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2011-11-08 06:29黃錦蓉
和田師范專科學校學報 2011年3期


(湄洲灣職業(yè)技術學院基礎部 福建莆田 351254)



(湄洲灣職業(yè)技術學院基礎部 福建莆田 351254)



元認知(meta cognition)是弗拉維爾(Flavel)于20世紀70年代提出的一個概念,弗拉維爾認為,元認知就是個體關于自己的認知過程的知識和調節(jié)這些過程的能力。隨著第二語言學習策略研究的深入,元認知在語言學習中的重要作用已逐漸被肯定。O’Malley &Chamot(1990)認為元認知策略控制了認知策略的使用,在很大程度上,學習者的學習成功取決于元認知策略使用的成敗與否。因此,元認知策略對于促進和改善外語學習極其重要。聽力理解(listening comprehension)是指對所聽內容的理解能力,即領會言語含義的能力。在語言交際的過程中,聽懂尤其重要,人們只有在聽懂對方語言的前提下,才能獲得對方的信息,傳達正確的信息。國外語言學家W. M Rivers和M. S. Tamperly 對以英語為母語的成年人在聽說讀寫四個方面的交際活動作了調查,結果表明聽占語言交際活動總和的45%,是領會和吸收知識的最主要途徑。自20世紀80年代以來,聽力理解能力的培養(yǎng)策略研究逐漸成為語言學研究的熱點,本文試圖從元認知策略中計劃策略、監(jiān)控策略及調節(jié)策略角度探析英語聽力理解能力。



Task: you will hear a short conversation. After conversa-tion,there will be a pause of ten seconds. When you hear a question,you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A,B,C,D.

You will hear:

W: Are you catching the 10:15 flight to New Work?

M: No,I’ll leave this evening.

Q: What are the two persons talking about?

You will read:

A. New Work City.

B. An evening party.

C. A plane trip.

D. The man’s job.

若學習者在聽音之前利用短時間瀏覽答案,不難選出正確答案是C. A plane trip。故在聽力過程中,人們在理解、吸收輸入信息的時候,需要將輸入信息與已知信息(或概念)即背景知識聯(lián)系起來。筆者有以下認識:

1.1 提前計劃——對將要聽力活動材料進行預覽并確定策略

學習者應建立自己的聽力理解目標,思考該如何使用即將聽到的材料來完成任務?在聽力活動中可以做些什么?應當做什么?對聽力材料有了清晰的認識,然后建立應該完成任務策略。如聽力材料是一篇短文時,學習者可以通過采用筆記(Note-taking)方法來完成任務。下面以2010年12月大學英語四級考試全真題聽力部分的Passage one為例,說明在聽力過程中如何運用筆記法策略。

One of the greatest heartbreaks for fire fighters occurs when they fail to rescue a child from a burning building because the child,frightened by smoke and noise,hides under a bed or in a closet and is later found dead. Saddest of all is when children catch a glimpse of the masked fire fighter but hide because they think they have seen a monster. To prevent such tragedies,fire fighter Eric Velez gives talks to children in his community,explaining that they should never hide during a fire. He displays fire fighters’ equipment,including the oxygen mask,which he encourages his listeners to play with and put on.“If you see us,” Velez tells them,“don’t hide! We are not monsters. We have come to rescue you.” Velez gives his presentations in English and Spanish. Growing up in San Francisco,he learnt Spanish from his immigrant parents. Velez and other fire fighters throughout North America,who give similar presentations,will never know how many lives they save through their talks. But it’s a fact that informative speaking saves lives. For example,several months after listening to an informative speech,Pete Gentry in North Carolina rescued his brother who is choking on food,by using the method taught by student speaker,Julie Paris. In addition to saving lives,informative speakers help people learn new skills,solve problems and acquire fascinating facts about the exciting world in which they live.




F ● ↓bed


其中,1代表一個,♂表示消防員,用一個帶有上箭頭圓圈代表消防員;×代表失??;R代表 rescue;F代表frightened,●代表煙,↓代表躲在……下面。



1.2 制訂聽力理解重點


Imagine that someone in your neighborhood broke the law,and the judge put the whole neighborhood under suspicion.How fair will that be? Well,it happens everyday to high scholars. Just because some students have stolen things in shops,all of us are treated like thieves. Even though I’d never steal.

Store employees looked at me like I’m some kind of hardened criminal. For example,during one lunch period,my friend Denny and I went to the Graben Gore Restaurant to have a hot dog. We arrived to find a line of students waiting outside.A new sign in the window told the story. “No more than two students at a time”. After 15 minutes,we finally got in. But the store manger laid the evil eye on us. I asked him about the new sign,and he said,“You kids are stealing too much stuff.” You kids? Too much stuff? We were not only assumed to be thieves,but brilliant,greedy thieves. The most annoying thing though,is the way employees watched my friends and me. It’s horrible.

Once,at a drug store,I was looking around and found a guy standing on a large box,stocking the shelves. He was watching my hands,more than he was watching his own. I showed him that my hands were empty. He got down off his box and rushed off,as if he was going to get the store manger.How crazy is that!

33. What does the speaker find to be unfair?

34. What measure did the Graben Gore Restaurant take to stop stealing?

35. What happened in a drug store that greatly annoyed the speaker?


Imagine that someone in your neighborhood broke the law and the judge put the whole neighborhood under suspicion,how fair would that be? Well! It happens every day to high-scholars.






故筆者認為,學習者聽音訓練時,在每個對話提問之后會停頓13秒鐘的時間,充分利用這個間隔,根據之前的預判,結合聽到的內容,在 9-11秒內排除干擾項,得出正確選項,剩余2-4秒快速閱讀下道題的各個選項,通過關鍵詞和重點結構預判對話的主題及需要分辨的核心詞語。


NO 選項監(jiān)控策略1 A. Opposite a big store on maple street B. Next to a big store on maple street C. Beside the new bookstore on maple street D. Next to the new bookstore on market street兩組重點對比:Big-new,store-bookstore一組弱對比:Opposite-Next to對比組為聽音中需要重點分辨詞。2 A. Ping pong B. Volleyball C. Football D. Tennis這四詞是關于運動,聽前應判斷為提到一項或三項,最后剩一項3 A. He can’t help the girl with her English.B. He will help the girl with her English.C. He doesn’t want to help the girl with her English.D. He wants the girl to do some cooking.四項都含有 he,the girl,help,English或 cooking,故可預測是男子關于幫助學習英語的態(tài)度,可能和cooking有關。態(tài)度的判斷為重點。

4 A. Mar.18th B. Mar. 30th C. Mar.20th D. Mar.28th四項都是日期,聽音中注意時間,包括日期的加減。5 A. She’d like to go shopping with the man.B. She’s going to visit her sister.C. She’d like to take care of her sick sister.D. She’s going to look after her sister’s child.四項都涉及She,三項都涉及her sister,暗示女士的發(fā)言為聽音重點,尤其要注意和她sister的活動。6 A. At 8 B. At 8:05 C. At 8:25 D. At 8:30四項都是時間數字,暗示時間數字為聽音重點。7 A. She doesn’t want another cup of tea.B. She’s fond of drinking tea.C. They should prepare some more tea.D. They’re out of tea.四項里都是關于tea的態(tài)度或評價,聽音時需要注意發(fā)言者的評價或態(tài)度。8 A. Professor Cai is not a successful teacher.B. Professor Cai must be very popular among her students.C. The girl likes Professor Cai’s class very much.D. The girl is one of Professor Cai’s students.四項都涉及Professor Cai,兩項含有The girl對Professor Cai的態(tài)度,暗示聽音時要著重聽女孩的發(fā)言。9 A. The man appreciates CaiYun’s sense of humor,but the woman doesn’t.B. The woman appreciates CaiYun’s sense of humor,but the man doesn’t.C. The man doesn’t think CaiYun is humorous at all.D. Both the man and the woman think CaiYun has a good sense of humor.四項都涉及到交談者對CaiYun的態(tài)度,故聽音時要著重聽兩位交談者表明的態(tài)度,可能會涉及一些暗示性表達。最好聯(lián)系語音語調進行猜測的準備。



調節(jié)策略是根據對認知活動結果的檢查,如發(fā)現問題,則采取相應的補救措施,根據對認知策略的效果的檢查,及時修正、調整認知策略。例如,當學習者在進行聽音訓練中意識到聽不明白材料的某一部分時,他們就會退回去聽困難的段落、在聽力困難或不熟的材料時放慢速度。測驗時跳過某個難題,先做簡單的題目等。這時就需要對認知活動結果檢查并采用相應的補救措施,幫助學習者矯正學習行為,補救理解上的不足(即在聽音訓練中,對預測差錯和采用的信息解碼策略進行及時調整;在聽音訓練后,根據信息總體的背景和結構進行理解)。如在聽力材料中常會出 Thanksgi-ving Day,April Fool Day等,學習者如對西方的節(jié)日不了解,就會感到頭腦一片迷茫。這時應采用補救措施,即學習者應多了解適當的英語國家的背景知識,擴大知識面。而擴大知識面,才能解決內容上的問題,認真梳理并熟悉在特定情景中的語言交際的場合及功能,才能消除在風俗習慣差異方面的聽力理解障礙,提高理解能力。








[6]Flavell,J,H. Metacognitive and cognitive monitoring:A new area of cognitive development inquiry. American Psychologist,1976,P901-911.

[7]O’Malley,J.M.,Chamot,A. U. &Kupper,L. Listening comprehend-sion strategies in second language acquisition. Applied Linguistics,1989(4).



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