Psa侵染后獼猴桃中的基因表達進行分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)免疫系統(tǒng)PTI、ETI、HR中多個抗性基因的表達受到誘導,它們可能通過調(diào)整代謝過程,并改變次級代謝產(chǎn)物的產(chǎn)生以抑制Psa的生長[88]。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),在受到Psa侵染后,高抗品種華特中編碼Pti1和RPS2的效應受體及參與水楊酸信號通路的NPR1、TGA和PR-1基因均顯著上調(diào)表達[89]。PR-1基因能在潰瘍病菌誘導下顯著表達,且其過表達能增強煙草對潰瘍病的抗性[90]。AcTGA07基因的過表達顯著增強了獼猴桃的抗性,且TGA轉(zhuǎn)錄因子能特異性地結合PR基因的啟動子區(qū)域并與NPR蛋白相互作用[91]。NPR1同源基因AeNPR1a在煙草中過表達后,相比與野生型株系其Psa和Pst感染癥狀明顯減輕,轉(zhuǎn)基因煙草抗性顯著增強;與接種Pst的擬南芥npr1-1突變體植株相比,NPR1a回補株系抗性顯著增強[92]。使用殼聚糖處理可誘導獼猴桃防御相關基因(PR1、PR5)表達,使其產(chǎn)生系統(tǒng)獲得性抗性(systemic acquired resistance,SAR)[93]。

6 展 望






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快樂語文(2021年36期)2022-01-18 05:48:38
冬季潰瘍病高發(fā) 防治須加強
葡萄轉(zhuǎn)色期干梗掉粒 多是潰瘍病
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